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21. 14 May 2009 18:44


22. 14 May 2009 18:45


That's the Drawing for "The Other Side" I forgot to post it.

23. 14 May 2009 21:48


“The Caravan”

“Well, after spending all afternoon in the company of my salty Irish friend I’ve gained a wee bit of information. He’s my ‘Guardian’ Donal Malone, I’m apparently also a Malone, his limp is due to gout, and we have traveled to the tourney because he is a silversmith and this is a good opportunity to make some extra coin.

“I still have no clue where I am, or when but asking seems rather a bad Idea.

“Oh, and I’m blonde this time, I wonder if I’ll have more fun????

“At sunset we headed to Donal’s caravan and had a dinner I was expected to cook over an open fire; all the camping I did as a teenager came in handy there.”

‘This is the best rabbit you ever cooked,‘ he’d said, looking suspicious, ‘did you by salt, you know it’s too dear now, after the tourney mayhap but for now we can’t afford to be indulging.’

“I just smiled and shook my head, I’d used a little of the salt I’d brought with me to trade, I guess it was worth it to see him look so satisfied; I get the feeling he’s been taking care of Neassa for a while and that as a “slightly mad lass’ it wasn’t always easy.

“I wanted to give him something for his gout but knew aspirin wasn’t good for it, my father suffers from it at times, or will, I guess. I did bring out an extra crate and the only pillow I found in the caravan for him to put his foot up on, he seemed surprised and confused; I get the feeling part of the trouble with Neassa is that she’s not nice.

“Apparently, Neassa sleeps in the caravan; Donal sleeps out by the fire so I’ve had time to search the place, I’ve found no notes, though there may be some wherever home base is. I’ll look for a place to buy a journal tomorrow to leave for Neassa.

24. 17 May 2009 20:04


I've got the next installment ready but it didn't e-mail well so I'll submit it tomorrow.

25. 17 May 2009 20:18


I'm waiting anxiously!

26. 17 May 2009 21:10


I've started really getting into it, not following any lists, just going for it, I think my last (next) chapter (?) is something like 900 words....

I'm writing a book!

27. 18 May 2009 14:43


“Shopping at the Faire”

When she woke in the morning, she found someone had left her some water in a small pot just inside the door, she guessed Donal felt that one good turn deserved another, she washed up the best she could and brushed her teeth, then dressed.

As she left the caravan she looked around and noticed for the first time the clear blue sky, even with the cook fires she could see that the sky was clean; the air smelled only of the food and animals (ok and some of the people), but there was no chemical or fuel fumes. There was no trash on the ground, though she did see food scraps in some places, apparently the dogs were well fed.

The people looked well fed too and relatively healthy as well so no plague yet or well after, she’d guess after by the clothes but then she was mixing mostly with the other peasants so who really knew.

She headed to the booths to look for a journal to leave for the next Neassa; she knew she needed to find an honest vendor because she had no clue what the gold dust and nuggets she had with her would be worth. She decided to hunt up Donal and ask him if there was a particular person he would trust.

Donal wasn’t hard to find; he was near the booth were they had gotten there little snack yesterday; she thought he had a little crush on the baker’s sister, Nan.

He saw her coming and greeted her, “’Tis a soft day Neassa, I’m after collecting our breakfast, will ye have some?”

“Oh, grand, I’m feeling a bit peckish; how’s the leg this morning?

“Me leg’s as good as always, blast ye” he said with a slight blush that made her realize he didn’t want to look infirm in front of Nan.

He picked up the food he’d ordered and started walking away; his limp was much improved this morning, or he was making a real effort to walk with out it.

She smiled and turned to Nan and asked her about the vendors, Nan recommended Colm Brody as a very honest man, Neassa thanked her and joined Donal for breakfast. She’d ask Donal as well about doing business with Colm to be sure.

Donal looked at her askance and said, “Lass you’ve known the man for years, he’s our neighbor and has always been good to ye, why would ye not think to do business with him?”

“Em, …”

“Yer daft,”

Well that may be true, she thought, but still did he have to say it???

“Lass I don’t know what you think yer gonna buy, we don’t have the coin for any extravagances. I‘ve to pay Johnny & Meg yet”
She wasn’t sure who they were but assumed he had some household help.

