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21. 1 Apr 2010 03:44

Heidi2323 I have included the Canadian Goortle. This rare breed migrates once every 20 years. With the heavy hard shell and large goose feet, it moves extremely slow. Since it cannot fly, when this creature invades your pond, it is fairly simple to capture and move to another space where its large green poopy is gathered for fertilizer.

22. 1 Apr 2010 06:04


This is a hoot, Coho. Just discovered today (Thursday) and thought it was an April Fool's inspiration. Earlier ones I thought were kids fooling around. Not sure I know any such critters, but those I've seen thus far are amazing indeed.

23. 1 Apr 2010 15:27


I find this idea is making me very silly indeed. Or maybe it's just an outlet for the usually suppressed condition? Herewith, the CATAMINGO and the SWOG.

24. 1 Apr 2010 16:00


Dearest Normal, we are kids fooling around!!!!!!!

25. 1 Apr 2010 20:24


Of that, we are leaving very little doubt!

26. 1 Apr 2010 23:03


The original Vegas lounge lizard/pack rat. See comments on picture for habitat and diet. This was such fun to do!

27. 2 Apr 2010 01:01


this is inspired by a short story, "the angelic angelworm", written on 1943 by Frederick Brown:

I loved this story!

28. 2 Apr 2010 04:30


I want to add some info. here is something about this shor story

the link is too long, but if you digit "the angelic angelworm" on Google it is the second link

29. 2 Apr 2010 06:27


Thank you Clorophilla for this link - I love looking things up and getting the background info - wonderful story - my thanks to you as I knew nothing about this before.

30. 4 Apr 2010 20:57


Said the goobil to the goortle, said the goortle to the swog, we've a message for the Rattle Bird who lives in catamingo bog. Mouseasaurus told the liogopard, who told the hippopottamurky, chimera and girafapus, who passed it to angelworm and the lizken passed it on to us Ash's Rattle Bird is the chosen one, the winner of mugdots LII. A bluejay sized flying creature, a creature with poisonous talons, can you imagine a world where such things are flying about? Yikes! actually all the hybrids would make excellent Avatar movie creatures. This was a load of fun for me the descriptions crack me up everytime I read them! If ash doesn't want the mugdots baton let me know and i'll pick another.

31. 5 Apr 2010 06:17


I think that Ash is the youngest winner of a TD challenge... really congrats!
I hope that she checks the site, anyway may be she's the daughter of another TDer.

32. 5 Apr 2010 07:31


I think she is Belladonis' daughter...

33. 5 Apr 2010 14:28


I enjoyed every single one of these, Coho. Great idea. Congratulations to Ash - so glad she joined in!

34. 5 Apr 2010 15:26


I cant believe I WON!!!!:) Thank you so much!!! I am going to think about the next challenge!

35. 5 Apr 2010 17:57


Way to go Ash!!!! Thanks for choosing her pic, she was so excited!! I hope she gets lots of pics to choose from in her challenge, she cant wait to see them all.