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Forums - Community - Mudot Challenge 93 - History in Places

21. 11 Apr 2012 06:47


is a fantastic place allowed to fit this challenge?

22. 11 Apr 2012 14:27


It certainly qualifies for "other places, other times!"
For now, I'm going to go with Login's suggestion and leave this open for more TD additions. May even do another myself. Thanks, Cloro.

23. 20 Apr 2012 15:06


Many years ago, I had a long dream, and in this dream there was a whole life... in a very northern part of the world, I was a nomad - this guy!

24. 25 Apr 2012 06:22


I'm not sure if this fits, but I've always felt as though i were born in the wrong decade, and that the 30's/ 40's would have been much more suited to my personality and ideals.- and what little kid doesn't dream about joining the circus- I did gymnastics as a kid and was always entranced by the aerialist and their silks.

25. 25 Apr 2012 06:23


oh and the 30's/ 40's were the circus' hayday

26. 1 May 2012 05:16


Wishful thinking certainly qualifies! Thanks for your addition.
Cloro - I had a past-life dream I immediately critiqued upon waking, thinking it contained anachronisms. But my research found that not so. Hm...

27. 2 May 2012 14:14


This is getting more and more interesting ... so glad you're letting it run on.

28. 3 May 2012 10:06


Yes, keep it going, didn't see it til now and may get an idea in a day or two or three. Just today I realized that 1910-1914 or so was the last moment when the culture (art, music, maybe life in general) as whole makes sense to me and rings true.

29. 3 May 2012 10:19


I guess this old one sums up what I mean better than I'll be able to do again — a Brooklyn Bridge trying to reproduce the kind of vision that seemed to be floating around a lot in those years... John Marin being a good example. Links to many originals posted in my only Mugdots-management effort, "Mild Cubism", a couple of years ago. Start with link in message 50.

30. 12 May 2012 15:57


Is this challenge still running? when is the dead line?

another thing... There was a mistake - we had TWO mugdots challenge XCII (92), so this challenge should be 95 instead - and the next should be XCVI (96)...

31. 13 May 2012 09:57


There is always a history developing!

32. 13 May 2012 10:00


The mystical times of Merlin and magic...

33. 13 May 2012 11:20


I was thinking historically "other," but we've had fantastic and imaginary "others" as well. Additions still welcome - fairly open-ended for now. I hope people are still mulling it over!

34. 14 May 2012 17:13


This probably isn't what you were looking for, but what attracted my attention was when you talked about the past place one lived.


I lived here, once...

35. 14 May 2012 20:59


Lost in the fifties....

36. 15 May 2012 11:32


Thanks for the additions! Wonderfully assorted ideas we have.

37. 17 May 2012 07:57


Yes, Clo, I see now there was a 92 twice. So THIS one should be 94 and the next one will be 95. Or XCV. Think I will try to pick a new torch bearer this weekend, May 19-20.

38. 20 May 2012 20:00


Time, finally, to pick our next torch-bearer for Mugdots Challenge 95.

I've certainly enjoyed all your "other times," from the 30's and 50's, to the future, to mythology and stories. And "other places" from Brooklyn to the North, to in utero. It was great to see earlier ones of Roman and of Viking times. Clo's ex-boyfriend evoked a few memories of my own.
Thanks for sharing you highly individualistic interpretations! I will pass the torch to Arw5 for the circus performer. We all look forward to our next Challenge.

39. 22 May 2012 07:28



I'll get thinking.
I will post the new challenge shortly.