Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XLIII-Children at Play

21. 31 Jan 2010 15:16

Qsilv games !

22. 31 Jan 2010 16:35


This has been a fun challenge. Lots of good pics entered and thanks to each of you who participated!
The time has come to pass on the baton and I must say five has given this challenge outstanding effort and captured so many aspects of children at play. So congratulations five and I look forward to seeing what your topic will be!
Thanks again Dragon, Heidi, clorophilla, Shanley and Qsilv, for your wnderfully fun pics of kids at play!

23. 31 Jan 2010 17:19


Thanks! I'll post a new challenge....

24. 31 Jan 2010 20:08


Congrats, five... you definitely did bring us a flurry of smiles!

And Hazer, thanks for the subject! I don't think we did nearly enough pieces for it.. my mind is still full of images that I just didn't have time to sit down and do justice to. I hope this one will come along again!

25. 1 Feb 2010 01:04


Congrats Five. I am so glad you won the challenge. Looking forward to seeing what you will chanllenge us with next!