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21. 31 Jul 2009 18:04


“Pass the Colonel mustard for his hot dog”, my mother directed me. She was trying to impress. Not just any mustard...Dijon mustard! As if that would make a hot dog a gourmet meal.

She held these dinners once a month in our parlor. I had to admit we got to meet some interesting folks. There were regulars, like Miss Scarlett , Professor Plum, and Mr. Boddy. Unfortunately, regulars made it harder on my mother, since it forced her to come up with a new mystery every month. If the guests were all new, she could reuse an old mystery.

My mother always began dinner by saying grace so eloquently it would have made a Reverend green with envy. Then, as the first course was served, the guests were all given their characters and a synopsis of the plot. From there, it was up to them to find the clue to solve the mystery. Tonight’s victim was a hot dog vendor, hence the dinner. He was killed with a rope, or maybe a knife.

Some day I hoped my mother would let me write the plot. My weapon of choice would be a candle stick. Imagine the mess that would make.

22. 31 Jul 2009 18:58


Very good story Robin.

23. 31 Jul 2009 19:05


Robin, still laughing at that poem!! Both were excellant!!

24. 31 Jul 2009 19:10


Did Matthew submit a piece? Or was I hallucinating?

Someone tell me - is this his forst time? Virgin Matthew? Fresh meat? Oh my!

This firvolous word list has generated more submissions than any other iteration in a while and it's only been a few days.

Dang! Now I have so much to read and contemplate. But I'm up to the task. Keep 'em coming.

25. 1 Aug 2009 08:50


Yes Ron, you popped my proverbial professor plum... I thought you might think you had too much to drink...

26. 1 Aug 2009 09:33


The Blood Stain
by Doug

Mr. Boddy used the knife all right. It is strange to see someone hanging from a ceiling fan in the library with a rope around his neck. I doubt it was a suicide. Reverend Green arrived first, being the next door neighbor so to speak, with his candle stick in hand. He may be preacher to the choir, but he also has some sense. Miss Scarlett and Professor Plum, a tag-team wrestling duo happened by to use the bathroom and got lost without a clue as usual.
The funny part of the story, not that the roiling blood stain was worth chuckling over, was that Colonel Mustard's portrait hung on the wall with a slight tilt overlooking the whole affair. He was into parlor tricks and games in his day, but today he had a devilish smile on his face almost like he planned the whole affair.
As Mr. Boddy's blood soaked bloated head twisted with each rotation of the ceiling fan, Miss Scarlett began to cry. For what reason we have no CLUE!
You can still find the faint traces of the blood stain on the carpet of the library, but noone ever solved the case of Mr. Boddy's demise.

27. 1 Aug 2009 17:41


Ha ha ha, loved Robin's poem! If I were judge it would be right at the top of my list.
I didn't like this list when I first saw it but it really seems to be bringing people out and Think Write needed some new blood to mingle with the old. So well done Ron.

This one was done tongue in cheek and is supposed to have a funny feel about it, hope it doesn't come off to serious even if it is about a serial killer.

The Confession

After a single red hair was found at a crime scene the media dubbed me Miss Scarlett. It was simply to sensationalize things, as the media always does, but I really wish they had used Ms. My first victim was Colonel Mustard, which may surprise you; his death doesn’t fit my serial nature. I never intended to kill him. He forced himself on me and I had to beat him off with a candlestick, he didn’t survive but I found a new thrill in the power of life and death. The next was Professor Plum, he almost saw my knife as he moaned beneath me, but I dispatched him quickly. Then Reverend Green, who really should have known better than to invite a strange woman in. He was oblivious to my blade as we rolled around on the floor of the refectory’s parlor. And of course, my last. I don’t actually know his name but I call him Mr.Boddy because he had such a beautiful one I almost couldn’t bring myself to stab him. You think I deserve the rope, but keep in mind none of them saw it coming and they all died with a smile on their face.

28. 1 Aug 2009 17:43


Crap, realized just as I hit post that I missed clue, last line was supposed to read "keep in mind none of them had a clue..."

29. 1 Aug 2009 18:04


I think the funny part of "The Confession" is that you had to make a "confession" about the missing clue in a seperate post...

30. 2 Aug 2009 02:06


Folks. Just a note to say I am paying attention even if not posting many comments. I spent my TD time on my first drawing in a while.

My plan is to play catchup tonight then accept entries through Tuesday and pass the torch Tuesday night as has become custom.

But if you're thinking about or working on a piece then please submit it sooner rather than later.

I've got a handle on a free (let me repeat that - FREE) vacation this week to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. I don't know the internet status at the house we'll be staying at or if I'm even going. But if it all works out then the pass may get passed earlier rather than later (Sometime Monday afternoon).

Keep 'em coming folks.

And thanks everyone for liking this list. I really thought I was going to be hated for it and even had a backup list ready to go if no entries came in.