“Oh I know, Donal, someone asked me who to buy from and I wanted to be sure to recommend a reputable person.”

“Ye feeling a bit queer this morning?”

“Em…, no, why do you ask?”

“I’ve never heard ye say so much at one time before lass.”

Oh crap, she’d forgot she didn’t have an Irish accent and had just spoken but then he didn’t seem to notice so perhaps she was worrying over nothing.

“I’m fine Donal.”

“Right then, I’m off to work. Don’t get into any trouble today, and be sure you‘re ready to go tomorrow noon, that will get us home by nightfall.” He walked away, still not limping too bad.

So, Colm Brody, where would she find Colm Brody?

She got directions from a passer by and as she approached he waved my over and called out, “Neassa ye daft tart, what can I do for you this fine day?”

She smiled “Colm, I’m looking for a journal and ink, do you have those?”

“Now what would ye be need a journal for? Ye don’t know yer letters any more than I do.”

“Em, ‘tis a gift for a friend.”

“Well then, how would this work for ye,” he asked pulling out a simple leather bound journal.

“Oh, that would be perfect. How much does it cost?”

“Well, how much have ye got?”

Oh this was bad, she thought, he was going to give it to her for whatever she offered. She had the gold but didn’t know if he’d think it strange that she did or if it might not be spendable now, Donal had mentioned coins….

“Colm, I’ve a bit of gold but I don’t know how much ‘tis worth, can you help me?”

She pulled the smallest nugget out of her purse and handed it to him, he gasped.

“Neassa, Where’d ye get this?”

“Em,” Oh crap, “’twas a gift?.”

“Neassa, please tell me ye did not steal it.”

“Colm, no ‘twas a gift, I swear it. I‘d not lie to you, or anyone else. You know me.”

He looked at her sideways but seemed to believe she wouldn’t lie to him. “ I just hope he didn’t leave you with any other ‘gift’.” he said under his breath, “Neassa ye have quite a lot here, can I give ye coin in exchange?”

She decided to ignore his lowering comment regarding other ‘gifts’ she may have been left with; pretend she didn’t understand, play dumb, whatever.

“Oh would you, that would be so helpful. Thank you.”

He wrapped up the journal and handed it to her.

“Colm, Do you have salt and spices?”

“I can get ye whatever ye need, what are ye looking for?”

“Well, salt and sugar, honey, tea, turmeric, ginger root.”

“How much?”

“How much can I get with that?”

“Plenty; more than ye need.”

“Can I get a year supply for four?”

“Oh, and then some.”

“You’re not looking for anything special for yourself, I’ve some right nice fabric, lace and ribbons.”

She knew she couldn’t take anything with her so what would be the point. Oh, but she would love some “antique” souvenirs.

“Oh, no Colm, that should do it.”

“I’d say so, ye want it delivered to the caravan?”

“Yes please, but Donal doesn’t know about my gift and I wanted to surprise him; could you bring it in the morning after he leaves for breakfast, we‘re to leave at noon?”

He said he would and she thanked him, said she’d see him in the morning and headed back to the caravan to start Neassa’s journal.

28. 18 May 2009 18:40


“Em…, Oops”

“So… Where do I start?

“This is only my second ‘jump’, I’ve been here for a day and a night and if all things are equal I should be here for a total of four days, which was true of my last jump. I don’t know if we are all on the same track or if this is random but the person before me last time had left notes so I thought to do the same here for you. Perhaps you will have an easier time if you’ve a little extra information. You are not supposed to know how to read or write so keep this hidden if you can.

“Okay, your name is Neassa Malone; Donal Malone is your guardian. He seems very nice in a salty sort of way. He’s in pain often with his gout I believe, that may have something to do with it; you seem to be considered somewhat ‘Daft’ and ‘Barmy’ so that too could have something to do with his gruffness.

“You’ve been at a faire and tourney and are returning home tomorrow. We attended so that Donal could work the faire as a silversmith. Apparently Donal is not terribly well off but he seems to be making ends meet.

“You purchased some supplies in secret, he won’t know until getting home and unloading the caravan. The turmeric and ginger root may help with his gout, there’s also sugar, tea, salt and honey.

