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Forums - Community - Mugdots challenge XVI Fantasy

21. 29 May 2009 15:09


Frog Prince:

22. 30 May 2009 12:23


23. 30 May 2009 22:26


This was inspired by solosater

24. 1 Jun 2009 05:26


there were so very many wonderful and imaginative submissions it is hard to decide, I loved each for many reasons. thank you all fo submitting. wish iI could grant you each a wish .
In the end I was torn between dragons' water dragon that is absolutely wonderful and fun, and calfornia's governor as rendered by inked_gemini

you know how fantasy goes.. Conan always wins against any and all odds. who am I to break tradition? plus that look of seeing something greater beyond the horizon in his eyes. masterful! congratulations inked_gemini on winningthe XVI Mugdot's challenge

25. 1 Jun 2009 14:45


Oh my! Thank you so much. I don't even have a speech prepared.

I would like to thank gwinnyb for coming up with such a wonderful challenge. And I would also like to thank all of the others that submitted their brilliant work. The only honor greater than winning the Mugdots Challenge is being able to post my drawings alongside the work of truly great artists. A humble thank you to you all. I'll post something soon...

26. 1 Jun 2009 14:52


Congrats inked_gemini! gwinnyb is so right about that look on his face, what a wonderful pic.
And a big thanks to gwinnyb for such a wonderful choice of subject, I so enjoyed it.

27. 1 Jun 2009 15:02


Congratulations inked_gemini! That's a great picture. You almost had it last week with your Koala baby. You are one of the fast rising stars!