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Forums - Community - Challenge LXXXVII- Desserts!!!!!

21. 20 Jul 2011 10:48


Ice-cream Sandwiches for everyone!

22. 20 Jul 2011 14:31


Calico Cat Candy Cake--my kids' preferred b-day cake, and the only time I bother making a really snazzy cake. large amounts of candy required. ;o)

23. 20 Jul 2011 23:29

sweet treats of:
Hoyt Cake from the now (sadly) closed Chocolate Pink Cafe
Halo Halo an icy filipino treat and
Fruit Tart with strawberries, blueberries, kiwis and mandarin oranges

24. 21 Jul 2011 01:12

Qsilv Spiced pears flambe'

25. 21 Jul 2011 20:03

Qsilv Banana Split in a Celadon dish

26. 22 Jul 2011 08:31


A tasty snack!

27. 22 Jul 2011 10:53


Caramel Fudge Sundae

28. 22 Jul 2011 23:42


you make me crave all these, folk!

29. 23 Jul 2011 09:12


Red Velvet cake w/cream cheese frosting a la mode w/hot fudge.

30. 24 Jul 2011 09:33


Thanks everyone for accepting this challenge! I'm sorry I'm late here, spent the whole day yesterday at a family bday party surrounded with food galore. And even though I'm still so stuffed from it all and can barely think about eating right now, seeing all the submissions makes me hungry!
I cant talk about all of the pictures, cuz then this would be such a long entry...but here are my reactions, mainly from my tastebuds and tummy, on some of them.
-clorophilla: Mont Blanc, ive never had one, but ive always wanted to try them, sounds so good!
-hanging: custard pie, i really want to try making that and i love me some blueberries.
-Vals: Coconut Tower Cake, just wow! sounds so good, ima have to try to make that sometime.
-randylynne: Cherry-very-berry Pie, love all the layers of fruit, and its a dessert that can be considered good for you!
-indigo: icecream sandwiches, i love how good those little treats are, usually cant stop at just one.
-Qsilv: Poached Pear Flambe, i really wanna try doing that one day, and its creatively drawn.
Banana Split is amazing, and artfully done.
-Meander: im very my a cupcake person.
Thank you for making my first challenge a tasty one!...................

31. 24 Jul 2011 09:46


sooo i think...talking to my tummy that i will have to choose....

***Cherry-very-berry Pie***!!! congratulations randylynne!!! I love fresh fruit in desserts and my favorite are cherries. watching it in the replay there were so many layers of fruit in the pie that it looked like i was watching the pie actually being made. I want a slice but i guess i will have to try making it myself. So congratulations randylynne, you seem like an awesome person and your new profile looks like you're starting to add some great work and your own style to TD. I had the baton over to you. Have fun!

32. 24 Jul 2011 12:08


Thank you! I was definitely not expecting this--there were so many lovely yummy entries. Next challenge: living and learning. Explanation on the new thread (clear as mud, I guess, but we'll see what you all can come up with).

33. 4 Aug 2011 11:37


By Gemini8