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21. 22 May 2010 20:02


Thought I'd bump and old thread back up. :]

Hello, I am Vincent, I'm eighteen, I'm from Washington (not DC), I'm currently attending the UW and pursuing a career in Architecture. I love art and everything about it. I've been drawing ever since... I don't know, but my mom tells me since I was a baby. I found ThinkDraw through Jigsawdoku through Sudoku, and wow is it addicting lol. I like to try new ways of producing art. I've done too much drawings in graphite so I thought I'd try my hand on other mediums. I have a brother who also goes on TD, but he stopped after only drawing... four? Five drawings? I wonder if you guys can guess who which one he is :]. Mmmmmmm... I'm always trying to outdo myself in drawing and seeing what my limits are. I'm also very competitive; I guess that kinda goes with my artwork lol. The only other hobby that comes close to drawing for me would be bowling! I'm not a pro, but oh my gosh, I could play all day if it didn't cost 3 bucks per game... Lol.

22. 22 May 2010 20:09


Nice to meet the real Chinky. Why dont you go over to brigis's thread on nicknames and tell us about yours!

23. 22 May 2010 20:20


I prefer to keep it a mystery :]

24. 22 May 2010 20:24


Ah a man of mystery!...:)

25. 23 May 2010 09:56


Hi, My real name is kantha .I have 2 children, both r lawyer.Daughter is in Sydney.Son has just started working.Im married but after suffering almost 30 yrs in an abusive marriage now Im trying 2 come out of that.My children r my biggest support. TD is my biggest addiction n keep my worries at bay.right now Im living in New Delhi.I have 2 rottwilers n 1 b"ful german shepherd. I love my dogs very much. After a gap of almost 37 yrs IM trying my hand on the painting again.I love music. Very rarely I watch T.V. If I do than its only Animal Planet,Nat Geo or Discovery.I believe in LIVE N LET LIVE.

26. 23 May 2010 13:22


Chinky, regarding your brother, my guess would be.... Chompersaurus?

27. 23 May 2010 13:40


Aw man... How did you know Lol.

28. 23 May 2010 13:48


Well...let's see:
You entered the 'untitled ' pic in the showcase saying you're in a competition with somebody. The only pic raising to that standard was Chompersaurus's at that time. A quick look at the profile, confirmed the Evergreen state as a common feature.

29. 23 May 2010 14:12


Lol. Very good observations :]. I didn't think anybody would bother looking into it.

30. 23 May 2010 15:42


I was thinking it was Chompersaurus as well. I remember you making the comment about being in competition with someone. I have a question for you which you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was wondering if you were of the Asian persuasion, lol.

31. 23 May 2010 15:55


What do you mean by Asian persuasion?

32. 23 May 2010 16:56


Your ethnicity. Are you of Asian heritage?

33. 23 May 2010 17:07


Ooooooh, lol. yes :]. Full Chinese, but constantly mistaken as Vietnamese due to my last name.

34. 23 May 2010 17:43


I suspected so. Simply because I noticed a pattern in your drawings. Pokemon is Japanese. Mulan is a Chinese legend I believe. And the picture that Chompersaurus did is of a Korean entertainer. I've done Bruce Lee and my koi and plum blossoms were supposed to reflect the style of Chinese silk paintings. The day dreamer and the rice paddies picture were inspired by my own Vietnamese heritage. I'm a quarter Chinese, a quarter Vietnamese, and half white, but I get mistaken for Hispanic all the time, lol.

35. 23 May 2010 18:47


Oh, hmm. I didn't notice that Lol. I drew that Charizard card cause I think Charizard is awesome and wanted to see how much detail I could put into such a tiny canvas, and the Pikachu was mainly cause some person asked me to draw more Pokemon, and since the cartoon showcase was up, I was like, what the heck, lets draw Pikachu. And the Mulan was was cause my friend suggested I draw Mulan cause I didn't know what to draw after my Lion King lol. I too tried an attempt at the same Korean entertainer, but I failed to get the facial structure right... However, I did try to attempt something of my own culture like drawing the Buddha, or a Chinese dragon, but I have yet to find the perfect medium/approach for those ideas. Those Asian influenced drawings of yours are some of my favorites in your gallery :]