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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite III - The Hat Trick

21. 5 May 2009 20:38


Perhaps we'll call you Rhonda?

22. 5 May 2009 20:49


“Typing While Drunk – Or – Calling Out A Typing Drunkard” by Ron

I’m a drunk.

If I have any integrity left, I must offer that.

But I’m a salty old drunk. I’m not mean. I have no malevolence whatsoever.

When three sheets to the wind – that’s when I’m almost never nasty or mean.

Cuz that’s the only time I can actually feel. Do you see? And I don’t want to “feel” that way.

I drive down the boulevard sober – I pass a carnival and its schmaltz. I drive by the same carnival buzzed and I “get it”. I do.

Your suspicion of me is correct. I’m not seeking an alliance. And I AM a fan of this site.

But are you so blind?


I mean it.

Your sensibilities thus; attack the attacker and accuse him? And all the while ignore what he was actually saying?

Your grand solution is what? Call out the drunk?

That’s a simple solution.

But does it address anything?

It makes me sad. It does.

If you actually read the poor drunk bastard’s ramblings – you might, just might learn something.

But that ain’t gonna happen is it?

Just a lesson about typing while buzzed. Another in the long line of warnings against that, oh so destructive behavior.

23. 5 May 2009 20:50


Suzy was the killer yet she was also avenged. I reversed my two non-characters. Duh'

24. 5 May 2009 20:54


Yes I caught that the secound read through, typing while buzzed again are you?


25. 5 May 2009 21:19


A couple of things Ron:

I certainly know not everyone who drinks habitually is mean and nasty; my father was a very sorry drunk but never a mean one, that might have been a nice change once in a while.

I understand too the numbness you speak of; sometimes life does that to us. I have other ways to feel that work for me, drinking used to but I really can’t now anyway with all the meds I’m on (even if it might be really good). I want to live my life such as it is; but I do get it.

I have not attacked you or accused you of anything. If you refer to my post about your profile pic, which was simply the truth, and if you refer to the, “tough and nasty” and “big bad bully” comments that IS how you were BEHAVING.

I don’t believe matthew is a bad guy and quite frankly I don’t see how he’d have the time; my opinion doesn’t matter because I don’t care.

I also don’t believe you are a bad guy but you do seem to like a good rant. Sometimes we enjoy it other times not so much, and when you decide to back up a person who is a fine artist but also quite obviously a little unstable you just look DUMB.

I’ve read the posts; I’m not talking about something I don’t know about.

Remember last week when you were all about letting it go? Well here’s your chance.

Let it go Ron, you’ll be a much happier person, just think, if you can only “feel” when you’re a little buzzed which would you prefer to feel, angry and slighted and paranoid, or content and creative and happy?

You choose.

26. 5 May 2009 21:23


BTW, Some of my very favorite novelists mix up their characters all the time. It’s just one of those things.

27. 5 May 2009 21:29


Solo. You missed the point or you haven't actually been reading.

I don't care what anyone thinks of me or my stuff.

But they were beating all hell out of another user last night. So I stepped in to make that stop. It worked.

I knew it would.

And I also know what will make me a happier person.

28. 5 May 2009 21:31


Oh yeah - this was just a strory submission. Or do you think I'm a prostitute as well?

29. 5 May 2009 21:31


G'nite. Please don't think I'm mad. I'm not. I'm just frank this way sometimes.

30. 5 May 2009 22:16


I believe she felt like she was being beat all to hell, but I'll tell you this I "feel" that maybe she needs a beating; she brings controversy and strife wherever she goes.

I know a lot of people like that, I cannot stand to hear it or be around it. I read her post only because like the scene of a fatal wreck you can't look away.

I also am the first one to stick up for the underdog, I’m glad you have that quality as well.

When a person thrives on being the underdog however, you better step back or you’ll be sucked into oblivion, they can smell us coming a mile away.

As I said, I don’t care about the voting, it is OBVIOUSLY BROKEN and so why keep talking about it.

If in fact, and I don’t doubt it for a minute, there is cheating going on, no amount of screaming and name calling and vitriol is going to change it, Rachel et al is the only one who can make the necessary changes.


So sit back and draw and write and comment and vote if you choose to but stop with the constant posts about your theories, this is an art and creativity site if you wanna’ play “WHO DONE IT?” I’m sure there a site OUT THERE for you.

And no, Ron, I don’t mean you, but you sure can add to the problem.

Good night Ron, or good morning, if I didn’t catch you.

I also am not angry about this, and look forward to your further posts in the Think Write thread.

You are a great writer; I just wish you’d stick to fiction. Oh, and that you’d use a spell check;-)

BTW, you know you can get away with murder this week as you can't win, me too, Yea!

Oh, sorry not win, be selected to carry the torch!

31. 6 May 2009 02:49


This is just terrible but it had to be done; don’t stone me please!

For One Night Only

He was like a carnival ride and she wanted to go again! Her sheets were salty with sweat, the fan was little help but he was running at full integrity.

She’d always thought this was something nasty girls did. She’d only met him a couple of times out with friends, didn’t know where he lived, didn’t have his phone number, she wasn’t even sure of his last name! She wasn’t ready for a relationship; one with him would be out of the question anyway; can you say misalliance?

Her parents would have a fit if she brought home a cowboy. Regardless of her mother’s liking for a nice set of cabbages in a good pair of Levi’s, she had a sneaking suspicion mother would faint dead at the sight of them in her parlor. Her father would get that malevolent look in his eye and then proceed in very “polite” terms to tell Travis he wasn’t good enough for daddy’s little girl. No, she’d be marrying a doctor at the very least.

If Travis didn’t get the hint, daddy would have him tossed out onto St James Boulevard.

But none of that mattered tonight!

