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21. 26 Sep 2009 20:36


"Game Over"

My head feels hollow. It echos.

Somewhere there are daggers that belong to me, but I carelessly forgot which bodies I left them in.

I gnaw at my fingernails, trying to get rid of the dried blood. They’re ragged and dirty. As is the rest of me.

My head rings, then howls like wolves at the full moon. My vision blurs, then becomes clear again.

I check how many daggers I have left…seven. I take one out of my belt and toss it aside. I don’t like odd numbers. Six left. Can’t leave any behind now.

This is a bloody competition, and I am but a pawn.

My mind wanders to the woman called Falcon and her song that brought us here. It seemed so simple, so clean. We were blinded.

I find myself flying forward, falling to the ground. I feel my face smash against a stone before my back is torn open and pain lances through my chest.

22. 26 Sep 2009 23:31


midnightpoet: Awesome story. Very succint (170 words doesn't leave us much elaboration does it?), but a finely spun tale. Of course it was right up my alley. Really spectacular for a short.

23. 27 Sep 2009 00:25



Two bloody daggers, 12 dead bodies, one hollow soul. That is all this night has left me with. With my back against the stone archway I tried to catch my breath- even that evaded me. “Very good Calvin,”-Odd, I hadn’t heard her approach “Don’t bother cleaning up, the wolves will descend before long, there wont be much left in the morning.” she said in a sing-song tone that turned my stomach. I put my head between my knees. A small silver falcon, like one you’d find on a little girls charm bracelet, lay on the damp earth between my feet. One little competition and I was forever a pawn for someone much more dangerous than myself- dangerous- not because she was violent- but because she had drive and because she could get others to do her dirty work. People like me- with a problem and a talent -a problem because I couldn’t refuse a bet- and talent… well the 12 people in the courtyard could have told you about that.

24. 27 Sep 2009 08:10


Gotta love the ones that come in on the last day. 2 different stories about very dangerous people. I always love to see where the word list takes people. Great stories guys!

25. 27 Sep 2009 15:12


realized I forgot I fixed it...

My head feels hollow. It echoes.

Somewhere there are daggers that belong to me, but I carelessly forgot which bodies I left them in.

I gnaw at my fingernails, trying to get rid of the dried blood. They’re ragged and dirty. As is the rest of me.

My head rings, then howls like wolves at the full moon. My vision blurs, then becomes clear again.

I check how many daggers I have left…seven. I take one out of my belt and toss it aside. I don’t like odd numbers. Six left. Can’t leave any behind now.

This is a bloody competition, and I am but a pawn.

My mind wanders to the woman called Falcon and her song that brought us here. It seemed so simple, so clean. She promised forever.

I find myself flying forward, falling to the ground. I feel my face smash against a stone before my back is torn open and pain lances through my chest.

26. 27 Sep 2009 18:31


Okay, it's decision time. Once again I've agonized over who gets to bear the torch next. I loved the stories and had a very difficult time picking. In the end I have to go with Peasy's tale of addiction. It was not at all what I was expecting from this word list and somehow it stuck with me.
So congrat's to Peasy and I look forward to your word list.

27. 27 Sep 2009 21:05


Good choice, Dragon. Peasy's story made a very great statement in very few words.

28. 28 Sep 2009 02:11


This was a good thread, Dragon. It brought out some good stories. Congratulations, Peasy. You painted a vivid picture.

29. 28 Sep 2009 04:33


Great job. This was an excellent ThinkWrite thread with a lot of good stories and a great word list. Can't wait to get working on the next list. I didn't see it yet, but would love to see the word count expanded for better story development. Sometimes your reading one of the entries and you want more, more more!!!

30. 28 Sep 2009 14:06


Thank you, dragon, and everyone else for the kind words. Everybody is right about the good stories in this thread. I have posted a new words list on the forum page for Think Write XXII. I'm not too hip on "rules" for this, but since it's all in fun I'm sure it will be OK . I'm looking forward to reading the new submissions!