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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XIX

21. 11 Sep 2009 08:51


Well, it must have taken me a whole seven minutes to write that, bevause Dougs comment wasn't there when I started.

22. 11 Sep 2009 14:06


Alrighty, I've been so busy this week that I've had a terrible time finding the time to sit down and write (though I have been enjoying everyone else's stories). I do quite like this list so I'm glad Doug gave us some extra time on this one. Hope you like this, I had a horrible time trying to fit petunia in!

The Artist

You westerners have misconceived notions about my profession. You think us whores or at the very best courtesans. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We are artists, entertainers. And while seduction has some place in our world, sex does not. Men desire our presence because they cannot have us. From our induction into an okiya we learn dance and music and the art of conversation. We are taught the onerous task of applying our make-up just so. How to wear layer upon layer of beautiful silk in subtle colours of yellow and purple with perhaps a petunia or pelican pattern on our obi. A young maiko longs for the day when she can turn her collar from red to white. You think there’s no place for us in this urban world of the helicopter and GPS, this world where every home has a laptop and a bowl of puppy-chow and every woman can afford cashmere. To that I say come to the hanamachi, come be entertained in a proper tea ceremony, listen to a well played shamisen and tell us we are nothing more than painted prostitutes who’ve outlived their time. I bet my kimono you’ll change your mind.

23. 11 Sep 2009 14:16


I want to submit one and hopefully I will get to. Ive been so busy and a little uninspired. I havent been feeling to well. Love all the stories so far.
Its good to see you back midnight!
Hopefully I will get one in!

24. 13 Sep 2009 07:27


Everyone's stories were well conceived and pretty much right on the word count. To make it short and sweet "mouse" is the next torchbearer for ThinkWriteXX I believe. The story she wove was vivid and stuck in my mind. I could see and feel the house and the dog house out back was a nice touch.

I enjoyed midnightpoets poem too and all the other submissions. Thanks robin for writing a story and getting Login involved.

Well mouse, good luck with the next edition of ThinkWrite and congrats!!!

25. 13 Sep 2009 09:39


I don't want to count everyone, but do 'a', 'and', and 'the' count? I don't think they do in some situations.

26. 13 Sep 2009 12:32


All words count, giraffe...a hyphenated word counts as one...and every word used counts towards the word count. I use the word count tool on ms word when I do it.

27. 13 Sep 2009 12:33


Shoot...this is midnightpoet...this is my daughter's name...whoops.

28. 13 Sep 2009 12:40


And congrats, mouse...I absolutely loved your story.

And about my previous post about points...I'm sorry I misunderstood. I am just really really not a competitive person by nature. I don't like competition, at all. Yes, there is a place for it, and I know a lot of people enjoy it, but I don't. That's what draws me to ThinkWrite, because it's not a competition, it's a sharing of ideas and creativity, with passing the torch a way to keep it going an keep it fresh. It's so peaceful and comfortable and welcoming to everyone. No one's trying to be the best. So when someone mentions "points" or "winning" it pushes my buttons wrong. Like I said, I'm sorry I misunderstood...and I wasn't questioning your rights as the torchbearer to make the rules, Doug. ThinkWrite just means so much to's gotten me back into writing, which I hadn't done for a couple years before it started...and writing has always gotten me through the dark places in my life. I'm sorry for hiding in my corner, but it's safe and comfortable here right now. I'm going to keep reading everything, because it brings me so much joy to see what everyone comes up with, how taking the same words, people can create such different stories. But I'm probably going to stay in my corner...I'll be back to posting regularly eventually...

Sorry for the huge block of text...sometimes I tend to ramble...

29. 13 Sep 2009 13:24


WOW !! I am blown away at being selected to be the next torch bearer. I am happy you enjoyed my story . I enjoyed reading all the entries. So many creative and talented people. Again Thanks. I will submit a list of words tomorrow .

30. 13 Sep 2009 14:30


Congratulations, mouse ... you created a vivid picture.
I enjoyed ready all the stories (as usual) ... all very different.
midnight poet, your writing is clear and lucid ... I look forward to more of it.

31. 13 Sep 2009 14:49


-ready +reading.

32. 13 Sep 2009 18:03


Congrats mouse! I look forward to your word list and word count.
I know exactly where midnightpoet is coming from, I think Think Write has become one of my favorite things on this site and it's definitly my favorite forum thread. I have always loved to write but hadn't seemed to be able to motivate myself to do it until Think Write came along and gave me a fun excuse to get back into it.
I myself am terribly competitive but I don't find myself ever thinking of this as a competition. Like midnight said, it's a wonderful way of sharing ideas and seeing what others can come up with.
Now I'm rambling, long story short - I hope Think Write continues for a very long time!

33. 13 Sep 2009 18:18


I know this one's over...but I've been working on this for a couple days...


(Is any of this real?)

I’m wearing my purple pelican shirt again today.

(Have I washed it recently? At least it’s easier to wash than cashmere. I’ll wash it before I pack it with the rest of my clothes…)

I’m walking down the street. It’s more urban than the streets I’m going to. I hear a helicopter.

(I can’t stand the thought of flying. Glad I’m driving the U-Haul to the new place)

(I can’t believe it’s so far away…)

(Should I get gum for the drive? Maybe sour apple bubble gum…)

(I blew the biggest bubble in the class during an experiment. It was sour apple bubble gum…)

I see a lovely house with petunias in the front yard.

(I’ve never like petunias…)

There’s a woman outside with her dog.

(I wonder if she feeds it puppy chow…)

(I miss Jack. He was a good dog…)

(Wait…the woman said something…)

I smile politely.

“Yes, it’s a lovely day for a walk.”

(Walk…that’s all I ever do since my car broke down. It’s at the garage now, costing money I don’t have…)

(That’s onerous. Don’t think about it…)

(Pay attention!)

I don’t see the yellow taxi before it hits me.

34. 14 Sep 2009 06:46


midnightpoet: Wow! What an abrupt and deadly ending. That's my style. Love the way you wrote it and the way it wove its way to a "bang" at the end. Haven't heard from "mouse" yet, so it may not be over.

Mouse: You have until Tuesday a.m to start the next ThinkWrite or a different torchbearer will be chosen.

35. 14 Sep 2009 06:50


oops...sorry mouse, I am trying to wrap up my "night" so I can go to bed and enjoy my day off and didn't continue reading back....congrats again and look forward to your word list. I do enjoy ThinkWrite! And once again midnightpoet, you say whatever you want to say. I think this is one place where rancor and adulation are both accepted. lol.

36. 14 Sep 2009 09:08


Think draw X X - word list & rules

Words 10 ( can be plurals as well)
At least 200 words but no more than 300.

1) Kaleidoscope
2) Whimsical
3) Nuance
4) Velvet
5) Pyramid
6) Texture
7) Umbrella
8) Crimson
9) Dream
10) Hologram

I look forward to reading all the entries.