32. 6 May 2009 03:00


Well, if ya'all don’t get writing it's gonna’ be the one Robindcr8l is having second thoughts about or Ron's stint as "Rhonda" on The Boulevard of Broken Stilettos.

Ron can’t even have it; he was the ringmaster last time.

I currently have one story the author wishes they’d not submitted.

Help me out folks!

Do you need a new list?

33. 6 May 2009 05:15


I'm working on it, solo...really, really I am.

34. 6 May 2009 06:41


Me too, believe it or not...
(patience is a virtue, possess it if you can... seldom found in woman, never found in man)
(ok ok... ducking..)
Anyway, your list is fine and NOT being ignored!
; >

35. 6 May 2009 06:43


200 words, not including title...

"End of the Road"

It wasn’t a boulevard, or even really a street. It was a dirt road, ready to be reclaimed by the wilderness that was creeping in on all sides. I traveled this road on foot, my sneakers easily navigating the ruts, rocks, and potholes.

I was told that at the end of this road was the carnival, but I had a nasty suspicion that I’d been lied to. Still, I continue, telling myself that she wouldn’t have risked her impeccable integrity by giving me false information. Besides, she wasn’t the only one who told me that this was the direction to the carnival…although, the two of them could be in alliance. But for what purpose? Why this malevolence?

I pulled my mind out that thought pattern, and focused on my journey. I’d been walking for such a long time. The sweat from my forehead got into my eyes and mouth, and the salty flavor overwhelmed my senses. I knew I couldn’t walk much further.

Then I saw it. From a distance, I thought someone had hung sheets carelessly from the trees. As I got closer, I saw it was women in their carnival dresses. I realized I would be joining them.

36. 6 May 2009 08:02


"Carnival Men"

When Bill woke and saw his wife’s wedding ring abandoned on top of the sheets, he knew she left him.

He needed air. The boulevard was empty. He headed to the right, toward distant noise, a mix of cheering, cussing and snorting.

When he turned the corner, a pretty woman with too much eye shadow blocked him. Behind her, a crowded gathered. Through heads, he saw two young men laughing and rolling up their sleeves.

“You a wrestling fan?” the woman asked. “You want a ticket?


“Can’t go this way without one.”

“It’s a public road, and I’m walking through.” But there was no getting through the crowd, with or without a ticket.

“My wife left me,” Bill said.

She shrugged. “You cheated on her?”

How could she think that? Carnival men had their own kind of integrity. The shows are entertainment; people expect a con. But in a private game, carnival men did not stash aces up their sleeves, even if Bill always accused them after he lost the hand. Over the years, suspicion in alliance with malevolence made him into a salty curmudgeon.

“I joked that she was too old to leave me.”

“Guess you were wrong.”

37. 6 May 2009 09:15


"Coming to Terms"

Dear Mom,
Thank you so much for helping in the house while I was away
The pre-cooked 'favorite' dishes you've filled our freezer with,
your thoughtful approach to furniture re-arrangement,
the new sheets on our bed, in particular... are....

Dear 'Mom',
I do appreciate your offering to help while I was gone.
I'm sure you and Eberhard...


Eb - Just so you know, I've just got back from a grueling assignment,
thinking how wonderful to have a real home finally,
our own admittedly eccentric tastes commingled in it,
only to discover the integrity of "we" apparently includes an alliance of three.

I was a little startled to find NONE of my own furniture
--not even the French fan collection-- in the front rooms.
The nasty suspicion arose when I went to put
some delectable treats I'd hoarded for us into the freezer...
I think what capped it for sheer malevolence was the salty maritime theme in sheets...
with carnival clown pillows...

Dear Ebernard...
Thank you for the lovely summer.
I've left my keys on the desk, tho' no doubt you'll want to change out the locks.
Please direct any correspondence in future to
Lyttleton Snodgrass, Atty
69 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles

38. 6 May 2009 10:03


I quite like this word list and the clever addition Reduce by 3 rule if we want to alter the words a little. I pretty much always stick to the words as written 'cause I like the way it forces me to change my style, but this is a great way to keep us challenged if we are the type to make alterations.
Here's my submission. 200 words not including title.


The bureaucrat kept throwing looks of suspicion my way. His every look shouted his thoughts, what business could I possibly have with his boss, the very soul of integrity himself? There was a certain malevolence in the way he constantly shuffled sheets around his desk. No, he was not a fan, but I wasn’t sitting in this stifling office looking for an alliance.

I wondered if he would be so very loyal to his oh so perfect boss if he could have seen us together that day late in the summer last year. It was quite a tawdry scene, our bodies tangled together, the salty taste of margaritas still on our lips and the sounds of the street carnival drifting up through the window from the boulevard below. I remembered wondering, as we lay there entwined, if he would wash the linens himself before his wife came home or if he’d leave them for the maid.

“The Congressman will see you now.” He said in a tone somehow nasty and polite at once.

The Congressman looked up with an air of lust about him for a brief instant before his gaze fell on my swollen belly. Soul of integrity indeed.

39. 6 May 2009 12:22


Qsilv, you don't have to duck! In fact I loved you letters, I'm a little OCD (I'm a lot) and have had some issues while staying in other peoples homes (I pet/house sit), I clean, I mean CLEAN. Sometimes its a bit upsetting to my clients so that made me laugh. I never redecorate that’s just rude!

Dragon, loved your story, I totally didn't see it coming! Nice surprise.

five, poor dumb Bill, that'll learn 'im, or as he's a man probably not. We just do not joke about these things;-)

midnightpoet, glad you got over your block. I think this was a great story, I felt angry and scared for her and then relieved when she finally made it. But will she have the energy to enjoy it????

I'll be out for the day but will check back this evening for more stories. Have fun.

40. 6 May 2009 12:39


I'm glad you didn't see it coming, I was afraid it was going to be predictable.