Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Don't Be Offended But...

21. 17 Feb 2009 12:20


this thread has been an absolute joy to read. full of insightful and articulate responses to a sensitive issue.

it is an incredible testiment to what think draw has achieved in it's short life. no-one could ever have predicted that this simple-functioned site could create a passionate and committed commuinty like this.

the simple fact that this thread exists only fuels my desire to continue on the think draw journey. i would disagree with ron's comment about the growth of think draw. at the moment growth is small but steady, at some point (when the thinkdraw god(ess)) decides, this site will reach 10 000 users and then more.

the question is how will this tight nit community be able to expand in such numbers without losing it's identity? personally, i envisage a inclusive sub-community culture evolving with the aid of a few new practical functions, that would enable grouping of people of faith, location and most importantly... ideas.

22. 17 Feb 2009 13:14


Just to add my two cents... I have to say that I didn't intend to create controversy with my faith either and I apologize if it has offended anyone. I too am a "Jesus Freak" and I realize that even other "Jesus Freaks" don't believe everything I do (hence the wide variety of denominations in the Christian faith).

However, I am not going to sacrifice my faith or deny my Savior for any reason. He has done so much for me in my journey so far that I can't even explain.

I know there are quite a few people on here that claim to be Christian (or "follower of Christ" as I like to coin myself) so that was the reason for my creating the Prayer Request thread. I hope this has not caused any hurt to anyone... that was not my intent. My intent was to forge a stronger connection between our community here for those who wanted to participate.

I agree with the post previously that said we go to our faith when we are in difficult times (or something like that... sorry for butchering it!). That is totally true. I am not sure how other people do it, but for me personally, when all is not going as I planned, I lean on the One who I know has always had my back.

I honestly don't think anyone here on TD is trying to convert anyone else - I really hope that's not the case. Religion and faith cannot be forced on anyone with much success. In my opinion, for anyone to have a relationship with the Lord, that person must hear the stories and decide for him or herself.

I believe that the recent "boom" in religious/spiritual drawings and conversation have been mostly in response to Matthew's family situation, though I could be wrong. Being such a supportive community, we (as Christians) have lifted his mom and family in prayer and healing to the only One who can do it.

Ok, I could go on and on, but I won't. I can say that I am grateful for such a supportive and caring community, albeit strangers.

23. 17 Feb 2009 18:34



I just spent a half hour writing a response to everyone in this thread.

Then I realized many things.

I AM contributing to the somberness of this site.

I regret starting this thread.

My sincere wish is to return to the humor and lightness that drew me here in the 1st place.

I don't give a rat's ass about religious icons. I already said I think their contribution to "art" has been significant and beautiful.

I started this thread out of frustration at the "mood" change I feel of late.

My effort to change that may have backfired.

I never meant to single anyone out but apparently I did.

Every single one of us has a heap of sh!t to deal with and we cannot control when or where it lands.

This site is worthy of our time and attention and care.

My desire for humor and lightness must take an occasional back-seat to other people's needs.

But I've also realized these things:

I don't care about the rating system regardless of my past posts. I just don't.

I cannot "fix" what has happened here.

This site, in the big picture, is comepletely irrelevant.

I did backpedal in my initial posts on this thread.

I may have over-reached in placing blame for this "mood" on specific people.

I am an ass.

All of these things I've realized.

But - like Matthew - I'm not going away.

But I am going back to my six-week-old roots on TD. Those roots were so simple. Draw pictures and look at others. Nothing more.

I hereby resign from the forums (for a while).

I actually spend more time in the forums lately than in the Draw screen.

And that's a Bad, bad thing!


24. 17 Feb 2009 18:41


One specific note to cutegrl289:

You said "the reason for my creating the Prayer Request thread. I hope this has not caused any hurt to anyone... "

I cited that thread in my initial posts and I want to be very clear...

The presence of that thread did not contribute one bit to my post here. I have no problem whatsoever with a faith-centric topic. None.

My concern has been "mood" and in frustration I lashed out at the most obvious cause (to me anyway) and I now regret that.

But even in my frustration I never thought a topic such as prayer requests was harmful in any way. The opposite actually occurs to me. A thread of that nature actually serves a great purpose in that it allows and creates a forum for like-minded people to share sincere thought and feeling without encumbering others to participate.

If you got "harm" from me then I sincerely apologize.

25. 17 Feb 2009 19:33




******* GROUP HUG*******

26. 17 Feb 2009 20:15


I don't know how many people have seen "Semi-Pro", but here's my quote for the day:

"Everybody love everybody!"

Hugs for Ron

27. 18 Feb 2009 04:02


WHEW!!! I think I can smile again when I come to TD. Thank~you Matt & Ron, & others for reaching out in PEACE! Mike, your words are nothing less than eloquent! I raise my glass in a toast to ALL!

28. 18 Feb 2009 05:58


Thanks Ron and everyone else for bringing smiles back .

