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Forums - Community - Nicknames!

21. 18 May 2010 15:03


Hi belladonnis, I don't know if you do know this, "Belladonna" is the name of a plant, "Atropa Belladonna", a solanacea, and its name (bella=nice, donna=lady) comes from the use of the alchaloids of this plant as eyedrops. The alchaloid gave athropy and dilated the pupil, so the eyes looked "nicer".

22. 18 May 2010 17:35


Love this thread.

23. 18 May 2010 18:51


c;orophilla I have heard of the Belladonna plant but I did not know anything about it! Thanks for the info! I like this thread to polenta

24. 18 May 2010 19:01


Qsilv is my avatar's name in Second Life, a virtual-reality world of significant social impact. Not merely gaming. Major libraries hold certification courses in-world, along with other educational institutions, representatives of publishing houses, a stock exchange, and even a few national embassies. The population fluctuates, but there are typically 50,000+ people online there at any given moment.

It's a short and easy-to-type abbreviation for quicksilver... recognizable to the electronics and computer nerd crowd.

Altho' I'm not the only Qsilv around (I wish I were, but believe it or not, it's a common enough abbreviation -- I was plum lucky to get it in SL), it IS also my name in a few other places, so when there's a conflict (or it's too few letters) I and others wind up using small variations, like QsilvW (my gmail).

If you're determined to pronounce it, that's not complicated once you dissect it ...kew - silv... but most people just call me Q.

25. 18 May 2010 21:06


I like all the replys this is getting!!

26. 18 May 2010 21:50


My nickname began 14 years ago when I was with a man 10 years younger than me. My first name is Robin, so I became "Robbin' the cradle" or robindcr8l. Not so true anymore, but I still keep the name. Fun thread, Brigsis!

27. 19 May 2010 04:24


brigsis: I hate to bore you with mine. Not really into nicknames and such. Doug is Doug is Doug and no I don't like the cartoon character. lol.

28. 19 May 2010 05:54


This is a fun thread brigis. All I had to do is switch out one letter in my first name to come up with Hazer. I don't know where we got started adding "ster" or "er" to the end of someones the Donster or the Jeffster, but that is sort of where my inspiration came from. Probably something the kids brought home from school. Anyway it doesn't have anything to do with being hazed although I do sometimes think my brain is a bit hazy. I simply put r instead of l.

29. 19 May 2010 06:04


I Picked Featherhawk as I am Native American and is my tribal name

30. 19 May 2010 09:20


I think Native Americans used to have names which meant something like Sitting Bull, Featherhawk etc.
I'm going to imagine I'm a Native American. Then my name should be DRAWINGTEACHER.

31. 19 May 2010 09:31


Mine would be 'Trips Over Cats'

32. 19 May 2010 09:46


i like this thread
very nice and interesting
my nickname and my name r same lalitha
and according to hindu mythology its meaning is beauty

33. 19 May 2010 12:58


Dreamy is the nickname given to me on a list for equine model fanciers and artists, that I've been part of for around thirteen years now. It refers to my studio name of Dreamsteeds. How lucky am I to actually get paid for customizing beautiful resin horses, a hobby that I love doing? I have models competing in actual model horse shows around the world.

34. 19 May 2010 18:06


Back to the Native american name thing I think I would be
'Lover Of Raspberries'

35. 19 May 2010 20:25


Did midnight write "angsty"?

I think that could become an actual, real, dictionary-based word.

Angsty: Adj, pl. Of, or concerned with teenaged angst (anger). Orig. - user - midnightpoet.

36. 21 May 2010 11:51


This thread is great! Thanks for the idea polenta!

37. 21 May 2010 12:22


I chose doodler because I doodle a lot. If in a class or even taking notes during sermons at church, I haave doodoles all around the edges of my paper. I have done ot as long as I can remember.. I am in awe at the artistic talent of all of you and really enjoy alooking at all your great work. I cannot begin to imagine how you do it.

38. 21 May 2010 20:29


I just found out that there are 209 1/2 pages of favorited pics!

39. 22 May 2010 14:10


I'm Puzzler, because I love solving logic puzzles, but I also chose it because I thought it sounded intriguing, (a bit like 'The Riddler'!). Some people assumed I was a fella, when I first joined - so I guess I was a bit of a puzzle too! It was quite interesting to have a non-sexist nom de plume!

40. 22 May 2010 18:12


Well, first of all I LOVE animals! So I was on another site (that I'm not on anymore because this is way better) and I wanted my user name to be Animallvr. But that was another user's name so it suggested Animallvr101. Just so I would remember, I kept the same user name!