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Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXXXIX~"Phobias"

21. 1 Nov 2011 15:12


:-DDD Normal - I totally forgot your pic and did quite the same... even the title!!

22. 2 Nov 2011 09:03


No harm, no foul. Yours is terrific! I forget what the original topic was for that Fun Tuesday. A very common phobia, indeed.

23. 3 Nov 2011 08:44


24. 3 Nov 2011 11:54


I forgot to add, having trouble with that these days- like right now. I need to find another way I guess.


25. 4 Nov 2011 22:51


Agoraphobia: The fear of crowded places or leaving a safe place.

Personally this horrible fear consumed several years of my life.

It is by the grace of God and the love of my family that I am cured and now help others with social life skills.

26. 6 Nov 2011 12:47


Medussa... For Mugdots Phobia Challenge. Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes

27. 8 Nov 2011 12:08

jaybuddy cookieophobia the fear of the cookie monster

28. 9 Nov 2011 05:14


Challenge ended on the 7th, and I meant to post the winner on the 8th, and here it is the 9th already! Please excuse my lapse.
Thirteen good entries - I wish I could pick more than one! It was fun to see the variety, and I thank all who participated.
Jaybuddy gave us
1.-astrophobia................ thunder and lightning
3.-cookiephobia..............fear ot the cookie monster (very new)
Indigo created a wonderful critter for
Angela showed us
5.-ophthalmophobia........fear of being looked at, or stared at this fear of icons in church or online? ^_^
Normal did a variety-pack with and frost
8.-nyctohylophobia..........dark woods or forests at night
Clorophilla shares that phobia with her it's other name
Lesley_gene captured
11.-claustrophobia..........fear of small, enclosed spaces
56Rosie beat this one
12.-agorophobia.............fear of crowded places or of leaving a safe place
and a very popular one
13.-ophodiophobia.........snakes, cutest Medusa ever!

And that's the full slate.
I really cannot make a rational choice, so I am irrationally passing the baton to Normal!

29. 9 Nov 2011 05:19


Oh, BTW, it's the woman who is inexplicably wandering in the forest at night who won the challenge. It's intriguing.

30. 9 Nov 2011 05:27


I am both shocked and honored! Since I don't keep good track of which Challenge is which, or how long they usully last, I will be flying by the seat of my pants - no fear. Thanks, Lizzi. That was a wonderful subject.