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2041. 3 Sep 2009 16:52


Also marius, I'm glad you finally caught the clues for the last puzzle.
Better late than never.

2042. 3 Sep 2009 18:27


Well, "Gay Bear 101" was most educational! Thank you oh one who lives at, but is not, Chez Baldur! : )

Also, I could not figure out why you would be offended as you don't seem to be one who runs around taking offense ... just happy all is well.

And, as Baldur knows so many tidbits, am not surprised he also knows his meds, or at least some of them! Turns out the cough syrup is indeed opiate based! Who knew?

However, the cough syrup cannot be blamed for calling you Chez Baldur. My mind believed that Chez (which I can pronouce correctly) means "chef." My mind was wrong (as it often is) and there you have it! Of course ... upon reconsidering, why did my mind believe that??? Perhaps is WAS the cough syrup. We shall never know. : )

2043. 4 Sep 2009 09:50


Ah, Baldur, loved your bio. I too become enthused over a man in a good suit though I tend towards the tall, slim variety.

2044. 4 Sep 2009 09:53


Oh, and Robin, I'm glad you find my kitty stories entertaining. I find my cats to be endlessly entertaining to myself but I often wonder if I talk about them a little too much. At work I can have long drawn out conversations regarding nothing more than the antics of pesty cats, but I work in a vet clinic so I don't think that's all that unusual.

2045. 4 Sep 2009 17:53


It's been a while since we've had a musical interlude here on Radio Baldur.
Let me present the Radio Baldur Shadow Puppet Theatre, here again after a long hiatus. This is their rendition of the Jonny Mercer song 'Lazybones' ,
music by Hoagy Carmichael.

Lazy bones, sleepin' in the sun
How you 'spect to get your day's work done?
Never get your day's work done
Sleepin' in the noonday sun

Lazy bones, sleepin' in the shade
How you 'spect to get your corn meal made?
Never get your corn meal made
Sleepin' in the evening shade

When taters need sprayin'
I bet you keep prayin'
Worms fall off of the vine
And when you go fishin'
I bet you'll be wishin'
Fish would jump on the line

Lazy bones, dozin' through the day
How you 'spect to make a dime that way?
Never make a dime that way
Never heard a word I say

2046. 4 Sep 2009 19:05


Like Johnny Mercer so went to youtube, and hearing Lazybones lyrics WITH music brought it back. Not sure where I heard it before - but nice!!!

So, what made you think of this song? Are you secretly a bit sad to see the green of summer go? Or have you been enjoying a bit of laziness?

Which brings up a question - IS Baldur ever lazy? And, if so, what is "lazy" to you? It always astonishes and amazes what other people consider lazy and even more so, that many consider it a bad thing. [Personally I think every one should have a lazy day, or two, or three, or .... : )]

2047. 4 Sep 2009 19:14


That song reminded me of my mom...she would sometimes awaken me with that song on a Saturday morning (or more likely afternoon!) I can almost hear her singing it in her fake southern drawl! LOL

I had an aunt who lived down the street and she loved to sing country music, too. I always think of her singing the song, Oh Lord, It's Hard to Be Humble! the only lyrics I remember were:

Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way.
I can't wait to look in the mirror.
I get better looking each day!
To know me is to love me,
I must be a helluva man!
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble,
But I'm doin' the best that I can!

There was another one she liked called May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose, but I can't remember any of those lyrics.

As for laziness, I am good at it! My idea of a lazy day is to not get showered or dressed til like 5pm. I did that today. I still did some laundry, and a load of dishes, and made dinner, but I wasted a lot of time on Thinkdraw and surfing the net, too! Now I have to finish some chores, cuz tomorrow, it's my son's football game in the morning, then a nap before my 12-hour night shift. Sometimes it's hard to find time for laziness, but I seem to manage!

2048. 4 Sep 2009 19:15


Baldur loves being lazy.
Somedays I feel that I get nothing accomplished at all but when I mentally tick off my list of what did get finished at the end of each day the result susually come as a surprise.

Baldur first encountered 'Lazybones' as sung by Leon Redbone. Dare I add that I've seen Mr Redbone perform live at least a dozen times?
He appears at least once a year in nearby Woonsocket at Chan's Eggroll & Jazz concert venue.
Chan's is a fun place to go for Chinese food, but there are at least a couple concerts there a week. John Chan is especially fond of the Blues and the quality of the acts he books there is amazing.

