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Forums - Community - New mugdots

21. 21 Mar 2010 14:17


Not sure if this will get here - but this is the link:

22. 22 Mar 2010 14:35


23. 22 Mar 2010 16:36


Ok I've just studied all the pictures again, but need to get to the store before it closes, That will give me time to think about the drawings. this is always the hard part of doing a mugdots!

24. 22 Mar 2010 19:50


Being faced with a tough descision I will first say how much i appreciate people sharing what empowers them with me and each other. It is a good reminder when times feel tough, that there are many ways to raise and change ones energy. I think most of us agree chocolate is food of the gods and feeds the soul! As I indulge in a dark chocolate with rasperries endangered species bar, the one with the grizzly bear on front. In fact i find all the things that you find empowering, are empowering to me too. nature, drawing, beauty, beautiful women, pheonix's, writing, power jewlry and gems, walking on beaches, moms helping mom's, of course Fairies, just thinking of them raises one's energy, and finally a long term relationship with a musical instrument, for that reason I have chosen clorophilla's guitar, i also have a guitar that I've had for 40 odd years and my 100 year old fiddle who keep me company thru the best and worst of times, So the mugdots baton is passed to clorophilla and i will be interested to see what she chooses!

25. 23 Mar 2010 03:07


Yippie! Yhank you Coho, I also want to say that this challenge was really special, bc lead us to became more aware of those core areas of our lives wich make us more centered, energised and powerful!

I have just a nice idea for the next challenge, not so serious this time!

26. 23 Mar 2010 10:27


Great choice, Coho! Music is a wonderful empowerment. Making it or just listening often "soothes the savage breast." My never-met Grandpa (died of TB at 50, leaving 8 kids) was a fiddler. I think it runs through all of those siblings (one professional musician) and the dozen cousins, in some form.