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Forums - Community - Challenge LII - Ethnic Influences

21. 27 Sep 2010 17:21


This is a picture of the "Port of Dover" (South East England) it is one of the biggest roll on roll off ferry terminals in the world and is the Gateway to England. It has it's own police force (Harbour Board Police) and averages over 16'000'000 passengers every year. It is arguably the busiest port in the world. The port was formed in 1606 by Royal Charter on behalf of James the 1st. Dover is where I have lived for over twenty years.

22. 27 Sep 2010 18:08


Thank you Steve for adding the very meaningful pic for you.
16,000,000 passengers a year at one port... That's a huge number.
I googled the Port of Dover and found the White Cliffs. You drew really nice atmosphere in it.
I'd love to try the ferry next time when I'll go to England!

23. 28 Sep 2010 01:22


many years ago, in a dream, I was been this guy :-o

well, as my gradfather was born in Sicily, we could well have Viking (Norman) blood in our veins...

24. 28 Sep 2010 06:33


I love this tough guy yet having sweetness, Clorophilla!
Interesting and mysterious dream too.
Thank you for adding this!

25. 28 Sep 2010 21:55


hometown view from the sky

I'd never seen my hometown from the sky before!
I grew up at the house in front of ocean (don't take it wrong, ocean front is not necessary to be luxurious in Japan) in the Hakata Bay where you could catch variety of fishes and clams. Our family was poor and we ate those sea foods everyday, almost.

26. 28 Sep 2010 22:35


Great idea for the challenge, hanging! I'm glad you extended it.

My picture is of an indigenous Australian. Like most indigenous peoples throughout the world, the native people of Australia have suffered at the hands of whites. While they are no longer subject to the atrocities of the past, many still struggle.

It isn't possible to restore things to the way they were before the Europeans arrived, but I hope that it is possible for aboriginal Australians to rekindle their communities and culture and restore their sense of identity.

27. 29 Sep 2010 14:16


Mum, thank you so much for introducing aboriginal Australians to us.
Now I'm thinking back all the native people around the world who still have as same/similar struggles as aboriginal Australians. We should never forget about the facts.
And your pic captures his great will beautifully.

28. 29 Sep 2010 15:39


This craftsman kind of earrings is made by artisans here in Uruguay and they sell it in street markets or elsewhere. However I think this style is made all over and not only in our country, although quite typical and cheap here.

29. 29 Sep 2010 18:55


Thank you Polenta for adding this pic here.
The beautiful earrings mush have been so meaningful to you and I wish you'll find them.
(I used to wear that kind of earrings every day when I was younger. They are so pretty and attractive, aren't they? )

30. 29 Sep 2010 22:03


Now it's time to pass the baton to the next person.

There were not many entries to this challenge but still, it was great opportunity for me to get to know some people's ethnic background and thoughts, and especially, I'm thankful for those inputs along with the pictures.

As I said before in my previous challenge, I have no intention to make the judgement on any of pictures here. I just tried to understand each one's pic(s), researched the countries in geographies, histories, etc., which was fascinating!
And this is so difficult for me to pick one from you all who are incredibly talented.

Okay, the baton goes to Mum23!

Aboriginal Elder

This pic has made me re-think about the past, present and future of all native people like this indigenous Australian and wishing that many others at TD feel the same as I do.

31. 30 Sep 2010 13:30


Thank you for this challenge idea, hanging! It has been interesting to see these little snapshots from all around the world. We are so lucky these days to be able to communicate with and learn about people from across the globe.

Thank you for this most unexpected honour, hanging! I'll need a bit of thinking time to decide on the subject for the next challenge....

32. 30 Sep 2010 14:06


Mum, thank you for your acceptance. Looking forward to it!