2049. 4 Sep 2009 19:16



2050. 4 Sep 2009 19:34


This is great - more who love lazy days! But I wonder, must one get something "accomplished" on a lazy day, afternoon, etc.?

I ask because I THINK I am "accomplishing" something when I lay on the bench under the arbor and watch the leaves of our ash tree, watch the wren scolding me for being there, listen to the sounds of the wind, hear the neighbor kids giggling while they roll down the hill in their yard, and on and on.

Spouse says, "But after you do all that - what do you have to show for it?" He is ever practical. I smile real big and say, "what I have to show for the day is what I'm feeling inside! And, you can't buy that at any store!" He just shakes his head and says, "Well, I can tell you always feel good after a long day of laziness." EXACTLY!!! : )

2051. 4 Sep 2009 19:37


Robin - I LOVE that humble song! What a hoot! Glad you find time to be lazy. Not showering, dressing etc. until late in the day is also a glorious thing. Ahhhh.

Used to know lyrics to Bird of Paradise ... don't anymore. Your Aunt sounds like a character.

2052. 4 Sep 2009 20:06


So, I just got an email with an even FUNNIER country song! It's called "I'm my Own Grandpa" Here's the link:

2053. 4 Sep 2009 20:24


Very cute Robincr, - have heard it before. It could be true. Spouse's son is 13 yrs younger than spouse. It was an adoption, but still ... when we got married I suddenly had a step-son and daughter-in-law nine years younger than me!

Told them to never call me "mom!" They laughed and agreed. But, then they adopted four children and I became a grandma. That was a shock as I didn't know you could be a grandma without having had children. It's been a real delight anyway!

2054. 4 Sep 2009 20:58


Marius, I can relate. My ex is ten years younger than me. (hence the name Robin D CR8L) but the guy I was seeing for the past 4 years is 10 years older than me. He is the exact same age as my ex-father-in-law (my son's grandpa) who I would never have CONSIDERED dating, even if I had not ever been with my ex. His daughter is the same age as my ex. It's all kind of gross when you put too much thought into it! LOL

2055. 4 Sep 2009 22:29


Uhhh. You all may be rednecks!

Welcome to the club!

2056. 5 Sep 2009 10:12


may the bird of paradise fly up your nose
may an elephant caress you with his toes
may your wife be plagued with runners in her hose,
may the bird of paradise fly up your nose

story of my life, as rendered by little Jimmy Dickens (he's little but he's loud0

2057. 5 Sep 2009 12:17


Robin ... you mean your real name is NOT Robin? And how funny the way you arrived at that name! I have a friend who's partner is 22 years younger than she is. They've dated ten years but friend's daugher has not come to terms with it yet. She said, "It's creepy to think I could have a step dad who is YOUNGER than me." : )

gwinnyb - funny lyrics. Is that all? I'll have to look it up.

2058. 5 Sep 2009 14:44


My real name IS robin, but I added D Cr8L cuz it seemed funny and appropriate. That was many years ago, though.

2059. 5 Sep 2009 19:47


Okay, my real name is Laura, pronounced LAR-uh. (Please, none of that LOOR-uh stuff for me, or for heaven's sake - Laurie either.)

Also - knew a girl whose name was "Robin Banks." She couldn't wait to get married and change THAT name!

2060. 5 Sep 2009 20:22


Sheftali continues to enjoy the stories on Channel Baldur, even as she continues to visit with hubby's family here in Kansas. Folks think Kansas is flat and uninteresting, and all about The Wizard of Oz. Nay nay, they are wrong! Northeast Kansas where I am is full of wooded areas and rolling hills in addition to the rich farm land. Quite lovely, and the residents prefer to keep it a secret! As for revelations about names, Sheftali confesses that her name is really Peaches. You think I'm kidding??? Well, it's true. Imagine being a career military woman with a name like that! Every time I was assigned to a new base, the folks there would say they were waiting to see what I looked like (?) And the unanimous vote was that I didn't look like a Peaches (5'3", and of Japanese/German ethnicity). Having an unusual name is a good and bad thing. When you want to be remembered, an out of the ordinary name is great. On the other hand, if you do something stupid and wish to be forgotten, you are indeed still remembered (as Sheftali can attest). Still, I am happy not to be Ima Hogg or Yura Hogg. Cheers!