“You purchased the supplies from a neighbor also at the faire and told him the gold was a gift. He seemed satisfied with that.

“I’ve got to move some stuff around to make room for the supplies so I’ll sign off for now but I’ll keep you posted. NM.”

She’d searched the caravan for a journal before so she knew where she could stash some things and thought if she took the bed away from the wall there may be some space to be found there too, it sounded hollow when she tapped on it.

She’d just pried the bed away from the wall when she heard Donal outside the door calling for her, she quickly shoved it back into place and straightened to answer Donal‘s call.

“Lass, I’ve got our dinner out here for you to start, the fires on; I’m off to clean up in the creek.”

“I’ll start that right away.”

She hadn’t realized it’d gotten so late; she was going to have to be very quiet tonight. She started the rabbit on the spit and pulled the crates out of the caravan hoping there would be no reason for him to go inside. She put the pillow on the extra crate so he could put his leg up. She gave the spit a turn and went back inside to check that everything was in place just incase he did need to go in.

By the time he returned she’d made up his pallet and she was dishing up the rabbit.

“Lass, yer like another person lately. I ain’t complaining but it is a bit peculiar.”

“I thought I was always a bit peculiar, isn’t that true?”

“C’mere now, yer saying yer the same lass that wouldn’t speak a work or lift a hand last week.

“Em…, I was feeling knackered last week.

“Right, and the four months before that, ye were just a wee bit knackered then too?”

“I’m feeling much better know.” she said, with innocent eyes and a “daft” smile.

“And you learned to cook?

Again with the innocent eyes and “daft” smile.

“Right then, I hope it lasts.”

“Em…, me too.”

29. 19 May 2009 00:07


"Packing up and hitting the road"

Colm came as soon as Donal was out of site. She’d found a small area behind the bed and using that and some of the other areas they were able to get all the supplies hidden and still have access to everything else. He’d also brought her a small purse full of copper, brass and some silver coins.

“This is what is left over?” she asked.

“Aye, Neassa, I don’t like ye traveling around with that much money, ye be careful with it and hide it when ye get home.”

“But, what do I owe you?”

“I’ve taken what ye owed me; even charged ye for the purse.” he said with a wink.

“But you did all that running for me and delivery too, are you sure you don’t need more?”

“Neassa, ye bought things for the household of one of me close neighbors, a man I call friend and who’s taken care of ye fer years. I’m glad to see ye doin’ for him and helping out when ye could have run off. I’m a bit surprised by it but glad just the same. Ye keep up this way and that’s enough fer me. Yer like a changeling, nothing like I’m used to with ye.”

“I’m gonna’ try, Colm. I can promise you that.”

“Grand, I’m off to do my own packing.

As he left she felt bad that all she could do was be good to Donal for two and a half more days; apparently Neassa owed a lot to him and wasn’t inclined to repay him even with kindness. She’d make a point of it in the journal for Neassa.

She walked over to the baker’s booth to get some breakfast and say goodbye to Nan and caught up with Donal there.

She could see he was having a good flirt with her and that Nan was having a good time too so she found a spot to sit and wait not wanting to interrupt. She wondered where Nan lived and how well they knew each other.

Soon enough there were other customers needing care so Nan had to get back to work.

Donal found Neassa and brought their breakfast. As they ate he asked if she was ready to go and she confirmed she was; everything was packed up tight in the caravan and they could go whenever he was ready.

Donal reached into his purse and handed her a silver coin and said, “Ye’ve been a great help to me Neassa, go find something for yerself and then we’ll be on our way.”

She didn’t want to turn down his offer as it seemed so sincerely given so she thanked him and leaned down to kiss his cheek and ran back to Colm’s booth.

“Colm do you still have your fabrics out?”

“Aye, what do ye need?”

“I thought something for Meg, do you have something you think she’d like?”

“Fer Meg”

“Em, yes for Meg.”

“Aye, I’ve just the thing,” he pulled a bolt of grey wool out.

“Oh, does she like grey, do you think?”

“Well she’s the housekeeper so I think it would be suitable.”

“Good point, I’ll take five yards of the wool. What else have you got in there?”

He pulled out a blue, green and grey plaid and a purple, red and blue stripe.

