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21. 12 Aug 2009 20:37


Ash12, I think your story was fantastic and as good as or better than we adults who like to write here! My son is 12, and has a creative mind, but would never be able to put words together like this! You should be very proud!

22. 12 Aug 2009 20:41


Ash, you did a terrific job with your story, typing and all. Once your mom lets you read the other stories, you may notice that some of us have trouble with typing sometimes, too. But it is all for fun. Thanks for sharing your story with us. You used the words very well.

23. 13 Aug 2009 05:02


SO agree on the kudos for your story Ash!! I know you are proud Bella! Keep on writing Ash!

24. 13 Aug 2009 13:02


Thanks for the coments everyone my mom had to tell me what casanova and centerfold ment.

25. 13 Aug 2009 13:18


Ahhh! That's what mums are for.
belladonnis, you must be proud of your daughter.

26. 13 Aug 2009 14:40


I am so very proud of her and her little sis! When she gets a little older I hope you all get to meet her to!

When she asked me what casanova ment, the only way I could think to describe it to her was to say....."Well its like a boy that winks at all the girls to get them to like him", and off she went with it!!!

Oh to be a kid again!!

27. 14 Aug 2009 01:05


A good answer.

28. 16 Aug 2009 16:20


Hello everyone !!
We have a few more days left to add your story! I look foward to reading!

29. 17 Aug 2009 17:45


The Office Pencil
By Doug

Have you ever thought about the common pencil?

It comes in many shapes and sizes, some with fancy erasers and such.

I prefer the more business type. My papers need the smooth gliding mechanical pencil. The kind you can’t use like a sledgehammer. Mickey Mouse himself would be proud of this useful tool.The original artwork done by Disney was done in pencil. There’s some art piece named Venus who could sure use a pencil! A magician could wave his magic pencil, say abracadabra and a thriller of a rabbit would pop out of his hat.

Casanova? No, I stick to the same brand, but it doesn’t cause any hysteria at the office if I use another type.

Josh, 10, used my office pencil to rip the centerfold of one of my favorite magazines…

I’m sure there would be no “dateline funkytown USA” if a journalist was without one. Or maybe they use crayon.

30. 17 Aug 2009 18:08


So funny!!

31. 17 Aug 2009 18:23


Thanks! Just popped out of my head!

32. 17 Aug 2009 19:35



I have been known as Venus, and Calliope, but mostly as Mickey. I have seen more things beneath heaven than you can imagine. I was immune to love, or so I thought until I met a blue eyed Casanova so handsome he could be the centerfold of GQ. I thought I would never be touched by romance until he touched my legs gently. Abracadabra! I was hooked like a swordfish and reeled in with a surprising lack of hysteria on my part. Not that I’m hysterical, but romance, in my opinion, is a sledgehammer for getting what you want and his subtle way of enticing me was a thriller of captivation. I shocked even myself in my request for mortality, but I’m not the first angel to fall for a pretty face and be left lonely in some funkytown with nothing but memories of heaven.

33. 18 Aug 2009 18:40


Hi everyone!
I have read all the stories and liked all of them very much. I hope the words I picked were fun for you. My favorite is..................Origami and Art of Forgetting Women! I loved it! Congratulations Dragon!

34. 18 Aug 2009 18:41


grats dragon. I really need to commit myself to this. I miss it

35. 18 Aug 2009 21:03


The Decision

“I wanna take you to…Funkytown,” Venus sang. In his mind, Mickey Casanova knew she owed him this trip. “ Oh, Mickey you’re so fine. You’re so fine you blow my mind,” Venus cooed into his ear. She was unaware of the fury he felt after the centerfold of her legs appeared in the August edition of Thriller magazine. Mickey hated when Venus sauntered down the avenue and men surreptitiously whispered, “Abracadabra!” He knew they didn’t want her to disappear. Her legs were magical looking. They were dark and tan and long and lovely! Now, he was definitely going to need a sledgehammer to keep the neighborhood boys in check. After a long drag on his Chesterfield, Mickey smiled, hugged Venus and responded, “Okay, baby, let’s go to Funkytown. It’s not all over for this Casanova.”

36. 19 Aug 2009 07:07


Thanks bella! I'll get right on a new list for everyone. I'll try to keep up the spirit of fun lists we've had in the last little while.