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Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXIII

21. 22 Jul 2010 07:07


The OSRAM lamp

The OSRAM lamp was a very tall street neon lamp that was in the middle of the square at the central station of Rome (Stazione Termini).
It was custom for people to meet under this lamp, that was visible from every corner of the square.
this is an old view of this unmistakable landmark.

Now, try to imagine this scene without the lamp.
Many year ago, in fact, the lamp was removed, but the custom keeps up; people still meeted and dated in the same place at the middle of the square, although ther is no cue of that lamp anyway. So, it happened to wait "under the OSRAM" that, in fact, no more existed!

22. 22 Jul 2010 07:44


What an interesting story clorophilla! Thanks for entering this one in the challenge!

23. 22 Jul 2010 17:39


Yosemite Fall II

I drew Yosemite Fall once before and wanted to re-do so bad. And this challenge encouraged me to face it again.

I've been to Yosemite in California twice. The last time was really nice. My husband's parents who live out of US are so sweet and four of us got there together, enjoyed the views and barbecues, and had great time. But by driving through the loops in the mountain road, I recalled that my mother, sister and I visited there for the first time about 20 years ago.
My mother is quite a character whom I don't get along with too easy.
Anyway, it was in January, winter season, we left a hotel at the roots of the mountain in a very early morning. Luckily, the national park was open even though mountain roads in some area were still frozen. I drove a little more than an hour from the hotel and reached at loops, tires were sliding toward the cliffs. I tried to control the tires and make them through but they kept sliding, my sister and I were too scared to drive forward and decided to go back... And our mother said, "what a waste! Move forward!".
For her, Yosemite falls were more important than our lives??? What kind of mother is she???
The words were stuck in my mind throughout the trip and honestly, I couldn't enjoy that at all.
So at the second trip, which was a couple of months ago, I truly enjoyed the nature and on top of that, appreciated that I'm still alive!

24. 22 Jul 2010 17:45


Good you had the courage to go back and rewrite that bad memory with a positive experience. Thanks for entering this pic and sharing your experience with us!

25. 23 Jul 2010 17:18

Love park ( nickname for it, the official name is JFK Plaza), Its one of my favorite parks in center city, Philly. Its about a 40 min. drive and my marker for getting around that area of the city. I will put a link that will tell you about the park and why the fountain water changes color during events ( it;s pink in this picture for breast cancer month). read the link if you are interested:

26. 23 Jul 2010 19:05


Fantastic picture and really neat background info on the fountain. Loved the story of them dying in red for a Dexter promotion!

27. 24 Jul 2010 20:08


Great landmark and gotta love the pink water...what a great way to turn someones prank into a tool to draw attention to breast cancer! Thanks so much for entering this in the challenge!

28. 25 Jul 2010 07:45


Big Ben Clock Tower:
Tower Bridge:

29. 25 Jul 2010 11:39


Thanks famous landmarks to be sure. Do you have a story to go with them?

30. 25 Jul 2010 16:05


Henninger Flats

A tiny hanging valley about halfway (2600') up in the San Gabriel Mountains above Los Angeles. Instantly recognizable from all over the city below, especially as you're driving along the freeways. Very distinctive looking flat area with its grove of dark green trees when all around are the gray lavender browns of chaparral.

You can hike to it in less than an hour, so it's a pleasant goal in itself or as a resting place on the way up to the 5700' high Mt Wilson observatory. There are picnic tables up there, and wonderful views, out to the ocean on a clear day, across miles of sparkling lights at night.

And yep, we do have hawks riding the thermals!


31. 25 Jul 2010 18:32


Sounds like a great place for a picnic...and a good point of reference from the city. Thanks for adding it to the challenge Q!

32. 25 Jul 2010 20:02


Well, now comes the hard part! So many great pics and interesting stories to go with them! Thanks to all who took part!
Suzze I pass the baton on to you and look forward to seeing what you will challenge us with.

33. 26 Jul 2010 03:10


Thanks Hazer, I will put my thinking cap on today and hopefully come up with an Ideal.