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21. 19 Jun 2010 16:19


After the third heavy sigh was emoted Mrs. Smith peeked over the readers digest that she was reading. Her daughter, the beautiful spry little girl that she had hoped would become a ballerina one day stood there barefoot, in torn jeans and holding a small glass jar filled with some sort of green liquid. The concern on her face turned to tears when asked what was in the jar. "It's beetle juice " she screamed. Oh mommy, I lost Ringo and that mean boy across the street ... " Sweetheart you should know better than to listen to him. Was he on his string? You know that pets should be on a leash when taken out for walks, even beetles. Now lets retrace your steps." Well I was playing on the sidewalk over there, the one covered with the pretty flowers" Maggie said. Uh Maggie, you better run back to the cloister, I see Mittens in that exact spot and her paws are outstretched like she's playing with something." "OH NO!" Maggie cried as she ran. "No kitty, bad cat! Mommy mommy its Ringo and he's okay!!!" Both were relieved as the walked towards the house they smiled at each other and her mother said "your going to drive me crazy."

22. 19 Jun 2010 17:28


Funny, bhughes.

23. 19 Jun 2010 19:54


I had to make a few changes on the first story, I suppose I cant delete the first story. Bummer

24. 19 Jun 2010 23:41


Deep in slumber curl and writhe,
from cloistered liquid exact your price,
fix loose your helm, nor lose your drive,
outstretch, uncurl, forward dream,
digest all given, as spryly rise
up girl of girl, unborn yet seen
tadpole beetle kitten… mine

25. 19 Jun 2010 23:44


It's late... my IQ's dropped down 'round my ankles... that was 41 words and it does have a title--

Kraken Within


26. 20 Jun 2010 02:15


Very powerful Q. Drop the word beetle and you really have something. I used it twice in my last story. You can have one of them.

27. 20 Jun 2010 06:07


mm, yeah I thought about that for a whole split second or two... decided beetle looked just fine... kinda more an ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny thing

28. 20 Jun 2010 14:45


Yea, more entries... keep'em comin'

Giraffe: Nicely composed and smartly titled; I did not know that bit about Ringo refusing the Vatican's forgiveness.

BHughes: Charming. Would make a lovely illustrated story. Perhaps you might add some drawings.

QSilv: A lot visualized in a few words. Well done. I rather liked the inclusion of beetle.

29. 20 Jun 2010 16:26


Here you are!! 125 words, true story. (Hope I got the definition of cloister right...)

Fluttering violently, the little bird dived, claws outstretched to grasp the small object on the dock. He missed and circled quickly, driving in again.
The girl watched quietly, a half-smile slipping across her face. Her gaze drifted to the water, the dark gently-moving liquid that lapped against her feet. She watched a beetle crawl nearby, her mind lost in the cloister-like atmosphere of the lake, her wanderings broken only by the splashing and shouting of the spry young boys playing nearby.
A beautiful little dragonfly soared close about, the exact movements reminding the girl of her imaginary dragon. As her racing mind began to digest the value of this quiet place, she was soothed and lulled into a calm frame of mind and she smiled.

30. 21 Jun 2010 01:29


ladyh, very nice. It's like accepting the violence and calmness of nature at the same time.

5, It's all factual and sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

31. 21 Jun 2010 03:26


Great idea, five! I couldn't resist...
51 words, including title.

Incidental Victims

Her outstretched hand deftly grabbed
the potent liquid from the lab.
Through the cloisters, running fast,
the spry girl’s dash would be her last.

Crushing beetles as she ran,
To exactly where it all began
Her drive was lost…
she would digest…
this one last drink…

… eternal rest.

32. 21 Jun 2010 05:41


and another...
89 words with title

Growing Up

Boys and girls,
joyful faces.
Outstretched arms,
warm embraces.

Running, skipping… oh so spry!
Liquid sunshine fills the sky.
Through the cloisters filled with song,
bees and beetles drone along.

Exactly when is all this lost?
They must grow up,
but at a cost.
So much to study…
and digest.
The drive to win and be the best.

Give them wonder... that sense of awe.
As well as facts and rules and laws
Enjoy their love, their laughs and smiles…
They’ll be grown in just a while.

33. 21 Jun 2010 07:34


172 words...all words included. Sorry I've been missing, busy, busy, busy. Things should get back to normal now. Patch is off to a day camp each day and doesn't get home till late in the afternoon. I'll get back to your stories and give my two cents.


It wasn’t exactly the way I planned but the result would do…

Driven by pure ecstasy I parked myself at the nearest fattest tree I could find in Hudson Park. I may have not looked glamorous in my trench coat, worn denims and army boots, but I did blend in to the scenery. I saw one girl in the first hour of “bird” watching. She was a spry seemingly spunky middle age whore…they all were.
Once I finished digesting the magic liquid potion I knew it was time to strike.

I’ll not waste time here…

Time…never enough, often lost, but never wasted at least by this guy.

In what surely looked like a coven of cloistered nuns my trench coat spun as I quickly swept towards the victim. Pieces of fabric shot out like spider webs. My trap was set. She fell into my outstretched web and clung to me like a frightened child.

34. 21 Jun 2010 07:44


60 words, no title...take it for what its worth.

Exact change requires
Digesting common sense.

Drive me away
But my heart still is outstretched.

Cloister a conundrum of cackling girls
Slumber party night at my house.

Beetles, slugs and salamanders
All party at the same swamp.

He sprung the spry old man
From the lost world he floundered in.

Liquid, solid and gas
Make a mass of insoluble energy

35. 21 Jun 2010 07:47


giraffe: "Like a virgin". Creepy, creepy, creepy..pounce! I'm sure you'll take that as a compliment. Packed with great verbiage.

36. 21 Jun 2010 07:50


morshy: "Just Drive" A wonderful journey with a definate rythm ending in a circle. Very intriguing. Not the ending I expected.

37. 21 Jun 2010 07:56


giraffe: "Flippant" Well flip me over to your side. If this was a personal joust with the "man" or I should say the Catholic church establishment then I say HURRAH! I myself couldn't stomach it once I grew into my teens and realized that it doesn't make much sense for a priest to be an owner of an airplane and show home movies on a screen behind the altar during Mass. Oh, I could go on and on....but I won't!!!

38. 21 Jun 2010 08:01


Q: I agree with giraffe. You really had me with that "Kraken" masterpiece until that beetle slipped in with the kitten. I wonder who would have made it out alive. tee-hee.

39. 21 Jun 2010 08:03


Sorry five I took over...missed so much...have no clue how to post multiple "reviews". I have to go back to the pages and read the material and then write up my two cents worth. I know, I know open another explorer with this thread on it. I'm almost done, just bare with me. I know you missed me anyway..

40. 21 Jun 2010 08:08


ladyhwin: The power of inner peace while all around you is noise and imagery. Nice story.