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21. 18 Sep 2009 19:20


Christmas Party

The dress was beyond insubstantial. It was a mere suggestion of a dress, almost a hologram of sheer fabric, which, in the lights from the Christmas tree, glowed like an opal, a kaleidoscope of colors that swirled and shifted every time she moved.
And she moved a lot.
The more she drank, the more she moved, feeling like she was in a dream, as if she were underwater. The music kept changing, first it seemed as whimsical as a calliope, then it seemed to morph, to shift. It throbbed with energy, with sexual energy. The bass was so thick she felt she could feel the texture of it in her ears, through her body, in her stomach and her breasts and her skin.
Then he was behind her, so close she could feel his breath on her shoulder, her neck, her collarbone, his voice like velvet sex in her ear.
He said her name, once, twice. The nuance of the word changed as he repeated it over and over, each time he said it with more anguish, until it became a plea.
“Please,” he gasped.
They danced into the foyer. It was unlit, the shadow of an umbrella stand barely discernible in the light, the handles of the umbrellas forming a pyramid above the stand.
They didn't lay or sit, he pushed her against the wall, his hands on either side of her, her fingers creating half moons in his skin. She wrapped herself around him, her crimson heels locked together behind his back.
She cried out, but her voice was drowned out by the music, Bessie Smith or maybe Billy Holiday.
He carried her out, to ice her bruised lips and to wipe the sweat from his face. Caught their breath, refreshed their drinks, rejoined the party.

22. 19 Sep 2009 00:45


Really nice work with visuals and a warped perspective. I like it.

23. 19 Sep 2009 04:50


Yay! another new face. Welcome to thinkwrite, kimmygibler.

I love the story, I can almost see the lights and hear the's...intoxicating.

24. 19 Sep 2009 08:05


OK, I'm gonna try this. 300 words exactly, I think, incuding title.

The Best Day of His Life

It was a day of nuance. A Saturday that he thought would never come.

His dream of attending a college football game would soon become reality. And not just any game, a Sooner game! The crimson and cream team he had grown to love since his whimsical high school days. Anticipation overwhelmed him as he pulled into Norman.

Arriving at the campus, he checked the sky. No reason for an umbrella today. White clouds, bright with sunshine, looked like velvet against the blue sky. In the distance he could hear the drums beating as he walked down the red brick textured street. Everywhere, tailgaters gathered in frenzied eagerness for the home opener. It was a kaleidoscope of fans with one common passion.

Close to the entrance, a group of little girls with painted faces were making a pyramid, pretending to be Sooner cheerleaders. The smell of barbecue, and funnel cakes, permiated the air. Laughter, chants, and shouts from vendors filled his ears with sounds he had been anticipating. The stark reallity of it all was so much more than he had envisioned. He bought a hotdog and a beer to calm the butterflies in his stomach. The sights, sounds and smells were overwhelming him. It was time. Time he thought would never come at work just days ago.

The massive crowd began to slowly flow like a red river toward the colossal stadium's gates. At the turn-style, a friendly attendant asked for his ticket. With a rip and a smile it was torn in half and handed back to him. The soveneir stub, complete with a hologram, wouldn't be the only thing to help him remember this day.

If you've ever been to a college football game, a Sooner football game, you'd agree.

25. 19 Sep 2009 08:10


Peasy: Nice story. I know the feeling. I"ve work within spitting distance of the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) and I finally got to go to a game and not just any game, but the backyard brawl with West Virginia. My wife had just bought me the warmest polar Columbia coat and we sat there still freezing (I was comfy, but won't admit it). It was just an amazing site. A mass of drunken college students partying away. Memories I still live every night working nightturn and dealing with those same (although after 19 years) drunken college students. Memories.

26. 19 Sep 2009 08:52


I'm so excited about all the new faces. Welcome to thinkwrite, peasy.

I love the way you painted the anticipation and excitement. It's not something I can understand, as I'm not a sports fan, but I could feel it when reading your story.

27. 19 Sep 2009 10:53


261 words counting title


Her dreams were kaleidoscopes of color, nuance and meaning. They were worlds so remote from anything she'd seen or read that she doubted anything, even the new hologram, could duplicate her private world.

This time she was wearing a pale skin covering that shifted colors as she moved. Someone handed her a crimson gown. She didn't put it on. She laid it over her lap and that was when she laughed! The entire gown was covered with sparkling bits from another time and space. They were woven into the fabric. She recognized the work. Only one could weave in that whimsical manner. Only one could create a pattern that danced a challenge to the stars. Where was he?

She fingered the woven magnificence as she viewed the darkening sky from the apex of the pyramid, and that was when she heard it, the voice of creation humming silently within. Some said the sound was Ohm, but she never heard it that way. She heard it as a texture, perhaps velvet or silk? No, it was a feeling texture, the feeling of belonging, of safety, of home.