Like you, Ron, I've come to the conclusion that I don't care about the ratings anymore. Even though I feel it was the unfair ratings that brought about the somber mood and discouragement, in the end it has had the opposite effect on me. It has slain that nasty little competitive streak in me (well, mostly). Now instead of doing something for recognition, I do it for the sheer joy of expressing this God-given talent back to Him. Btw, that remark wasn't meant as "proselytizing" -- just the most succinct way to express what's happened with me (this whispered as I delicately tiptoe on the eggshells). More smiles

Oh, and thanks, lynnspotter, for noticing the screen name. I love to play with words as much as little shapes, so the screen name is an evolution from my and my husband's first initials ("c" and "r") to the word "candor" as you correctly guessed. I suppose I could have gone with "randc" but that would have sounded too much like "rank" and the thought of foul odors doesn't convey the message I'd like to present!

Ya'll have a great day!

29. 18 Feb 2009 06:26


Glad that peace has been restored. It would be nice if the 'Peace' challenge could be resurrected too. It seems it wasn't just me that was put off, there hasn't been a single picture since...

30. 19 Feb 2009 22:54


please don't leave Ron, i was glad to read that youre not going anywhere, and so glad you expressed your feelings about this. The Cross is a difficult subject and i used to shudder at the thought of it...but to many people (myself included) this is the most signifigant act in history and the very aspects of it that may be confusing or disturbing to some are what make this event so very signifigant to others.
I love the supportive community here and love the freedom of expression even if it means i may not agree with some ideas expressed...I enjoy getting to know everyone
also im sorry Ron...wish i could be more funny i will try in the future...not my strong point for sure...

31. 20 Feb 2009 08:23


It has taken me awhile to put my bit in as I do not want to offend ANYONE. But I am becoming so sad at what is happening on TD. I cant believe how it has burst into this debate of people being offended by their ratings or of pics which they dont like. Of people leaving, then not leaving. What are they looking for? Dont you think it has become far tooooo serious and was never intended to be like that? I am a devout Christian but am never offended by anyone elses belief, God comes in many disguises, and under so many names. We must love our fellow man. Who saw the dreadful pics sent in by some insane person about a month ago? Full of the most disgusting language and obscene titles. I at once reported the six or so pics and within one hour they were deleted. Now that is what we must guard against and not pics of Jesus or whatever beliefs others have. If anyone does not like a certain theme then, pass on, dont vote, but don't object unless it is totaly blasphemous to anyones faith. I have been so upset at how things have been transpiring that I very rarely draw anymore. I still browse and add my vote when I see someone with a really good try, but it is not the same anymore. Can you all see how this is going? Something which was good is now being tainted. I dont intend to leave, but will not be submitting as many as in the beggining, as the feel of things has changed and it makes me soooo sad.

32. 20 Feb 2009 09:44


I recently joined TD, and in my opinion, everyone is an artist! TD gives one tools and one can express themselves by using these tools. I may not like all the works shown or even my own work sometimes, but it also tells a story. When I visit our local art museum, I find myself looking at only what I like, while the person I'm with may be looking at something quite different. what an artist releases, whether its art,music poetry or just living! I,myself appreciate all artist intentions, as it is their passion not mine! We are all different, and that makes TD unique!!

33. 20 Feb 2009 10:04


Well said lilalee! And welcome to Think Draw.

34. 21 Feb 2009 14:06


this has been fun to read. . . . . . . . . . . . . and i dont really know what else to say. . . .

35. 13 Mar 2009 18:45


well. hm. this was humorous. I have noticed the abundance of big bookers on this site as well. It gets boring after a while (i am a creature of spontaneity) , but honestly the Jesus pics are usually the most intricately crafted ones. You know why? It's passion. Keep doin' whatcha love people.

36. 17 Mar 2009 15:18


I'm new here, but I'll dare speak anyways. We're all free people, and probably most of us adults. We have a freedom of choice. And we have a "back" button. If you (meaning anyone) see a pic you don't like or don't condone, use the button and move on to something else. I don't understand why in every forum, whether it's art, crafts, fotography or whatwever, there has to be drama over people being offended by the most unimportant little things. We're here to express ourselves and if you do that by drawing a devil or a saint or a god or WHATEVER, do it! The rest of us have the choice to not vote, not comment, and move on. Only thing I'd agree with "censoring" would be the portrayal of pornographic or graphically violent images, because of underage users.

Good god, people, we're NOT in kindergarten anymore! If you wanna get worked up over something, go help after a hurricane or visit someone in hospice etc. Look at the news, there's enough going on the world to get offended by and worked up over, we don't need the drama on boards and forums that are for recreation and enjoyment.

That said...Amen!

37. 17 Mar 2009 19:27


well now that we've beaten this topic to death, lets bury it and get back to the fun of drawing!

38. 17 Mar 2009 22:48


OMG, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice this thread was so outdated already....the forums I usually hang out in usually move a tad bit faster and the first page barely covers the last few hours' posts. I'm very sorry I brought this back to the top by commenting, it was almost off the page, too >:0(
I'll try to pay more attention in the future!

39. 18 Mar 2009 01:30


Kugush, there is nothing to apologise for ... newcomers will, no doubt, continue this thread and why not. Everyone's opinion is valid and a lapse in time should not exclude their comments. You expressed your view in a concise and articulate way and I find it interesting. Don't back off from coming in on any other old forums.