Dragon hit the nail on the head. This little expiriment has somehow made this TW thing more accessible to some new users and we needed that as things were slipping (quantity-wise - not quality-wise)

31. 2 Aug 2009 08:29


Ron: Here's a problem I'm having being new to this stuff on here. I do make paragraphs, but when I post the message it comes out as one paragragh. Do I have to put it in word and then transfer it over. I double or triple "space" to start a new paragragh on another line. Or maybe I should use the mouse to move it where I want. Dazed and confused.

32. 2 Aug 2009 08:39



I don't know.

I personally hit enter twice (I had a college professor who hated indented paragraphs and I got into this habit).

I don't do anything else. When I write a story I use MS Word and just paste it right in. I've never had the problem you're talking about.

Except - in comment boxes on people's art - I think the carriage returns don't work right there.

I'd drop Rachel a line via "Feedback" at the top - tell her what platform and browser you're using and ask her to ask her hubby about it.

33. 2 Aug 2009 11:35


"The End"

I had nicknames for all of them. There was no point in real names.

There was Colonel Mustard, with his military-like crew cut. He favored a yellow tie when he came to see me.

Miss Scarlet… she was pretty all right, but when she spoke I could imagine her eyes glowing bright red with the hatred she felt towards me. She called me “Mr. Boddy”, not out of respect, but she spat it as though it tasted disgusting.

There was Professor Plum, who favored the purple fruit and would horde them. He locked his students in a parlor and set it on fire before they had a clue what was going on.

Reverend Green came once a week, claiming to try to save my soul. He seemed jealous of me, of the freedom I had to do the things I did and not care. He should’ve known even “God” can’t save me.

My attorney looked at me seriously in that yellow tie again. I wanted to use it like a rope and hang him with it. “All the appeals have been denied. It’s time to pick your last meal. The warden will come after. She’ll escort you to the chair.”

34. 2 Aug 2009 14:45


ok, here's my attempt,

Point of Game

“I have an Accusation!”

“Not another one? This is the 3rd game in a row!”

“This time I’m right. I’m sure of it!”

‘Fine, what’s your guess?”

“I think it was Reverend Green…”

“That’s not green, that’s Professor Plum, are you sure you’re not color blind, the color of the piece is in the name for goodness sake.”

“Fine, the green guy, in the Parlor, with the rope”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, err maybe. Yes.”


“What!!! how can that be, I’ve got the candle stick and Miss Scarlett in my hand. What else could it be? Unless it was… but no, i saw your hand when you went to the bathroom! You have the yellow guy.

“Um that was last game, why would you cheat at Clue anyways? oh and now i have an Accusation.-Colonel Mustard in the Parlor with the knife.”

“What? That’s not fair, you only know because I told you what was in my hand!”

“And that’s why it’s a good idea to keep you mouth shut, Mr. Boddy, until you actually know!”

“Now I remember why I hate this game, I suck at it!”

“You might enjoy it if you didn’t cheat.”

“We’re playing again?”

35. 2 Aug 2009 17:15


I just reread my poem and realized I suck at typing. I want to assure you all that I know that escorted is spelled with an "s", not an "x", and escape is also. Next I will be spelling the word axed instead of asked! LOL

36. 3 Aug 2009 19:00


200 words excluding the title

~~~The Prophecy IV~~~

The first thing that Tomori had to do was decipher the list of what family members were who on the list. Some of them were easy. Like Colonel Mustard had to be her grand-uncles brother; she had always wondered why everybody called him Mustard, maybe now she could finally find out.

Miss Scarlett was her late mother sister the eccentric redhead. Reverend Green would easily be her cousin the reverend of a small church in the deep south. Mr. Boddy was none other than her estranged brother who had taken up a carnival life and Candle Stick was probably his aloof wife Candi. Profession Plum was one of two people either her later father or his brother mostly because they were in the plumb growing business; or at least she thought they were.

The others… Parlor, Knife, and Rope she truly had no clue about. As the always mysterious and now somewhat frightening Manx Cat Prophecy began to take on a life of its own Tomori was not only to determine what her grand-uncles involvement was. Well enough wasting time. It was long past midnight and she left in the morning. Sleep would hopefully be a welcome and soothing escape.

Its been a long time. Feels good to write again. The first instalments of this story are from ThinkWrite V, VI, & VII if you would like to read from the begining.

37. 3 Aug 2009 19:22


OMG. someone said "Manx Cat". Argh!

38. 4 Aug 2009 07:38


Manx cat? Does Manx cat have some significance that I don't know about. There are Manx cats on the Isle of Man. They are tail-less ... manx cats, that is.
Manx cat, Manx cat, Manx cat .... there's something magical about the name Manx cat .... tr la la .... SPLAT!

39. 4 Aug 2009 09:49


Many ThinkWrite's ago when it came down to me to make the word list I included Manx Cat which I think quite disgusted Ron. I added it simlpy because one of my cats is a Manx and I though it would be a challenging and interesting word to see how people would use. I don't think Ron has forgiven me for that word list yet

40. 4 Aug 2009 13:21


Disgusted: No! Not at all. Just such an odd term. I found myself reading the stories just waiting to see how the term would be used instead of just reading the stories.

I myself have used Mayflower and Rasputin and then look at this entire list.

Not disgust. Not at all.