Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XLIV

201. 19 May 2010 17:03


Morshy, I'm gettin out the whip now...we need a new ThinkWrite.

202. 19 May 2010 18:36


Did morshy go into hiding on us? What to do, what to do...I'll be without internet service for at least 4 days that I know of.

If morshy doesn't start a new ThinkWrite within the next couple of days I appoint giraffe as my proxy to choose a new torchbearer since he was the former torchbearer. Hope that's ok with everyone.

203. 19 May 2010 19:21


midnight et al.

I've never stopped contributing. D'uh.

204. 19 May 2010 19:31


If Morshy doesn't respond or want to do it, I'd choose Dragon. Some folks don't do this as a competion and she embodies that. What are we competing for? I hope morshy picks it up though. But if not, Go Dragon.

Anotherronism has started a new thread that DEMANDS exact word count and use of every word. I wrote one for it and broke the rules. There HAS to be a compromise in here somewhere.

On the other hand, if anotherronism decides to come back to blow up his other creation and keep IT from evolving, I don't know if I want to be a part of that either.

Is it despotic to demand rules or to resist rules? I hope we get a compromise.

205. 19 May 2010 19:53


giraffe. I'm not a mean person. But you are such a dumbass. I mean - a titanic Dumass! (Sp intentional). You embody everything I've been saying and continue to do it and actually think you're clever.


A new thread. A new thread. And demanding an exact word-count no less. Wow. I am such an ass for that.

Giraffe! That's the first ThinkWrite. Look at the dates. God. You are stupid!

206. 19 May 2010 20:15


“Still Me” by Ron

It’s quiet now.

I inch away from him and ever so quietly slip off the bed. He’s snoring. Good. I feel through the dark with my feet. I know where the bathroom is because they took me there to prepare.

I ease the door shut and apply pressure to the switch. The light is blinding.

And there I am. In the mirror. Bruised and torn but it’s me. It’s me. It’s still me.

My first task is to fish through the gratis supplies. I have an older sister. I know what these are. I staunch the slow purple flow from my rectum with one of them. I’ve felt the blood flowing since he was spent but what could I do?

My gaze again finds the mirror. He bruised me down there with his fat lips and his sluggish tongue – his battery of my flesh and his constant shifts from down there to back there to those too – no lie he took me between heaven and hell – from the stratosphere to the unholiest caverns of hell.

I’m angry at him. But I’m more angry at them. But they aren’t here. And I’m still me. And he’s passed out out there. And there’s stuff in here.

All these stupid motel conveniences; they’re each a contestant in some bizarre reality show: vying for my attention. I settle on the iron. Brute force? Maybe? But let it heat up first is a nice, nice option.

I’m completely at peace when I burn him. It’s such a simple thing. Really.

I think his name was Quix-something… Quixmickle or Quixote. Anyway. He told me to call him “Sir”.

It stinks in here and he’s still screaming. I look for my clothes. I remember they took them.

Not a problem. Not bothered by it. You?

I sulk into the hallway – portrait of an abused boy – naked – bloody kotex in my ass. But I’m still me.

207. 19 May 2010 20:20


giraffe. Go away. Really.

Despotic. OMG! LoL.

Again with the "his OTHER creation". You are so irrelevant.

I have to say it again folks. You won't but - forgive me.


208. 19 May 2010 22:14


And to all of you - really - all of you.

Not one of you took up the simple challenge of "Burke".

And, alas, I continue to be saddened.

209. 19 May 2010 23:26


See comment 186 on this board. I DID comment on Burke. Maybe YOU should read, read, read. Now I'm a "stupid dumbass and you want me to go away. I will go, but I want you to realize that I respect you for starting ThinkWrite. I also want you to recognize that you started the hugest bitch fight over creativity I have ever seen. You have a major ego problem, Dude.

I've worked in many rock bands where ego problems have to be worked out and YOU make them look like Shirley Temple.

Good bye. This is YOUR domain. I posted on your other thread using your words, so I guess you have banished me to be the lone wolf from both and in parting I'd like to say Fuck You.

210. 19 May 2010 23:30


Nice and, as always, well written - at your level I mean. Good riddance.

211. 19 May 2010 23:33


What's your problem with me? Is it that I dont worship you for starting this blog? There are others.

212. 19 May 2010 23:36


"At my level?" Good riddance? You don't know who you are being so arrogant with.

213. 19 May 2010 23:40


What's my problem with you? You are irrelevant and keep posting as if you think you are not.

Say something interesting - anything. And I'll fall at your feet. But blab-blab-blab all this nothingness and I will call out your BS. Every time. Every single time.

214. 19 May 2010 23:41


And THAT is my curse. Don't cry for me Argentina tho. Cause it just ain't like that. But it do it in life and I'll do it here.

If you (anyone) is going to go vocal against me then I will respond. And I'll do it with all barrels firing.

Slay me silly dragon. Or die trying.

215. 19 May 2010 23:45


I am so irrelevant that I've posted over 120 stories here while you've done two. Now God shows back up to take ego power. Dude, talk to your therapist.

216. 19 May 2010 23:52


Again with you: Yawn. Two? Really? Just those two? Really? Oh my God - you can count can't you?

And your critical review of them is astounding. your insight. Your comments. So insightful to my TWO stories.

And my ego?

I am saddened by what has happened here. And YOU are what has happened here.

It just sucks now.

And you are such an integral part of it sucking.

And that you don't understand that and continue to lash out is what makes is suck so bad.

My ego. Me. Yeppers. You nailed it.

You and the other "writers" and torch bearers hold no blame. TW sucks because Ron came back and used some modicum of influence. Did I do that? Really?

All I've done is say how bad it's gotten. How pat-on-the-back crazy; how poor the submissions are - how weak the crap.

And you took up arms against me. You. Personally. You.

How uncomfortable did I make you feel.

What is actually happening right now? Right now?

Why do you hate me? Because I've singled you out? Or because something might actually resonate as true and maybe it's painful?


217. 19 May 2010 23:57


I challenge all of you. Don't respond to me with all-guns-a-blazing. Just write something good. Make me cry. Make me feel something. Do it!

I know you can. You used to.

Use this word list or don't. Use that word count or don't. It doesn't matter.

But work at it. It's about the work and the craft - not the schmaltz and the accolades. Make it mean something. Write it but refine it and refine it some more. Bring it to it's essence. Ask yourself - is this good? Then ask yourself - is this great? and if it isn't then don't post it.

Look deep - participate - get driven - no shortcuts. Stop it!

218. 20 May 2010 01:23


The problem, anotherron is that we're trying to have fun here. None of us is professional or we'd be spending our time writing books or theses. If you want to take the fun out of it and act like an old school marm, go ahead and sit here writing to yourself.

It's 2010 - not 1850. The people who draw here do it to explore creativity. We all start out crude and then get better. Your rudeness in a forum like this is offensive. Are you a professional artist or writer? Tell us your credentials so we know whom is insulting us.

219. 20 May 2010 15:46


midnight, finally got to read chapter 4 ... finding this progression, and the process of it (bits at a time) most enjoyable. Thank you!

220. 20 May 2010 15:48


I've got the rest of it in my head, just waiting for an outlet to come out. I think I know how their story ends, I just need to get there. I'm enjoying this, whether the writing is crap or not. I've never written a series like this before.