Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - "Mugdots Challenge LXVII" "RAIN"

21. 10 Sep 2010 22:32


this is a recent "oldie" (missed the challenge just for few days...) by Danila, which deserve to be in this gallery anyway!
and - rosie, you may put your rules. Usually the pic can be submitted until the h.24 of the dead line day, and the baton is passed in the next day.

22. 12 Sep 2010 00:50


Thank you so much Clorophilla for all your help!

23. 12 Sep 2010 22:44


I've tried my best with fruits ("fruits" is hard for me! ) :

24. 13 Sep 2010 09:34


25. 13 Sep 2010 12:05



26. 13 Sep 2010 17:40


From Burgandy

"When the rain comes - you run and..."

27. 14 Sep 2010 00:26


for Funny Twesday and for rain challenge!

28. 21 Sep 2010 02:14


Thank you all so much for your wonderful "Rain" submissions! I will be
announcing the winner of the challenge mid-day on the 21st of Sept.
My husband is assisting in judging to keep it as fair and impartial as possible. We have narrowed it down to two so far! SOOOO close!

29. 21 Sep 2010 11:36


On Sept 3rd, I was passed the Mugdots baton and had no idea what to do with it!
Thank you Clorophilla for all your assistance! I chose "Rain" as the challenge theme and there have been some wonderful submissions.

Unfortunately many of them were older but, nonetheless terrific images!

The judging was completed by both my husband and myself. We found ourselves torn between the incredible rippled rain droplets of Clorophilla's pic, The lightening bolt of Mdawrcn's pic, and the warm tropical feel of Solange 62's walk in the rain.

Ultimately it was the power of that lightening bolt that got us! So, Congratulations Mdawrcn, I hereby pass the Mugdots baton on to you as the selected winner of
"Mugdots challenge LSVII 'Rain' theme".

Thank you all so much, Rosie

30. 21 Sep 2010 13:51


I am so surprised and honored!! Thank you so much 56rosie (and hubby) for choosing my Rainy Day pic and passing the baton to me. I have some thoughts churning around in my little brain and will have a new challenge for all of you brilliant artists very soon. Thanks again.

31. 22 Sep 2010 00:00


Mdawrcn....You are most welcome! Will be watching for your new
challenge theme!