“Which do you think would be most flattering on Meg?”

“Fer Meg again?”

“Yes Colm, for Meg.”

“Right then, em… Well I think she’s got green eyes so perhaps the plaid.”

“Grand, five yards of that as well then, please and enough green ribbon to trim a dress and a skirt.”

“Yer daft!”

“And yer not the first to say so.”

He chuckled under his breath and shook his head at her.

“Will that be all?”

“Well there’s still Johnny.”

“Of course there is.”

“What do you think I should get for Johnny, Colm?”

He laughed outright. “Johnny’s the stable boy, he doesn’t need anything.”

“You’re really not getting this are you Colm? I want to get him something he’d like not something he needs, can you help me with that?”

“Well, he’s what 15 years now, he’d doubtless like a flute to play in the evenings or perhaps a psaltery.”

“A what?”

He pulled out a dulcimer or lap harp looking instrument and gestured just like Vanna white. That distracted her for a moment but she shook it of and asked which he thought young Johnny would like best. He said he’d always liked the psaltery himself.

“I’ll take it.”

“Yer DAFT!”

“So you said. Now what do I owe you?”

He had to help her with the coins as she hadn’t a clue as to their value but they settled up, she thanked him for his help and he sent a young boy who was helping him to help her back to the caravan with her packages.

When Donal saw her coming his jaw dropped, “Did I give ye a solid gold coin by mistake?”

“Oh no, last day sales is all.”

“I’m ready whenever you are.”

Donal had the team hitched and ready so she stowed her gifts and climbed into the seat next to him. He looked at her and asked if she wouldn’t be more comfortable inside.

“Oh no, Donal, I want to see it, breathe it, feel it.”

“Right then, we’re off.”

30. 19 May 2009 00:33


18 pages
6228 words

I’ve a day and a half left here then on to the next jump and then one more after that.

Anyone still reading?

I’m doin’ it anyway; I’m loving it!

31. 19 May 2009 07:38



(*twinkly grin)

32. 19 May 2009 13:17


From "Lord of the Flies"

LotF: There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the Beast."

Simon: Pig's head on a stick!

LotF: Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill...

33. 19 May 2009 21:47


The Road Home

She’d never been a dreamer, she was a historian, a professor; even the vacation she was supposed to be on was an archeological dig. The Irony of course being she couldn’t learn anything from a dig 600 years old that she couldn’t learn from living it.

She couldn’t mourn her decision to enter the rift.

“So did ye buy yerself some glass beads at the faire, some braided silk trim?”

“No, I bought some fabric and a psaltery.”


“I know it seems like a lot but there were some good deals; it was the last day.”

“What is that over there?” she asked, pointing to a great tower in the distance.

“Ye know lass, that’s where Lady ó Braonáin was thrown to her death when her husband saw another man with her.”

She gasped.

“Ye have to feel fer the man, there was the prophecy foretelling her infidelity. Still, she was avenged.”


“Her brothers killed her husband and his Manx cat; gutted ‘em and hung ‘em from the tower.”

It was then she noticed the gleam in his eye…

“Oh you. What’s the real story of the tower?”

“Far as I know ‘tis just a tower once owned by the ó Braonáin sept; they left it after the Lord died and they seemed to just drift off one family at a time until it was left to ruin.”

“Have you ever been to see it?”

“Why? I can see it from here.”

“But it’s a part of the history of the area aren’t you interested to see it up close?”

“Not particularly, no”

“It’s stood there fer all of me life; I expect it will continue to do so far after I am gone.”

That was the way of thing she supposed, when something was easily available to you at any time it lost its import in your life. She promised herself right then that if she ever got back home she’d look at the living, breathing world around her once in a while and get her nose out of the past.

For now the living, breathing world around her was the past and she was going to soak it up.

It was getting to be late afternoon; Donal had said they’d be home tonight. She was so eager she could scarcely sit still.

“If yer bum’s bothering ye we can stop fer a minute so ye can lie down in the back.”

She laughed, “No Donal, I’m just so anxious to get home I can’t sit still.”

“Huh, and just fortnight ago ye couldn’t wait to be away.”

“I reserve the right to change my mind!” she said loftily.

