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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XII

21. 11 Jul 2009 00:01


I don't know the word count. I almost deleted this piece. But it took me a while and it is kind of funny. So I'm gonna post it as a "what the heck" excercise...


22. 11 Jul 2009 00:03


"Future History" by Ron

Forums – Community - ThinkWrite DCCLXXXIX

1. 9 Jul 2121 20:30
kmkagle: Anyone hear from Ron anymore?

2. 9 Jul 2121 21:12
midnightpoet: I ran into him on a VR golf course a year or so ago.

3. 9 Jul 2121 21:18
kmkagle: I passed him the torch this week for his piece titled “nothing”: The one with nothing but the word “nothing”. And he hasn’t posted a new list.

4. 9 Jul 2121 21:20
midnightpoet: He’s never forgiven you for that “jackanapes” lapse way back in the day.

5. 9 Jul 2121 21:22
kmkagle: But he used “Mayflower” and “Rasputin”. He’s just a cantankerous old curmudgeon anyways. If he hasn’t posted a list by tomorrow I’m passing to someone else.

6. 9 Jul 2121 23:58
dragon: I heard he was dead.

7. 10 Jul 2121 04:30
matthew: Oops. Wrong forum.

8. 10 Jul 2121 08:45
midnightpoet: Oh Dad…

9. 10 Jul 2121 10:24
robincr8l: Dead? Really? Man. I implored him to stop smoking.

10. 10 Jul 2121 10:39
kmkagle: Robin. Were you guys at least happy those three years?

11. 10 Jul 2121 11:45
robincr8l: Hmmm… My son was still the little whipper-snapper. They never really got along.

12. 10 Jul 2121 13:14
dragon: Robin and Ron were married? WTH? When?

13. 10 Jul 2121 15:22
timmy9yofromSD: Hi evereeone.

14. 10 Jul 2121 15:49
kmkagle: drago. Yep. 3 years.

15. 10 Jul 2121 16:30
iamanonymous: yawn

16. 10 Jul 2121 16:31
dragon: I didn’t realize. We can’t squander this. Someone write it up. We can still get it into Volume XII before print.

17. 10 Jul 2121 16:36
thinkwritearchives: dragon: reference ThinkWrite Compendium Chapter XIII. Already done.

18. 10 Jul 2121 16:48
dragon: Oh so sorry TWA. Didn’t mean to trespass on your all-knowingness…

19. 10 Jul 2121 16:50
thinkwritearchives: no prob

20. 10 Jul 2121 17:42
lilalee: Ron was nice.

21. 10 Jul 2121 18:22
iamanonymous: until he stopped drawing and donned the ‘writer’ pose. What a “poser” he turned out to be.

22. 10 Jul 2121 19:30
timmy9yofromSD: Hi everyone. I gotta go to bed now.

23. 10 Jul 2121 20:59
dragon: Seriously? He’s actually dead?

24 10 Jul 2121 21:02
login: Ron is dead? I heart Ron. My heart goes “thump” for him.

25. 10 Jul 2121 23:45
anotherronism: Ha! Gotcha all! I’m alive. But I have a confession. I never actually used the word “Glen” back in ThinkWrite XII.

23. 11 Jul 2009 02:34


And you didn't turn up with that darned caravan and baggage, either ... you two timing @*%&*@!

24. 11 Jul 2009 04:28


He's a two-timeing jackanape!!!!! Get your dictionary out Ron or, wait 'til the torch is passed and I will give you the definition.

25. 11 Jul 2009 07:04


Bravo Ron! I thought it was masterfully funny!

26. 11 Jul 2009 09:02


Hee hee, that was a good one. It must have been that Lenny and Freda business that got Ron and Robin together. Love the idea that we'll all still be on TD in a hundred years or more.

27. 11 Jul 2009 09:13


Ron, 'tis good, and I believe your are nice, and also have a nice callipygian's!!

28. 11 Jul 2009 10:29


Thanks all... Glad now I didn't delete it.

And it should read TWENTY-TWENTY-ONE (2021) not 2121. It's supposed to be 12 years in the future. I actually did do the math with the title of the forum (ThinkWrite 789) but mis-typed on the first post then never thought about it again.


