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2061. 5 Sep 2009 20:44


Hi Peaches. (chuckles - but truly, I think that's a great name. Bet NO ONE ever forgets your name. And ha ha - I remember the Ima and Yura Hogg names. Horrible. Spouse works for the school district nearby and used to work with kid records a lot. He'd come home dying with laughter about some of the first names. How about Jazzman, Tequila, "C," and there are many more.

And you are right about NE Kansas. BEAUTIFUL area. My great-grandma grew up in Sparks, Kansas. She also lived in or around White Cloud. It's a LOVELY area! Didn't know folks there were trying to keep it a secret but good for them!

2062. 5 Sep 2009 21:27


I have been out of work for the last week because my daughter has had the flu and we have been put on LOCK DOWN!! LOL I would like to say that I was able to read all 2016 post on Channel Baldur but I cant, but what I have read has been really entertaining!
marius my best girlfriend in high school was Laurie but pronounced Lori!
And sheftali the only Peaches I have ever known was the singer from Peaches and Herb!

2063. 5 Sep 2009 22:27


One of my girlfriends growing up had a mother named Peaches.

I have a friend who's parents name him first middle and last names starting with K on purpose. His mom says because it looked better than CKK but I think I'd have gone with somethin' else.

He was dating a black girl at one point and there were "issues."

2064. 5 Sep 2009 22:30


My favorite grandmother, my mom's mother in law, was a Laura but LOORA was how they pronounced it, I like LARAH Better myself.

2065. 5 Sep 2009 22:48


On names....My grandma's name was Effie Nell she hated it! Just to make her mad we would call her Effie! She said it sounded like a cows name!LOL
I guess some of my family has some pretty funny names. My other grandmothers name was Minnie and my grandfathers name was Strippling, they called him Strip.
My great aunt Ruby was married to Hump. I later learned his name was really Humphry. But we also called aunt Ruby...aunt Boo. My sister couldnt say Ruby it came out Booby. It was shortend to Boo!
My ex-husbands granddad was named Zeno which I thought was kind of cool!

2066. 6 Sep 2009 06:15


Marius, LOL @ Robin Bank. I swear this is one point I was dating a guy with the last name Banks! It never got so serious that I considered marriage, but the name certainly crossed my mind. I LOVED it! My last name starts with D., so I'd have made that my middle initial, just so I could be Robin D. Banks! Too bad that guy was a drunk!

The funniest name I have come across was the wife of a patient of mine. My patient's last name was Butts (I'm not making this up, honestly!) and he married a girl named Wendy. Now, in Idaho, short "e"s are pronounced more like we pronounced "i"s in New York, so people here would call someone named Wendy "Windy". Put that together with the last name Butts and you will get a good chuckle!

Too bad I'm not revealing my real last name online, cuz I'd share with you what i wanted to name my son and why. My ex totally vetoed the name, but it was subtly hilarious! My son is 12 now, and when I tell him what I wanted to name him, he wishes I had. No way to know when they're born how tough-skinned or funny they'll be!

Good night all!

2067. 6 Sep 2009 07:21


Gee whiz - what great names!!! I love Effie Nell, but then I suspect, like our host (and btw - where is he?) - I actually prefer some aspects of previous centuries, (excluding appalling lack of rights for women and children). Anyway names: we had several older relatives with names you don't hear much now: Josephine, Winifred, Edith, Ehtel, Wilber, Herman ... but none of those names top "Windy Butts." Am sure "Wendy" has been teased a great deal. : ) Thanks for the smiles all!

2068. 6 Sep 2009 07:53


I've been researching my husbands family tree and found a Hezekiah, born early 1830s. The name surprised us all.

2069. 6 Sep 2009 08:23


ok, so names.... i have a huge family so people have had to get creative.- My mom's name is Pebbles, really- not a nickname or anything that's the name my grandparents gave her when she was born-she is a td-er so if you see the name- it's my mom.

she's not nearly the most unusual. we have an Indika (in-Dick-uh) Falcon(like the bird) Koin and his son Kash. Koin has several siblings.-Ked, Kal, Kamla, Kisha. We also have a family where the 3 children are all Stones for first name and plants for the middle. sapphire rose, jade forest, and jasper sage.

then we have several people with names that are nearly the same. Quaden, Caden, Aden. Ambrynn, amber, kamber. Jolene, jolynn.

My grandparents -Vergie, and velda(pronounced Vel-dee)

there are many many more unusual names in my family. On a side note- My youngest is Alexis Marie- my grandfather has a hard time remembering Alexis so he calls her 'Little Miss Morning Time'- because her initials are AM

2070. 6 Sep 2009 10:56


My exwife Sandra and I had quite a challenge picking out baby names.
First we decided not to repeat any names already in use in either family or among our friends. Her family is huge.
Then we had to deal with my surname which is a tangled mass of Lithuanian consonants. Shorter names sound best when attached to it.