He Smiled at her, “We’ll be there soon enough, just enjoy the ride.”

And she did.

34. 20 May 2009 17:51


Donal is quite a likable character. Can't wait to see what comes next when they arrive home.

35. 20 May 2009 21:01


“We arrived late last night but Meg and Johnny were both waiting up for us; it’s strange to meet people for the first time when they’ve known you for years. They both greeted Donal with big grins and chatted about the faire and who and what he’d seen and if there was any new gossip. They pretty much ignored me except Meg told me there was a bath ready for me upstairs and to call for Johnny when I was finished and she’d bring up a tray.

“I figured from the reactions I’d gotten so far that this was nothing out of the ordinary; I thanked her and made my way upstairs to find a room that looked like it might belong to Neassa. I could hear Meg ask Donal, ‘Did the lass just thank me?” she sounded somewhat surprised. I hoped that would change.

“I hadn’t had a real bath since my arrival in the 15th century so I did a real good scrub but didn’t waste any time, I wanted to get the packages out and give them to Meg and Johnny as soon as I could.

“I found clean clothes laid out on the bed and put them on and immediately range for Johnny. He came up to empty and remove the tub, I asked if he needed help and he just stared for a moment then shook his head and went about his business. Before he was finished Meg had the promised tray ready for me, some sort of stew that smelled like heaven. When I said so she glanced over to Johnny, he shrugged then walked out the door and Meg was left alone with the beast. Er, I mean me.

“Meg is a woman of middle years I’d say, late forties maybe early fifties, she’s not showing her age at all if she’s more than that. She’s really quite pretty with her large, wide set green eyes and pert little nose; she’s plump but in a very firm and well proportioned way. Her hair is jet black and if I didn’t know better I’d say she was using a little hair color here and there; I didn’t see a single grey hair on her head.

‘Meg, how was it while we were away, anything interesting happen here?’ I asked her.

“She looked ready to faint but just shook her head and slowly backed toward the door.

“I let her go, too much too soon I guess, perhaps the fabric and ribbon would bring her around. That plaid is going to be fabulous on her.

“Well that’s all for now, I’ll let you know how it goes, NM.”

She made her way downstairs carrying the tray; she found the kitchen down the hall behind the stairs. “Meg, were should I put this?”

Meg jumped straight up in the air and made a sound only dogs should be able to hear. When she came back down she turned with her hand clutching her chest and stared at Neassa for a second, “Right there on the counter is fine Miss. You didn’t need to bring it down I would have retrieved it in just a few minutes, I was just finishing up the kitchen.”
She sounded as if she thought Neassa was being impatient and thought she should have been there as soon as Neassa had finished the last crumb.

“I was coming down anyway, is there anything I can do to help you finish in here?”

“Oh, no Miss. I’ve got it all done now.”

“Good then, come with me I’ve something to show you.”

Meg looked reluctant but came anyway.

When they reached the front room, Donal and Johnny where coming in the door with a load of things from the caravan.

“Is there more still?” she asked, knowing there was, they’d not gotten the stuff from behind the bed but it would keep.

“No,” Donal said, “this is the last of it.”

“Donal, do you know off hand where those last packages are?”

He pointed to a pile next to the stairs, “Those are yers, Johnny will take them up next.”

“No! Some of those are staying, let me look.” She went over and picked up the one she knew was the psaltery and handed it to Johnny. “This is for you, I thought you might like it to pass the time in the evenings or when you’ve some extra time.”

He stood there holding the wrapped instrument like it might be a bomb. “What is it?”

“It’s a psaltery, a musical instrument. Open it!”

She looked through the other packages and found the three for Meg. “These are for you Meg, I hope you like them.”

Meg seemed to be getting a little more used to this new Neassa by now so she took the packages with a smile and sat on the bottom step to open them. The first was the grey wool and Meg’s reaction was so pleased Neassa wondered what she’d do when she saw the plaid and the ribbon.

By this time there was quite the racket coming from Johnny and his psaltery but nothing could have covered the sound of Meg’s gasp at the sight of the plaid, “Oh Miss, it’s so pretty. It’s for me?”

