Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Top 6

21. 3 Jul 2009 20:22


I do not wish to discuss this in an open Forum. I am tired of people butting in. I am tired of the nonsense. My e-mail is there.

22. 3 Jul 2009 20:30


Qsilv's question is reasonable, and the comments you made were public.

23. 3 Jul 2009 20:48


I wasn't addressing qsilv. I was addressing you. I am not saying another word on this matter in this Forum.

24. 4 Jul 2009 05:00


Qsliv: You made a good point. TD is open to eveyone i think, artists or not. I too would love to have a top 5 pik, but haven't been lucky enough so far. I don't begrudge anyone for having a top 5 pik. My wife has now had 2 and i think they were both deserving. There are a lot of great piks on TD and there are a lot of "animal parts" and "random faces", but that's just part of the "cost" of doing business in TD land. Lets draw and let the chips fall where they may! I'm tired of this subject over and over again. One thing i do wish is that your piks don't dissapear into never, never, land after they go off page one of the gallery. I always go back and go thru the gallery to where i left off with my last pik so i can comment and or vote on all the ones i missed. Just my two cents for all its worth around here.

25. 4 Jul 2009 11:21


Both sides are right. We should try to convince Rachel to add a new column between Top 5 and Showcase called Top 5 of all times, Super Top 5 or whatever name you want.
There we could place super-exceptional artists who have gotten a certain number of times the Top 5 prize. It could be 10 times or a hundred times. This is up to Rachel to decide.
Everyone entering Think Draw will immediately go to this Super Top 5 and ALL the pics belonging to this consummate artist will be seen at once as they deserve it. They would be ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO SEE because they honor us with sharing their talent with us.
This will let amateur drawing-lovers show their art a little more and be awarded with the so desired Top 5.
Rachel, could we add another column, please?
I appreciate the mere existence of Think Draw... don't take this suggestion as wanting to interfere with your responsability of owning this place... it's just I want everybody to feel happy! It's my maternal side!!!!

26. 4 Jul 2009 11:38


OK, momma!!!

27. 4 Jul 2009 19:20


Thank you daughter Lila!!! LOL LOL LOL
I was thinking............
What does a mother do when her two daughters fight over a single doll?
SHE BUYS ANOTHER. Well, she needs to have the money of course. LOL LOL LOL

28. 4 Jul 2009 21:07


Polenta - you're a peach. (smiles) I like the idea of offering a second doll ...feels so much softer than Solomon's solution for figuring out which mother loved her infant more sincerely....

Doug - your two cents are golden. Imnsho, a Search feature that filtered by month AND by showcase (along with the Gallery's extant filters of Most Recent, Most Ratings, and Highest Rated) would deal with exactly that issue.

29. 4 Jul 2009 21:20


You could always cut the first doll in half... As the saying goes.

30. 5 Jul 2009 03:15


Ron, there would be a fight over who got which half.

Qsilv, your ideas for new filters would help enormously ... and would leave us more time for the fun things.

31. 5 Jul 2009 04:29


Oh... my God!!!! I would've never thought the example of the doll could bring us to Solomon and the like.
I didn't intend to be so biblical. LOL LOL
And.... please.... don't mention cutting the doll in halves... you ... mean, wicked people (I was going to say stepmothers and stepfathers)....
I'm so sorry for having given the example of the doll.

32. 5 Jul 2009 04:32


By the way, what's a PEACH apart from a fruit?

33. 5 Jul 2009 09:30


oh Ron - do add 'subtle' into your rich repertoire... ;>

Polenta - calling someone a peach is just saying they're sweet! Totally positive. And somehow I have no real worries about our consumerist society's roller-coaster ride.

But haven't you ever made dolls yourself? from fabric scraps, corn husks, or dried apples and such? Home-made dolls have such character!

(Now if we do it right, that last comment COULD --and honorably should-- segue this back into lauding what untrained artists have to offer, in TD and elsewhere...)

34. 5 Jul 2009 11:02


This site not only lets me draw but it also teaches me new words. The other day it was "this rocks" and now "peach". Of course a peach is sweet so someone who is a peach is sweet. Thanks QS.
It would be nice to know if other fruits, vegetables or animals have also other meanings apart from the literal one.
In Uruguay if you are a "nabo" (turnip) you are a silly person.
If you are a "burro" (donkey I think) you are not intelligent at all.
And the color green doesn't mean envy but immature or ecological.
So if you don't know.... better ask. LOL LOL

35. 5 Jul 2009 11:05


QS ,
No, I haven't ever made any dolls myself. I'm a disaster with my hands. I envy those people who use their hands skillfully. The only manual thing I do correctly is to cook.

36. 5 Jul 2009 13:11


Well, that's a skill in itself.

37. 5 Jul 2009 13:44


oh! cooking well takes a very "light hand" especially with pastries.

Secondary denotations/connotations of fruits/veggies/critter... hm let's see here...

a "nut" is someone who's a bit crazy, can be said charmingly OR dismissively
a "goober" (southern term for peanut) indicates someone rather silly
"sweetpea" is a term of endearment like "peaches" or "honey"
a person is sometimes called a "good egg" (honorable and pleasant) or a "tough egg" (difficult to deal with)
you can "be in a pickle" if you're in a situation that's anywhere from merely puzzling to actually dangerous

People are endlessly creative with language... perhaps that's why the subject is sometimes referred to in school courses as 'language arts'

...and TD attracts people with a strong tendency to verbal jousting, as well as the hyper-sensitivity of 'artists' intensely aware of feelings and connections. Tricky to maintain balance in that mix. So worthwhile, though!