29. 11 Jul 2009 10:30


<<<---- is blushing in lilalee's general direction

30. 11 Jul 2009 11:12


Well he asked me to marry him in April 2009, and I'm still waiting around in The Ron Chanel, expecting the caravan to appear round the corner ... he didn't turn up ... 'did a runner ... the last I saw of him was his callipygians.!

31. 11 Jul 2009 11:27


I think maybe we should all move to Utah.

And why is everyone talking about my A$$ today? Are there pictures on the internet I should know about?

32. 11 Jul 2009 11:34


Hey Doug. Welcome to ThinkWrite.

Just to put some of the banter in perspective: I've been for the occasional WUI (writing under the influence) and have banned myself from almost all other forums because sometimes I get abusive.

But in this forum, for some strange reason, I never let that genie out of the bottle (so to speak) except occasionally in a story.

So I have at some point or another proposed to everyone in this forum.

But I'm not sure when my butt-sheeks went on display.

Again - welcome.

And KM - welcome back! Congrats again on getting the torch this week.

And it IS a good list. I was joshing about jackanapes simply because I did actually have to look it up. Funny word that one is.

33. 11 Jul 2009 12:33


As far as I know, there are no pictures of your butt on the internet, Ron. Lilalee came up with an obscure word and I dived into the dictionary to see what she was teasing you about. I think she's in a naughty mood but the injected humour is half of the fun in these creative threads.
You're right about this beeing a happy thread ... and it's a good place for a chuckle now and again. I'm glad you've all managed to keep it going ... my own creativeness is dormant right now.

34. 11 Jul 2009 12:39


Hey Ron - you should see the other ones!

35. 11 Jul 2009 20:31


His trusty walking stick made a rhythmic thump as he walked to my table. He donned a black fedora, a three-piece suit complete with chained pocket watch, and a smile that warmed my heart. He was no curmudgeon.

He lowered himself into the chair opposite mine, “I’m ready.”

I pressed the record button on my small recorder and stated, “Interview with Mr. Isman, morning of October 17th 2005, precisely 10:02 am, central standard time. Weather is calm and mild.”

“You sound like an old army buddy of mine,” he said. “Every time you talked to him on a radio or even when we would talk on the phone, he needed to tell me the time, where he was, what the weather was like. I hadn’t thought about him in years.”

I implored further, glad he chose the topic. “Were you in World War II?”

“Yeah, well the tail end of it thankfully. I was a teacher at a base, I taught guys how to fly by instrument. I never actually had to see battle myself. But I made a lot of friends; some taught like me, others went on towards Japan mostly.” His eyes looked past me; then he laughed to himself, “You know, we were just a bunch of jackanapes back then.”

“Jackanapes, sir?”

“Yeah, you know, whippersnapper, presumptuous, thought we owned the world and knew everything there was to know. I remember this one time,” he stopped, chuckling to himself, he took off his hat and fiddled with it in his hands as he spoke, “this one time, we decided to trespass on this old man’s farm. He had a bunch of cattle, and being that some of our guys were from the city we had to introduce them to the joy of tipping a cow. This old man, what was his name,” he rubbed his chin with the palm of his hand, “Rendleman, Old Rendleman, that’s right. He was a cantankerous old coot, even though he knew we were in the service if he caught us too close to his property he’d holler at us and threaten us with talk of having a 22 in the barn. Well, we couldn’t squander the chance to go tippin’. A few of the guys were heading out in the next few days and we just needed to laugh at something. He snuck out, and hid in this glen beside the water hole, made sure they were good and asleep, and WOO boy!” he slapped his knee, “we tipped four I think at the same time!” I tried not to respond, simply letting him remember, but I couldn’t keep the giggle from my throat.

He grew quiet though, stroking the felt of his fedora, suddenly somber.

“You know, that was the last night,” he paused, gathering his thoughts. “That was the last night I spent with Williams. He flew out two days after that. His crew got caught in a storm, hurricane like, and their instruments weren’t any help, they were going haywire. Sad, after their selfless sacrifice to their country that they should perish because of a regular old storm.”

He sighed heavily, put his hat back on his head and sat up straight. He looked me in the eye and said, “I think that’s all for today.”

I pushed the stop button on the recorder.

