Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Top 5 - Nov. 09

21. 7 Dec 2009 02:56


I am rather serious here, not just being contrary.
To me the 'avatars' theme has filled the galleries with ugly. There I times when I think Baldur will shriek if he sees just one more bald head with a bow on top of it.
Every once in a great while somebody uses the theme cleverly, but in between it's awful, awful, awful.

22. 7 Dec 2009 02:56


-I +are

23. 7 Dec 2009 02:58


Thank goodness the ***** that deleted your pic from guesstheartist can't touch the top 5! It's hard to believe someone could be so petty!

24. 7 Dec 2009 03:05


The bald heads ARE numerous! Maybe if there were other backgrounds? It would not sadden me if it went the way of the old faces theme!

25. 7 Dec 2009 03:06


Perhaps what I should add here is that Baldur thinks the parts available are irredeemable, One really needs to do serious multiple overlaps to disguise what each component is to use them in any attractive manner.
When for example a very young child uses one of the other themes and produces a simple piece of art it does not assault my eyes because the components in themself are pleasant enough to look at.
To Baldur anyway, drawings of that nature using Avatar parts are a bit disturbing.
Just out of politeness I will not leave a comment on them.

It all boils down to the fact that this is not our site, we are graciously given free reign to use it.
Baldur is quite grateful for the ThinkDraw Crew to have given this to us.
But, 'avatars' is still ugly.

26. 7 Dec 2009 03:16


1) I would be ECSTATIC if we could replace Avatars with Faces, or at least combine them

2) I would sing praises to Rachel, TD and any other powers that be, if we could get Faces re-introduced into the Top 5 [and lets face it.. Top 5 is already way over a screen, do I'd be more than happy to scroll down a bit more]

3) I totally concur with Baldur - .. except possibly where he uses 'reign' instead of 'rein' ?

Rachel, Rachel.. PLEASE reinstate Faces !

27. 7 Dec 2009 03:21


I didn't catch that when I proofread my comment marg. Thank you, as you are quite correct.


28. 7 Dec 2009 03:25


and I didn't catch mine.. -d+s

(and thanx again, Baldur, for introducing us to the spelling amender [OK - amendor for you septics ! - although I think I just made the word up anyway)

29. 7 Dec 2009 03:31


oh my

+k marg, though maybe you did indeed mean 'septics'

30. 7 Dec 2009 05:16


yes, Rachel, please give us the new medium you promised half a year ago.

31. 7 Dec 2009 06:24


... or even +c ...

On the subject of the deleted 'Guesstheartistgame' drawings, maybe it wasn't done out of spite. Many of us had congratulated individual Top 5 winners, so it had to have been done after Top 5 was displayed ... in which case, what could anyone possibly gain by the deletions?

32. 7 Dec 2009 12:02


I don't know..... maybe they gain a victorious feeling?

33. 7 Dec 2009 12:52


Mmm ... you mean it's a power thing?

34. 7 Dec 2009 13:18


It could be a jealousy thing, or simple mean old spite. Or, as some others have suggested, it may be that they thought it might open up another spot on the Top 5 not realizing that once the Top 5 is decided nothing will change it and the picture will still be visible there. The only one who can really tell is the person who did it and I doubt they'll willingly tell us.

35. 7 Dec 2009 13:30


I don't think it was about Top5. They wouldn't have deleted my pics as well. :|

36. 7 Dec 2009 14:06


I had to smile at comment 21, when Baldur says how much he hates avatars and would shriek if he sees any more bows on top of bald heads, because he actually gave my pic a lovely comment -
but perhaps he is right, 'cos the more I look at my plum pudding, the more it could be construed as some bows on top of a bald head! Lol!

37. 7 Dec 2009 16:15


puzzler, I thought it was holly, and it still looks yummy.

38. 7 Dec 2009 16:25


Yeah, a power thing.... I'm sorry, you guys don't know me but I've been keeping track of think draw while looking over my twin's shoulder at the screen..... I know who you all are, I know the ones with the great pics, everything....

39. 7 Dec 2009 17:43


I would hate to think that someone would maliciously delete such lovely pictures, but the more Im on TD it seems that some of the adults that use this site have never left highschool. Its a shame that some people have to act so much more immature than the children they are raising. I hope you all get your pictures back!

40. 7 Dec 2009 17:54


now puzzler, I never thought your plum pudding with hard sauce and sprig of holly looked anything like a bald head replete (+7 points) with bow.