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21. 1 May 2009 12:02


Guess not ... none of the themes had a "load draft" option... so I logged out

22. 1 May 2009 12:55


I am going to log in to show my wife...

23. 1 May 2009 12:57


did someone not save? (this is matthew)...

24. 1 May 2009 13:01


Ok... I am out...

... The load draft never appeared in animals, we may need to start over...

... In the mean time, I started a new one in flowers...

... It was bound to happen since this is still new to us all...

... Give it another hour & someone start a new one in animals if the load draft doesn't reappear...

25. 1 May 2009 13:22


This is such a great, creative idea! Who is the original person to create this? I have to warn, I logged in for just a second to look at it, and did not want to contribute. Almost just logged out forgetting to save, since I hadn't changed or added anything, but then realized it would be lost. So a warning to any curious onlookers like myself to save the draft even if you haven't changed anything on it.

26. 1 May 2009 13:47


Logging in

27. 1 May 2009 13:53


Logged out now. The load draft button was there in flowers, but not in animals.

28. 1 May 2009 14:15


This is my creation... I will start another in animals exactly as I had started the last one...

... Logging in

29. 1 May 2009 14:17


Ok... I am out...

30. 1 May 2009 14:19


The flowers one is looking cool... Animals is restarted...

... And yes... remember... you MUST save the draft even if you just look at it...

31. 1 May 2009 15:00


Matthew, you're a genius! I just love this idea, although not quite ready to join in yet. I'm going to quick log in now just to peek, though.

32. 1 May 2009 15:04


Done. I did sneak in one little piece on the animals one. And I remembered to save both drafts. Very fun idea, matthew!

33. 1 May 2009 15:18


'k... I'll go in now (and try to add back what I'd done before)...

34. 1 May 2009 15:26


Done --I only looked at Animals, it was back to just a very few elements, appeared to load fine and save fine.

35. 1 May 2009 15:31


I'm curious now about the Flowers one, so (since I don't see anyone lurking) I'm going there now... back soon.

36. 1 May 2009 15:35


ominous -- Flowers offered me only a blank white window, and "Save Draft" ..I didn't wait long tho... perhaps it would've changed in a minute... I was afraid someone else MIGHT be logged in... I left without loading, adding or saving anything... hm... tricky stuff.

37. 1 May 2009 16:30


...we will work the kinks out...

... don't let it frustrate us... It's a new game... We will all get on the same page...

Going in to peek...

38. 1 May 2009 16:35


Someone logged in and created a pic all by themselves over top of our saved flower pic...

... too bad, it was looking good...

... I am out...

... Animals looking umm... wierd... lol...

... someone can start pics in the other mediums...

... We may eventually have to abandon this one & create a new login & hand out the password secretly to a collective few...

... A secret society... I love it...

39. 1 May 2009 16:41


I'm offended

40. 1 May 2009 17:26


-ded +sive

... I know how you hate it when you misspell wurds