“Yes Meg, I figured since I got to go to the faire and you had to stay home I’d bring you both something back. I know you must always be in need of fresh work clothes so the grey will come in handy I hope. I wanted you to have something just for you too so I asked Colm to help me pick a fabric to flatter you, I can see now the man has excellent taste.”

Meg was feeling the fabric and holding it to her face, even smelling it. She had the most beautiful smile on her face.

“The other package is green ribbon trim.” Neassa said, as it looked like Meg might be at it for a while.

She glanced up to see Donal looking at her, eyes gleaming, smiling and she knew she’d done well. She could only hope whoever came after her would keep it up, and perhaps having these people like her would help.

“Donal there are a few things hidden behind the bed in the caravan will you help me get them? I don’t think we should try to separate Johnny from his new toy.”

Donal chuckled and followed her out the door, “I didn’t give ye enough money to get all that lass; even with very good ‘last day sales’ how did ye afford all that?”

“I had some money set aside of my own and that’s all I’m going to say about it.”

When they’d pulled the bed away from the wall of the caravan and he saw the extra foodstuffs he laughed, “It’s no wonder the rabbit tasted better, ye’ve spices in here.”

“I had heard that turmeric and ginger could help with the gout so I purchased some of both and some tea and such.”

“Did ye get anything fer yerself lass?”

“Donal, did you see the smile on Meg’s face? Did you hear the din Johnny was making?” she asked, “Yes Donal, I got plenty for me.”

36. 20 May 2009 21:14


I just realized my "journal entry" happened before the events happened. Shhh don't tell anyone and I'll edit it before I send it off to be published;-)

37. 20 May 2009 21:26


And no title!

"Donal's Home - Meeting Johnny and Meg"

38. 20 May 2009 21:56


So that should have started: “We arrived late in the evening but Meg and Johnny were both waiting up for us....

39. 21 May 2009 18:00


“The Next Jump”

“So Meg and Johnny seemed pleased with their gifts, I hope that helps ya’all to get on better than the former Neassas.

“I mixed up a jar of seasoning with the turmeric and ginger and the garlic and onion she already had on hand for rabbit or chicken or whatever for Meg to use and explained that it may help Donal’s gout. She looked at me a little funny but she didn’t look anxious or like I was demented. I’ll call that progress.

“After I’d brought in extra salt and sugar she was happy to let me in her kitchen. I’m sure the tea and honey didn’t hurt either. I awoke this morning to a cup of strong hot tea with fresh cream and honey, just the way I like it and fresh scones delivered to my bedside with a beaming smile on Megs face. I could get used to this.

“Of course there’s the total lack of indoor plumbing and shampoo and conditioner doesn’t exist yet, so there are some drawbacks. Oh by the way, if you rinse your hair in vinegar it will act like a detangler; I asked Meg, she said they had plenty on hand and it was easily come by so try that, I promise you won’t smell like vinegar after it dries.

“They have an outhouse out back it’s to the right out the kitchen door about 15 meters.
I’ve been using pages out of the back of this journal, less scratchy than my 21st century paper. Who ever knew I’d be leaving these kinds of instructions?

“I expect to jump sometime late this afternoon, I’ll try to be here in your room so they won’t notice.

“I’ve left a few coins in the under the mattress here, they won’t do me any good wherever I’m going next but you may need them here.

“I hope everything goes well for you here and that you get back to your own home soon. I guess in the meantime we should just try to enjoy ourselves.

“Oh, one more thing, no one seems to notice I speak with a very different accent, must be some effect of the rift, like how we look like they expect us to so don’t play the mute, that seems to upset them more.

“Good Luck, NM.”

She went down stairs and asked after Donal, Meg directed her to the back garden, said “He’s tinkering with his roses again.”

She found him doing just that, “Donal, how are you this fine day?”

“Neassa, lass, I’m fine and yerself”

“Oh I’m doing quite well, I’m a bit tired though, I may need to lie down later. How are your roses doing? They didn’t suffer too much from your absence?”

“Meg takes fine care of them, I just like to get me hands on ‘em when I can.”