She was determined that be it boy or girl her first baby was going to be named Ashley, beyond that she was open minded. I actually have never liked that name, but prayed for a daughter.
Having that as a daughter's name was definitely preferable to having it as my son's name.
Out came a baby girl and despite my pointing out that all 8 other baby girls in the maternity ward were named 'Ashley', she still got that name.
We added Noelle for a middle name, and no she wasn't born anywhere near Christmas. I was gunning to just spell it Noel, hating excess letters but my wife was the one to sign the birth certificate and Ashley Noelle became the official name.
My daughter never liked the name Ashley either, but it has grown on her.
All through school she was one of many girls with the same name.
Her daddy tends to call her Miss Noel.
She also loves seeing her Christmas gifts wrapped in 'Noel' paper.

2071. 6 Sep 2009 11:12


Im an Ashley too. I was never the only Ashley in my grade there was once 5 of us in a class of 17-that was miserable the teacher had to use our last names to tell us apart, i would have preferred to have a more unique name.- though now it has grown on me and i am used to it.

2072. 6 Sep 2009 11:14


I have a friend who's last name is Koch (pronounced 'Coke') and his parents came dangerously close to naming him Ryan before they started saying it out loud and realized their child would be 'Rye and Coke'. My friend knew a girl named Iona Beirwagon, I'm geussing she got invited to a lot of parties in college. And the best one I think I've heard of was a patient of my mom's back in the day when she was a Occupational Therapist. Her patients name was Sparkle Plenty.

2073. 6 Sep 2009 11:17


My first name is Lindsay and as a child I never knew anyone of the same name. When I was in grade 9 there was a girl in grade 7 whose first name was Lindsey and her last name was only 2 letters different from mine (even weirder was our dads were business partners but we'd never actually met) and now my brother is married to a Lindsey whose maiden name (which she kept) is only 2 letters different from mine.

2074. 6 Sep 2009 11:25


Our second baby was a son. We wrangled over this name as much as the first, but at least the name 'Ashley' was now out of the running.
I might add that her mother made every effort to suggest lists of baby names. She came up with dozens. None even made it into our top 10.
A pet peeve of mine was names that could be shortened into something cute: Mikey, Joey, Georgie, Stevie, Timmy all made me cringe. I remember being called 'Stevie' by relatives years ago and hated it. (To this day those who meet me get my name as 'Steven, not Steve'.)
We had lots of choices on the table all of them short and relatively tamper-proof:
Cole, Rye, Nathan (Nate wouldn't annoy me), Warren, Rex.
What eventually won was 'Nile'; Not Niles which sounded pretentious, just Nile.
Dear Lord, the way the grandparents went on and on you'd think we named him 'Satan'. They hated that name from the moment they heard it,
and they didn't hear it at all until after the paperwork was signed. For years they persisted in calling him Neil, Niles, Miles or whatever else came into their heads until he himself was old enough to correct them.
Oddly, everyone else loved the name . All through school it was never a problem, his friends thought it was a cool name, the teachers always commented on it whenever we met them for the first time.
His middle name was inspired by a coffee shop that was in business at the time near Brown University. We were often in the neighborhood. The place was called 'Arran's'. We never met the person who inspired the name but Nile Arran had a nice ring and it stuck.
There was the issue of people trying to correct the spelling to 'Aaron' but they got over it.

2075. 6 Sep 2009 13:26


What a wonderful Sunday, Baldur made himself a bowl of hummus with some roasted red peppers pureed into it for his supper.
Robert is having italian sausage with rice pilaf.

2076. 6 Sep 2009 15:19


Robin is having Chicken salad sandwich on toast for what could be considered her breakfast before work tonight. However, ironically, I was thinking earlier that we were due for another recipe episode of Radio Baldur. It's been awhile. I love the garrison keillor feel to all these stories, but where's our gardening tips? LOL

2077. 6 Sep 2009 16:51


Goldie is having soup &pasta

2078. 6 Sep 2009 17:21


Well for supper tonight we had....fried corn with red and green peppers, grilled baja lime chicken and limy louies, thats what we cal lima beans!lol
It was so good!
Is there any way to find out what pages some of the recipies are posted, Ive read through some of the posts but I only found a few recipies. Just alot of pages to go through.
Maybe we should start a new thread with just recipies kind of like a TD cookbook. What you guys tghink?

2079. 6 Sep 2009 17:24



2080. 6 Sep 2009 19:17


Baldur, I like your given name, and every one else's names too. But, I see we're on to food now.

Has Baldur shared his hummus recipe? I've tried several and they are never as good as what I get at the Middle Eastern restaurant. Even tried my own twists and turns, and grand daughter made some - good, but NOT as good as the guys from Jordan make it. I'm all ears (or eyes).

Wondering if Baldur also likes dolmas and can make those? Spouse learned to make Musaka and it is superb.