The air shivered. A glow began to vibrate imperceptibly about her crown, her heart, her body, slowing encasing all with the calming nod of Creator's approval. This is when Umbrella spider stretched his many arms, tiptoed across her lap and settled in the palm of her out-stretched hand. It nested in the warmth.

A burst of stars shot across the sky. She threw open her wings and vanished, jewel of spider in her palm.

28. 19 Sep 2009 11:30


This might be a little much: 342 words, not including title.

The Dream

One night, I had the most amazing dream. I was slowly, carefully walking through a dark tunnel. I walked and walked for what seemed like hours. At last, I neared the end. There was an amazingly bright light. I was drenched in an amazing kaleidoscope of bright colors. If you really think about it, it was somewhat whimsical. I looked around me, the colors slowly fading away. I was standing in a large room. The floor, the ceiling, every wall was covered in a dark purple velvet. I felt tired. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was in Egypt, standing directly in front of a tall pyramid. I couldn't control myself. I slowly walked inside it was pitch black. I saw a light. A torch. A torch carried by a red-eyed mummy. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, which was surprisinly fast. I ran to a dead-end. Knowing it was the only thing to do, I closed my eyes and opened them again. This time I was once again in a large room, except it had a slimy texture. There was no way to tell what was covering the walls, so I backed away. My back touched something slimy, but it was not a wall. It was plushy. I started to sink back. I turned around, becoming face to face with a giant green worm. It lunged at me, but I was able to quickly dodge the blow. This was too exciting for my taste. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I had taken the form of a raindrop. I was in a dark raincloud, starting to feel myself falling, falling fast. Surely, this was the end. I braced myself. Instead, I landed on a crimson umbrella. I started sliding down the umbrella, slowly but surely. Now, this was the end. I closed my eyes and opened them again. When I opened my eyes I found myself in my bedroom. Light streaming past the shades. What was all that? A hologram? No, a dream. It was all fun in my nuance.

29. 19 Sep 2009 12:02


kimmeygibler Welcome to Think Write- Like reading a hot romance novel. Very visual and pulled together nicely .

30. 19 Sep 2009 12:12


Ah !! tailgating. Be it collage, or professional it is a marvelous experience. You description was right on. I can taste the Bar B Que, and I can feel the excitement. ( I've been to Norman- it is a lovely collage town )

31. 19 Sep 2009 12:17


You weave a lovely dream. I could almost see myself there.

32. 19 Sep 2009 12:21


I have had similarly weird dreams. You captured the fright and awe nicely. They do saw you can consciously change your dreams . Nice work.

33. 19 Sep 2009 12:23


mouse, i'm sorry i used more words than the limit. please, please count my work! that took me at least an hour!

34. 19 Sep 2009 14:46


Don't worry about the few extra words - in my view the limit just keeps us from writing a book- to me its really the story that counts

35. 19 Sep 2009 17:41


This list is really bringing out the talent in everyone, great choice of words mouse. Here's mine for you - 267 words not including the title.

The Umbrella

There was something indescribable about the light in her kaleidoscope eyes. Looking into them was like falling into a bright, sparkly dream. He somehow always expected rocking-horse people with marshmallow pies to follow in her wake like the whimsical Lucy in her diamond filled sky. When he was with her he felt like his senses were sharper, like he could see textures and feel colours. He thought back to how they met, she standing at the bus stop as raindrops began to fall and he raised his umbrella inviting her under. She had gratefully accepted and they stood beneath that crimson pyramid sheltering from the storm, talking and laughing together until they were so engrossed in each other they missed the bus entirely. Day after day he’d seen her there at that bus stop and offered her shelter beneath his umbrella. The fact that she took it rain or shine eventually led him to one day bring a tiny, velvet box to the stop and go down on one knee as she held his well used umbrella above them, a silent but welcome witness to his promise for the future. She’d captured him with those eyes whose colour was ever changing like a hologram. He’d captured her with a simple act of kindness, offering her shelter first beneath his umbrella, then within his arms from a world that had been incredibly cruel to her. She’d never known kindness before. She would never tell him that she’d not been waiting on that sidewalk to ride the bus, but to step in front of it as it roared by.

36. 19 Sep 2009 18:13


Dragon, you are so gifted! That short story was something else.

37. 19 Sep 2009 18:27


Whoa Dragon! I agree with Peasy, very good!

38. 20 Sep 2009 05:54


Dragon The Umbrella
This was such a marvelous story-- I got chills when I read the ending-

39. 20 Sep 2009 19:05


good job at making a tragic story hopeful. Keep it up.

40. 21 Sep 2009 05:34


Hi Writers

WOW !!! What a talented group of writers. So many great narratives. I had a very difficult time picking just one.

I read and reread each one at least 4 times. But, in the end, I did have to pick just one.

So--The one I selected is "The Umbrella" by Dragon.

Dragon you are the Torchbearer now.

"Hologram" by Midnight Poet was a very close 2nd.

I look forward to the next challenge