“Donal, I wanted to give you some extra coin I’ve got. You’ve been caring for me for a while now and have made sure I have all I need. It’s not a lot but perhaps it will help a little.” She held out the purse Colm had given her.
He looked surprised, and when he opened the purse even more so. He pulled the strings tight and looked around as if he was up to something and asked under his breath, “Lass, where’d ye get this kind of money?”

“Donal, all you need to know is that I didn’t steal it; it’s legally mine to give. Is it a lot?”

“It’s plenty,” he tried to hand the purse back to her, “I can’t take it. I’m yer guardian, ye don’t pay for that.”

“Donal, I don’t need it, you can use it to pay Meg and Johnny or for repairs to the house or, hey, save it incase you ever need a wooden leg to replace that bum one ya got.”

“Me legs fine lass, I’ll be buried with it! Yer daft but I like ye.” he tucked the purse into his belt.

“I like you to, Donal. Thanks for taking such good care of me, even when I’ve been difficult. I’m gonna’ go see Johnny for a minute and then I think I’ll lie down for a bit.”

She walked back to the stable; it was more of a shed really with just the two stalls and a room in the back for Johnny. There was a loft but it was only big enough for a few bails of hay and supplies. Johnny was busy at brushing down one of the horses but looked up when he heard her come in, “Miss is there something I can do fer ye?”

“No Johnny, I just wanted to come see how you liked you psaltery. Have you learned how to play it, perhaps we should gather the neighbors for a concert?”

He blushed, “No Miss, but I sure do like playing on it. Thanks for thinking of me while ye were at the faire.”

“I wanted to give you one more small token,” she held out a coin to him, “For taking such good care of the house and grounds and animals. Thanks Johnny.”

“Oh Miss I couldn’t, I’m paid to do those things.”

“Johnny, this is not so very much but if you get to go to town and see a pretty lass while you’re there, you could perhaps buy her a ribbon or a posy. That’s all, I just wanted you to have a little extra that’s just for you.” she turned to go, “I’ll leave it right here on the workbench.”

She headed toward the house to say her goodbyes to Meg. It was hard to say goodbye to people who wouldn’t know you were gone. She felt she needed to so this was here way; if every other Neassa that came after her was a right witch at least they’d have her to remember kinda’.

“Meg, are you here?” she called as she walked through the house. She didn’t find her anywhere downstairs so she climbed upstairs to look for her and found her in Neassa’s room reading her journal.

“Oh, Meg, I didn’t know you could read.”

Meg looked up and turned almost purple and promptly dropped the journal.

“It’s alright Meg, here sit down, we don’t want you fainting. How did you learn to read?”

“Oh, well me father was a vicar, he didn’t think it would hurt any fer me to learn. I’m so sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to trespass but I haven’t seen this book and I thought perhaps it would be one I could read of a night. Mister Malone doesn’t have many books ye see and I’ve read them all so I thought it would be nice to have a new one to borrow.”

“Well, how far did you get?”

Meg looked real nervous now, “Em…”

“It’s alright Meg you just can’t tell anyone.”

“But yer not Neassa, and someone’s coming to take yer place and she won’t be Neassa either. How is that alright?”

“Meg I don’t have time to explain right now but please don’t worry over it too much, I believe eventually you’ll have your true Neassa back but for now, since you know you can help the ones after me. I think the ones before me have been hard to deal with because they don’t know how to go about here.”

“I see, that makes sense, our Neassa’s a nice girl but one day she just changed. We all thought she’d gone mad.”

“Meg I was coming to find you anyway to give you this.” She held out the coin, “Will that buy you a couple of books?”

“Oh Miss yer a nice girl but I can’t…”

“Meg, it’s not going to do me any good at all where I’m going, please take it, buy a book or two. Will it be enough?”

“Oh, I’d say so.” She still looked a little shocked.
“Meg, I’m gonna’ be going any minute now, will you stay and greet Neassa, give her the journal and make sure nobody notices?” She asked as she grabbed her bag.

“I’ll do it, Miss, and I won’t tell a soul I promise.”

“Thanks Meg, you’re a gem.”

And she was gone, but a new Neassa was there.

40. 24 May 2009 02:19


“Venice Late 17th Century – Carnival”
The Piazza By marg
Gondolier By Arw65

“I absolutely forbid it!” Said a male voice from somewhere down the hall.

