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Forums - Community - For those who like to know about other cultures

201. 1 Oct 2009 14:34


I have seen many of the chinese take out places switching over to styrofoam trays with locking lids here in south carolina over the last few years. Same thing in Virginia where I moved from...

202. 1 Oct 2009 14:51


The chinese resturant where we get take out still has the boxes and they are always so messy!! But the food is so yummy!!!

203. 1 Oct 2009 15:04


Well, now I am starving & am now discussing going out for chinese food... I hope you are happy...

204. 1 Oct 2009 15:14


OK... My order is in & my son is on his way to pick it up... Whhhhoooooooo Hhhhhoooooo...

205. 1 Oct 2009 16:37


Polenta, movies and tv shows DO promote specific items in the US market. Sometimes in movies you'll see someone drinking a coke or maybe a budweiser beer. I've read that those companies have to PAY to have their product label shown within the context of the movie. So, I'm not sure how it works, but lots of times people use products in a movie and you can't tell what brand it is - so then no advertisement.

I was wondering - are movies big entertainment in Uruguay? If so, who produces most that are shown? Uruguay, Brazil, USA, other? And, if it's a movie from another country do you have to read subtitles or do they dub in a new voice for each actor in the movie so you can hear the movie in your own language? ?Actually, they don't dub movies for the USA much anymore. Used to be that some of the Japanese movies were dubbed. It was awful - the words did not every match the way the mouth moved and generally, the voices didn't seem to match the faces either.

206. 1 Oct 2009 16:59


It's becoming really common for companie to pay to have their brand in TV shows. They say it's because so many people are starting to watch shows on-line or on one of those machines where you can store a show for later then watch with out the ads. That's why if you watch NCIS you'll notice that everybody drives a brand new Dodge and on 24 you'll see almost nothing but Fords. They say it's a good investment because a TV commercial only lasts for a few seconds but implanting your product into the show itself means your brand shows up on all the re-runs and everybody who buys the DVD's sees it for all eternity. I just hate it when it's really obvious, I once watched a movie where the characters were being chased through an arena and every wall had a Blockbuster Video ad on it. I think in real life the arena might have more than 1 type of ad on their wall. It was ridiculously blatent.

207. 1 Oct 2009 17:34


Marius....ALWAYS WITH SUBTITLES for movies except some children movies which could have two versions, one with subtitles and another dubbed (Disney etc.)
On TV it's another story. Open Uruguayan channels have EVERYTHING DUBBED or directly in Spanish. If it's dubbed it usually comes from somewhere like Mexico in a "neutral" Spanish
On cable TV you have both, dubbed or with subtitles. I think subtitles are not so good for TV because up to now screens weren't so big. Now LCD and Plasma have changed things.
When I was much younger Hollywood was the main source of films but we did also see Italian, French and also some Argentinian or Mexican films but now it's mainly American films. There has been an awakening of Uruguayan flims lately and they've won prizes in international festivals but it's not massive.

208. 1 Oct 2009 17:42


As for television, it's full of Argentinian programs. We know all their stars and celebrities. We also have some soap operas (boo!!!) from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile etc.
Also on cable TV we have lots of channels from many countries in the world: Italian RAI, channels from Mexico, channels from Brazil, Chile, Spain, the Basque area in Spain, German Deutsche Welle, English BBC, Fox News, CNN in Spanish, a channel in French and others. Apart from that, others of course. I suppose the fact that we have people from so many European countries helps in having all these channels.

209. 1 Oct 2009 17:50


Hey polenta I noticed you mentioned that they use "nuetral" Spanish. What does that mean?

210. 1 Oct 2009 17:53


This Argentinian actress/presenter is an institution in Argentina and very famous here too. She has an everyday program where people go and have lunch for about two hours. She's spoken to presidents and ministers as well as show business people etc.
Her program has been on the air for more than 40 years. Can you guess how old she is? jpg e003.jpg

211. 1 Oct 2009 17:53


Sorry her name is Mirtha Legrand

212. 1 Oct 2009 17:58


She is in her late 60's? Facelifts right?

213. 1 Oct 2009 17:58


Neutral Spanish is something like standard American English and not with a heavy accent so that you can immediately recognize the person is from New York or the south or "black" English. In neutral Spanish they don't use regional terms or expressions and the pronunciation is standard. They would never use kind of Central American typical pronunciation and not even our pronunciation of one or two consonants.

214. 1 Oct 2009 18:02


Oh my goodness! It sounds really complicated!

215. 1 Oct 2009 18:07


I suppose they dub it in Mexico(?) and they distribute it all over Spanish America so they can't sound too regional. If not these series or films would be rejected. Imagine if all the Japanese series were dubbed into "black" English or British Cockney. Would it be accepted by every English speaker?

AND MIRTHA LEGRAND IS 82 OR MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

216. 1 Oct 2009 18:15


Look at her legs and her posture. Could you say she is almost in her mid-eighties? She's a miracle of nature and works a lot!!! -mirtha-legrand.jpg&imgrefurl= IHSatNxIfEnrbOvQWk_wnTpCxg=&h=400&w=500&sz=42&hl=es&start=60&tbnid=9kN6 79KGHNdD_M:&tbnh=104&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DmIRTHA%2BLEGRAND%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp% 3D20%26hl%3Des%26sa%3DN%26start%3D40

217. 1 Oct 2009 18:40


Its amazing what some money and a good doctor can do! The closest thing to her we have is Joan Rivers! vers66208.jpg&imgrefurl= mp;h=400&w=267&sz=137&tbnid=W9kTDP1_LjaanM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=83&prev=/imag es%3Fq%3Djoan%2Brivers&usg=__5581ElNO2PNlUrELE3as62z8cbQ=&ei=2mfFSpyAH92z8Qbfhqkr&s a=X&oi=image_result&resnum=8&ct=image

218. 1 Oct 2009 18:44


Joan Rivers is 76.

219. 1 Oct 2009 18:49


I know Joan Rivers. She gossips a lot. I think I've seen her on E.

Sorry my insitence but for whoever wants to see her on her program. I know surgeons do miracles... but to her legs???.... and look at her voice... is it the voice of an great grandmother? And remember she has a 2-hour program a day and many other activities. I couldn't help sending this address of You Tube where she is in one of her 2009 programs.

220. 1 Oct 2009 18:49