“Thanks for sharing Grandpa.”

36. 11 Jul 2009 20:34


1) Forgot the Title, "Interview with a Gentleman"
2) Could you tell it's WAY over the word limit
3) This was the first thing I thought of because
4) This was my Grandpa...I wish, I wish, I wish I would have done this with him, I changed the name, btw, just because, but why didn't I take the time to do this sort of thing while I could?! He had so many stories, he was a story-teller, clown, he was so many things and now all I have to remember all that is my memories...sorry guys, I had to post it...for him if nothing else, he passed away in August of 2006. Thanks...maybe I'll do another one...

37. 11 Jul 2009 23:27


“Jolly Roger” by Ron

He was a cantankerous old bastard. He was bearded and sun-shriveled and rain-worn and salt-stained from a lifetime at sea. As much as I hated and despised him he was still the captain.

I donned my quartermaster hat and approached him. “Captain – I relieve you for the night watch.”

“Grmph.” he replied shuffling off.

‘What a bastardly old curmudgeon.’ I thought to myself, ‘We should have another vote again and soon.’

“Mister Dirk,” implored a sweet voice, “will you be telling tales tonight again sir?”

I turned to see the one-legged cabin boy Robert staring eagerly. He was a young whipper-snapper – all elbows and eyeballs – a regular jackanapes – but the closest thing to a friend I’d ever known aboard ships.

“We’ll see Robert. We’ll see. Perhaps the Spanish bitch will tell its own tale tonight instead.” I looked ahead into the dark and his gaze followed. I studied his slight form.

He was maybe thirteen. But he was small. The stump of thigh on his right always took my breath away. To see this young lad so disfigured… I would add to his account again. But not to give to him – not yet. He would squander this fortune on rum for the men.

I would see him off this ship and all others – to find a woman - start a family – farm some tame and fertile land in gentle glen or valley – perhaps in the new world. But I would not see him fight again – even at my side.

What trespass against nature herself to have taken him aboard that other Spanish bitch? Oh. I was filled with regret for that. It was I who led the raid. But the surgeon saved the boy and the booty was rich.

I was drawn from my reverie by a distant thump on the seas. Darkness can hide a ship from sight but no ship is ever quiet.

The boy turned back to me. “Will we fight tonight Mister Dirk?” his excitement and fear were unconstrained.

“I think we’ll tell tales tonight instead.” I winked at him.

I addressed the wheel: “Hard to port mister. Hard to port.”

38. 11 Jul 2009 23:31


Sorry folks - another long one. But KM said we could exceed so I'm not killing myself on editing. Just writing free-style for this iteration.

But KM. If you do happen to pass me torch - I'm gonna reign things back in

39. 11 Jul 2009 23:56


A note to Doug and KM...

Doug is new and KM hasn't been around for a bit.

We've had an ongoing discussion the past several weeks. Basically I've driven it. And it's based on the idea of non-mean-spirited "real" criticism. There is so much fluff-fluff and patting each other on the back going on all over ThinkDraw that I've basically begged everyone to provide actual constructive criticism.

So KM: midnight wasn't busting you out. Not at all.

I think ThinkWrite is such a cool place that we should be lifting each other higher each week.

I've alos implored people to write both serious and light pieces - to encourage new users - and to keep everything fun but to also strive to get better.

We all have some talent at writing - even if for our own enjoyment only - but there is that kernel in all of us or I don't believe we'd be hanging out in this forum.

So Doug and KM - please accept criticism in the non-mean-spiritedness it was intended and please feel free to heap some on yourself.

And to everyone: I am not not reading your stuff. I'm just finding no time at all to respond to it. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I ask for criticim and feedback then give none. Bah!



40. 12 Jul 2009 02:18


Ron: Thanks for the welcome and as Midnightpoet would say, "work on your punctuation." Might I add that I really did enjoy your piece on the future of ThinkWrite. It wasn't a "fluff" comment at all. I have always loved to write since I was a child, so I think I'll stick around for awhile. I do enjoy your "art/writing" critic style. And my last comment would be and not being mean spirited trust me as i would know.. Alcohol kills brain cells, slows your motor skills, and often masks neurological problems. Am i ok to join the "club" now? ...