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21. 31 Jul 2009 11:07


Don't say their names aloud... There are a lot of pies being tossed about...

22. 31 Jul 2009 11:09


Noticed that
No names.....

23. 31 Jul 2009 12:10


I wholeheartedly agree with these nominations for most talented TD artists.

The Top 5 issue may soon be in our own hands. The dilemma for me is: should we only add to our 'favourites' those drawings which, in our opinion, are the most talented, or do we spread our votes around to encourage those who are consistently good, those who show promise and those who occasionally produce something noteworthy? I'm not sure which way to go but, up until the end of July at least, I have spread my votes around so as to get a broader personal view of TDers (active and dormant) who have caught my eye with something very good or out of the ordinary. Whether I continue to do so, when the new system is operative, is my own dilemma. In the meantime my selection gives me quick access to so many varied styles and ideas ... drawings that I can enjoy and learn from, whatever the level of skill ... that I intend leaving them as assorted as I possibly can. My future 'favourites' selections will depend on how the site develops from now on.

24. 31 Jul 2009 12:21


Login, pick the ones you love and don't worry about how you "should" do it

25. 31 Jul 2009 14:55


I’ve said that I would try to limit my favs for each month to one per person and I still am trying to do that so that more people would have a chance to get there.

I’ll quote myself now:

“I'd like to point out that while certainly YOU and I all have the right to pick whichever drawings we like as favorites I have striven to not put the same person in more than once. That being said a couple have more than one in my favorites but the month is not over and that may change.

”There are so many talented artists here who get overlooked either because people don't go back through the gallery to see them or because even though we like something a lot some of us are not voting at all right now.

”I hope that by limiting each artist in my favs to one pic, or at least trying to, that we'll see some fresh faces in the Top 5.

”I personally have never been in the Top 5 and it doesn't bother me, but some are quite discouraged when month after month they are behind the same artists. Certainly it should be based on merit, I DON'T MEAN TO SAY THAT ANYONE SHOULD PICK A DRAWING THEY DON'T LIKE JUST TO GIVE THAT PERSON A CHANCE but to pic the same artist in ALL the categories leaves at least 4 people out of the running.”

As for my current lot, I know for sure there are at least two from polenta, at least two from awr65 and I think there are still two from kyung, so I’m not discriminating against the great artists I’m just really looking for great improvement or a new idea or something that makes me feel…

26. 31 Jul 2009 14:57


And just to be accurate it leaves 6 people out of the running... I don't know where my head was at when I originally posted that...

27. 31 Jul 2009 15:05


I think the point is to PICK WHAT YOU LIKE, and the top 5 will take care of it's self. That's why it's called favorites. There is really nothing to agonize over. Have fun!

28. 31 Jul 2009 16:37


Like wiskers on kittens???

29. 1 Aug 2009 09:42


Yes, exactly! (Whiskers, by the way)

30. 6 Aug 2009 12:30


I Just decovered this site and no-one votes on my stuff! I think that there just are to many people who want there stuff to be the best and they just don't have fun! Itry to vote on as many peoples things as possible , but still just don't get any votes! I made a neet depth pic and I got a few comments but no-one voted yet ! And theres also the people who only vote on there stuff witch I think you shouldent be able to do! It's just that great pic's don't get rewarded like they should because the makers don't vote for themselves , and the makers of bad ones do!=S

31. 6 Aug 2009 14:05


brigsis, a lot of people aren't voting at all, these days ... the voting system is less than perfect but there are signs that a new system will be in place fairly soon.

As for your not getting any votes, I know that I voted on at least one of your drawings, either yesterday or the day before. This is a relatively young site, little more than a year old. It has grown very rapidly in that year and there are now thousands of people drawing here, so very few of us (if any) would have time to vote on every drawing.

We all improve with practice and from observing and learning from others. Keep drawing and be happy that you receive comments ... it means that people have noticed your drawings and have taken the trouble to stop and look closer.

32. 6 Aug 2009 15:08


Matthew I think Baulder was right is his response to be carefull what you wish for! The controversy hasnt hit the forum yet but is has on your Indian animation pic comments! I think its funny......the pic ........not the comments.
Just to clear that up by the way. I really like your work and I love your hints and tips. thanks for putting that out there for us newbys!

33. 6 Aug 2009 15:10


I can,t beleive it in the time it took me to write this your picture is gone.:(

34. 7 Aug 2009 10:04


Thanks login , I really do appreciate the comments, its just I think everyone wishs they had more even the people who make the best=) I still think we shuldent be able to vote on are own stuff though=):)

35. 7 Aug 2009 10:16


I understand what you mean, brigsis, but I think you will find that self-votes are discounted in the final tot-up for Top 5. Occasionally, some of us have used our ability to self-vote a 1, in order to duck out of the limelight (a:) to avoid being noticed by the down-voters and (b:) to take our drawings out of contention when better drawings have been down-voted.

36. 8 Aug 2009 10:02



37. 9 Aug 2009 16:54


I love this site and the wierd, amusing, thought provoking, beautiful, silly creativity that goes on. I love the comments and dialogs! To be honest the voting thing gives me a wierd feeling. I automatically give every one a 5 or 10 for doing something creative and enjoyable instead of watching tv or shopping. I don't own a tv but periodically i encounter one. The voting reminds me of star search or some equivilant drivel. Why vote or rate art? Would you go to the Louv're or Van Gogh museum with a score card? Sorry Van Gogh starry night just doesn't cut it this month. My question is why the need for a top 5 etc. The showcase is great! Or let everyone pick thier own top 5. Or let every one submit one of their own creations for the month. At least get rid of the 12345 rates and just have an" I like this box" That way votes would be harder to manipulate. Just because popular culture engages in silly meaningless polls and contests, doesn't mean we have to. As matthew says there are all levels of artists here. Someone technically really adept at computer art doesn't neccesarily move or engage me like some of the simpler less refined stuff. Heck I'm a musician and don't think of myself as an visual artist at all. I do it because it relaxes and amuses me and stimulates creativity centers in my brain that I don't normally use much, and I want to draw comics. I think there are probably many people like me and its a way for folks to communicate with people they'd never meet otherwise. I don't like the thought of some sensitive soul shutting down their creativity because they don't make the top 5, or their pictures don't gets votes. That leads to the endemic soul sickness of our world. These are just some my thoughts on the one flaw i see on this otherwise wonderful website.

38. 9 Aug 2009 17:19


How do you give a 10??? That's a neat trick... lol...

39. 9 Aug 2009 17:31


Giving someone a ten is simple. I by pass the silly rating system and use my own value system. Its easy anyone can do it.

40. 9 Aug 2009 17:38


oh do explain in more detail...