Think Draw Forums

21. 22 Jul 2009 17:11


I'd like to point out that while certainly YOU and I all have the right to pick whichever drawings we like as favorites I have striven to not put the same person in more than once. That being said a couple have more than one in my favorites but the month is not over and that may change.

There are so many talented artists here who get overlooked either because people don't go back through the gallery to see them or because even though we like something a lot some of us are not voting at all right now.

I hope that by limiting each artist in my faves to one pic, or at least trying to, that we'll see some fresh faces in the Top 5.

I personally have never been in the Top 5 and it doesn't bother me, but some are quite discouraged when month after month they are behind the same artists. Certainly it should be based on merit, I don't mean to say that anyone should pick a drawing they don't like just to give that person a chance but to pic the same artist in all the categories leaves at least 4 people out of the running.

Just a thought...

22. 22 Jul 2009 17:41


Definitly something to think on solo. You make a good point. Rachel did say that Favorites won't play a part in choosing July's Top 5 but that it probably would for future Top 5's.

23. 23 Jul 2009 17:28


I was surprised to learn Solosater never got to Top 5. I looked at her gallery and I found at least three that could have gotten it except that probably that month there were too many good pictures or was voted down or who knows.

This third not only could have been, IT WAS A TOP 5 FOR ME.

24. 24 Jul 2009 06:45


Your right, polenta. Too many drawings got booted out of sight, or pass quickly down the conveyor belt at busy times.

I have TRIED to do the same as solosater, limiting my selection for July to one drawing per person. I've tried to include as many interesting drawings, from different people, as I can. It was difficult to select the most skilled, or the most interesting, or the funniest, without getting two from one artist in there. I suppose you could say I am manipulating my own votes, but I do think that some folk just miss Top 5 by a whisker every time.

True, our choices will not count for Top 5 this month, but sifting through the 'most recent', category by category, was an interesting exercise. Choosing five in each category was the hard part.

25. 24 Jul 2009 06:48


OK, no surprise, I'm still confused. Thanks Polenta for directing my attention to Solo's gallery. Thanks Login for organizeing method. Dragon's explanation was a model of clarity. But Lilalee had a son to help her find Favorites and I don't! Searching in vain for heart-shaped box to click. Could it be that NOT ALL have this option? Surely not!

26. 24 Jul 2009 08:02


Not a "Heart-Shaped Box" but a box next to a heart that says add to favorites. When you go in to look at a pic you should see below it (in this order)
Five stars
Number boxes 1-5 to rate the picture
A red heart and a box next to which reads "Add To Favorites"
A bunch of stuff for Facebook and Stumbleupon etc
The comments.

If you don't see this stuff you might want to first make sure you've logged in with your user name, then contact Rachel if all else fails. There may be some glitch she can help fix.

27. 24 Jul 2009 08:10


Thanks *everyone* for all the comments, ideas, about this. The fog is starting to clear ... I think. : )

28. 28 Jul 2009 00:51


Polenta, thanks for your nice comment on my work, I haven't been online or I'd have thanked you sooner.

29. 28 Jul 2009 04:02


welcome solo