“Well, it is too bad for you then that you are not God!” Said a different but very similar male voice.

“I do not see that there is anyway around it; if we each take a turn and never let her out of our sight it should be fine.” Said yet another male voice, this one much calmer and reasonable sounding.

“You three figure it out and tell me where to be and what to wear and I’ll do whatever you decide on.” Oh, this one was the lazy; devil may care one of the four.

By the similarities in their voices she’d say brothers or perhaps cousins. She wondered what they were arguing about.
She realized several things all at once, she was walking toward them, she was wearing a mask and she had wings. She didn’t have time to digest all of this before she had turned the corner into a large well-appointed room in which stood four men aged somewhere between 25 and 35 she’d guess and they had to be brothers there was no way they could look so much alike and not be. One was wearing a mask too, a plain black half mask.

“Renata Bartolo, you go right back upstairs and change out of that costume you are not going to the Carnival dresses as a demon!” This was definitely the first voice she’d heard.

“Cosimo, it is quite obvious she’s a fallen angel not a demon; I helped her pick it out last month,” And that would be number four, the devil of the group, if she was not mistaken.

“Well, Dom, you may have gone a little far this time, our parents would roll over in their graves if they could see their baby girl dressed that way. It is Carnival however and as they say ‘anything goes.’ I think she looks lovely. And of course she has the mask so perhaps no one will recognize her.” This was number three she was sure, very reasonable.

“Emilio is correct and I am taking her with me tonight, it will be a tame party and I will keep my eye on her.” Ah, number two, now what was his name????

“Drago, if one of your friends lays a single finger on her I will personally flay them and you.” Cosimo said, looking very much as if he meant it.

“Sure, sure, I will make sure everyone is aware of your threats before dinner is served.”

He looked over to Renata, “Are you ready? You look ready to take on the world. Let us depart before the old man decides to lock you up.”

He offered his arm and she took it and let him lead her out to a narrow walkway that led to a canal with steps down to a gondola ready and waiting for them.

“Drago, will it really be a tame party?”

“You know better, Renata, I do not attend tame parties.”

“Well then just to keep Cosimo from flaying anyone is there anyone I should stay away from?” She was coming at this very quickly and really didn’t want any trouble. She figured even if Drago was a little rebellious with Cosimo that he wouldn’t let her, his sister, get into anything too wild. She hoped not anyway.

“Do not tell anyone but we are actually going to the festival at the Piazza San Marco. You are to stay by my side at all times; there will be no trouble!”
“Won’t you feel tied down with your sister on your arm?”

“My sister is the most beautiful woman in Venice and I will be envied by all.”

“You just say that because you are afraid I’ll hurt you if you don’t.”

He chuckled, “You are the youngest and the only girl, I guess we all have reason to fear your ire, hmm?”

“That’s right I learned from the best how to really hurt a man, just be sure not to irk me tonight.”

She felt right at home with Drago, he reminded her so much of her cousin Jaime. He too would complement and deride her in the same breath, all in good fun of course. She felt totally secure with Drago but she did have to wonder how all of Renata’s brothers seemed to not notice that their sister had changed, perhaps this was the first time and she was just lucky?

They arrived at the piazza and debarked but they’d heard the noise from far off. She wouldn’t be able to hear a thing over that din; perhaps that was a good thing at least until she knew a little more about herself.

They strolled the piazza and listened to the music and danced and ate and had an altogether good time but as she’s expected there was little chance for conversation.

As the revelry was coming to an end the sun was coming up. Renata was exausted; she held on to Drago just to keep her feet under her.

It was no suprize really, she’d been up all day in 15th century Ireland and now she’d been up all noight with Drago in 18th century Venice.
She droused in the gondola on the way back to the house, and realized she was being carried about halfway from the canal to the house. She tried to get him to let her walk but he told her to ‘hush and rest,’ she’d had quite the long day.

Drago carried her right up to what must be her bedroom and rang for her maid who came almost immediatetly. “Help her undress and get her into bed, she is very tired we did not stop all night long.”

Renata, grabed his hand and said, “You’re a great brother, did you know that? I’m sure I love you very much.”

Drago chuckled and nodded and said, “ And I love my sister very much.”

But he sounded a little sad…