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Forums - Community - The True Thinkdrawers. =)

21. 17 May 2010 10:06


Its fine Dannila, I just made a nicknames thread so people can explain what there nicknames meen!

22. 29 Jun 2010 14:31


Wow, this really burst my bubble. I was feeling a community here. Now it feels more like highschool and Im not among the popular crowd.

23. 29 Jun 2010 16:56


pfffft............ you know better than that... it's a garden party!


24. 29 Jun 2010 17:00


Garden party???? Looks like this old T'der didn't get an invite........ story of my life! (Crying, out in the cold).

25. 29 Jun 2010 17:26


...oh puzzler, silly wench... look UNDER the chocolates box...
see? right there... got caught in the ribbon
wow... nice calligraphy too...
(peering over your shoulder now)
heyyy... waitaminit... *mine* didn't come with that kind of chocolates!

26. 29 Jun 2010 18:15


...Dragon slips a lovely little caramel to Qsilv under the table to make up for the lack of chocolate...

27. 29 Jun 2010 21:49


Q carefully turns it around and around on the saucer in front of her...

takes the tiny silver butter knife and presses it (oooh wow, Dragon... tender one!) until it's in perfect sixths....

pops one delicate crescent into her mouth... hands another over to gair...

...and waits to see who else might be coming along...


28. 1 Jul 2010 07:14


Thanks Q for throwing me a bone!!! ; )

29. 1 Jul 2010 07:21


md tentatively tiptoes to the door and slowy pokes her nose far enough in to see who is present...

30. 1 Jul 2010 09:42


*twinkly grin... no bones being thrown here...

Dragon's scrumptious little caramel has been carved up into doll-size bites, and they're being presented on finest porcelain demitasse saucers.

(sliding one over towards mdawrcn)

31. 1 Jul 2010 10:19


Dragon slips out to the car to get some more caramels having a feeling they'll be needed as more TD'ers arrive at the garden party.

32. 1 Jul 2010 13:50


Color me "true", I love TD. True Love?? I just have fun.I Love to share my work, good , so -so or even bad to some or all, as well ,I love to see all of the art on this site.Thanks TD and to every one that's involved.

33. 1 Jul 2010 14:27


What are we planting? Tulips? or caramel?

34. 1 Jul 2010 15:22


...chocolate truffles!!!

35. 1 Jul 2010 15:38


Thanks so much Qsilv. I gladly accept a sliver of caramel. Have quite a sweet tooth and have had my eye on those truffles too!! Did I hear someone liked Bailey's? I brought some to go with our coffee.

36. 1 Jul 2010 15:54


Thought I might drop in with a cinnamon spice cake, have a nice hot cup of coffee and catch up a bit!

37. 2 Jul 2010 16:13


Hey everyone saw all the fun and thought you all might like this Chocolate cake, and Tia Maria Liquor, I brought my I-pod and speakers, so music requests please!

38. 2 Jul 2010 16:40


Just heard about the garden party! I'll just add this strawberry short cake to the refreshments, and join in!

39. 2 Jul 2010 23:53


What a lovely day for a garden party. I've brought mini Cornish pasties and Dorset apple cake. Erm ... did someone mention Bailey's Irish Cream ...

40. 3 Jul 2010 05:14


I'll bake some cookies and a cake and I'll take the first plane .... wait for me!!!