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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Feature...

21. 3 Feb 2010 13:12


Baldur has 9 followers, how are you faring?
I can't be the one with the most.....

22. 3 Feb 2010 13:13


Do I get to count all the me's???

23. 3 Feb 2010 13:16


i'm at 14

24. 3 Feb 2010 13:19


mekeys is at 10, good this would be too stressful for me to be in the lead. I am too private a person.
matthew should have 60 by now, depending on how fast he can click the 'follow me' button.

25. 3 Feb 2010 13:20


it sounds like ARW65 might be well ahead of everyone else.

26. 3 Feb 2010 13:27


nah inked is at 16
so is matthew

Qsilv has 19

27. 3 Feb 2010 13:27


Polly has made it to 21. (this must be the trouble with us, the more we get, the more we want lol)

28. 3 Feb 2010 21:13


Glad you like it. Has anyone spotted the extra option in the gallery? Is it useful? Does it need to be more obvious?

29. 3 Feb 2010 21:24


the people I follow on the drop down is wonderful if that is what you mean!

30. 4 Feb 2010 01:43


Do you mean Show--- Users I follow ? Yes it is very useful

31. 4 Feb 2010 02:34


Umm.. I actually don't like that extra bit in the Profile page.. I'd rather this was a personal thing, like the Updates section.

Everyone being able to see who's following you or who you choose to follow seems like an invasion of privacy to me.

There's already too much glorification of how many Top 5s or Showcases people are in (which I'd much rather see as drop-lists), and this new feature just adds a 'see how good I am' note, that I'd rather be excluded from my profile.

I love the ability to keep up with my favourite artists, but I DON'T want everyone to know just who they are.

ThinkDraw - please make displaying this in your profile optional ?

32. 4 Feb 2010 02:44


Do you know marg, you have a point there. I was thinking how many people I might be upsetting by choosing not to follow them, when they can see that so clearly. (Not to mention how depressed I am that you haven't chosen me yet).
I can't think of any good reason why this wonderful feature needs to be public, unless changing it is fraught with technical difficulties.

33. 4 Feb 2010 03:32


I didn't notice the new feature in the gallery until you posted the comment here, but I htink I'd have eventually noticed it when I was searching. It makes searching much easier, although, if I am already following someone, I would be told of new pics via the updates, so probably wouldn't have to search using that function.

As far as having it private, I wholeheartedly agree, Marg. I noticed right away how it had already become a competition. It's another popularity contest. Oh well, that's what happens with a bunch of adolescents! LOL

34. 4 Feb 2010 04:21


I agree girls!! Some things I don't understand as of yet. I like my privacy also.
But have to say I'm following you!! Almost like saying, "I'm watching you"

My wish is that someday we can TURN the peices we do have when we draw.

35. 4 Feb 2010 04:35


Same thought passed my mind marg I was pleased at first , as sometimes browsing the gallery can take ages. I told Think Draw I had been thinking for a long time it would be nice to have a " Find by artist " instead of "find by title", and that this new feature was a help, but now I am not so sure. What does everyone think of a " find by artist"?

36. 4 Feb 2010 04:43


Baldur's intent was to bring up the bragado point when I pointed out how many followers I had already.
Having that list not available to everyone would indeed be an improvement.

37. 4 Feb 2010 04:57


I find this feature very useful to follow my favorite drawers; but they are so many that I'll need some time to select each one, and surely I'll miss many of them. So I hope the public view of this list not to foster competition or warry about "not being chosen", it must be just a way to keep updated on our favorite artists, since TD is so crowded at present.

38. 4 Feb 2010 05:59


I still 'find' particular artists by going to Gallery and typing their name in the Search by title' box. Is to 'follow' an artist to 'search through' their gallery or just look in at one particular drawing ... could be either. Still, it's nice to know people do look in ... imagine having your own art exhibition and nobody stepped inside the door!

39. 4 Feb 2010 05:59


Yes chorophilla , unfortunately it could cause problems. The nature of man!In the past, sad to say,we have had conflict with Top Five, voting, etc. A terrible though!!!! Does Think Draw feel it has been too quiet recently? I hope not.

40. 4 Feb 2010 06:47

Qsilv, right. I haven't added anyone to my Follow list, nor even to my Faves, for just that reason.

Feels fraught and a trifle embarrassing... but I thought that was just me.

For a long time now I've kept an Excel spreadsheet with the names of people I like to search out if new pieces of theirs haven't already just appeared on my horizon... sort of like keeping track of one's brood of kids... a quick head-count now'n'then.

BUT... with this new influx of budding artists/experimenters, the gallery IS flying by way too fast, in too great a quantity, to keep easy track of it all.

A relatively simple solution to that is just to increase the number of thumbnails on the gallery page. I'd up it from 20 to 100 per page, keeping the 5 columns across, increasing the 4 rows down to become 20 rows. Yes you'd have to scroll, but most of us already do that and it sure beats committing to clicking through page after page.

I like the current size of each pic... remember, in both MSIE and FireFox browsers, we can see a lot more in one visual field by zooming out.

MSIE: Page > zoom (keyboard shortcut Control - ...or Ctrl+ to zoom in )
Firefox: View > zoom (keyboard shortcuts are the same )

Gotta admit, it was a real eye-opener to me to see at a glance how many people are paying attention to mine! Wow... I'm.. um... honored... a bit gleeful... decidedly humbled. Makes me think about doing more careful work rather than just casually tossing off junk... tho' that's probably useful too. I do keep the junk rather than deleting it... seems honest.

In the end, the thing I wish for most is still to have a full-featured search function with a gazillion filters, ESPECIALLY for the forums, but really for each person's input throughout TD.
