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21. 22 Dec 2010 06:37


Chapter Five

The First Christmas Stocking
Nicholas did not leave the wood carver on that Christmas day, or the next, or the next, but stayed on learning to be as good a wood carver as his old master. Marsden realised this and as he was now becoming too old to spend a full day carving, decided to retire and live with his sister in a nearby village. He was very proud of Nicholas and knew that he would be quite able to carry on by himself. and so it was that Nicholas became known as " Nicholas the Woodcarver.'

The village had grown so large that Nicholas did not know every child in the village the way he used to , and the only way that he could tell if a house had children was by a bag hanging on the door on Christmas Eve. With this increase in children his small sled could no longer carry the enormous numb er of toys and Nicholas had to use Old Marsed's horse and sleigh for his now large rounds. It had become the custom of the children to leave brightly decorated bag filled with oats on their doors and when the horse had eaten the oats Nicholas would fill the bag with toys he had made.

Nicholas' life was not all the work. One day he looked up from his workbench and saw some children having a snowball fight in the fresh show. they were having so much fun that he couldn't resist the temptation to join in. One of the children, whom Nicholas had never seen before , was standing watching shyly.

"Here," said Nicholas, handing him a large hard snowball, " try this one for size,Justin looks like a good target over there.
"Oh no! I have to go gather some firewood and get home quickly."said the small boy as he moved away pulling his empty sled.
"Who's is the new fellow?" asked Nicholas, when the boy was out of earshot.

"That's Frederick He's just moved into the village. His father had an accident at sea which paralysed him and now he has to stay in bed all day. The family is really poor so Frederick and his little brother Wilhellm don't have any time to play because they are always helping their mother.

Later as Frederick was pulling his sled of firewood home, he had only one thing on his mind, he had heard so much about Nicholas and how he only left toys at the doors that had bags hanging on them.It was only few days until Christmas and Frederick could imagine his little brother's face if he had a new toy on Christmas morning, but how could he arrange it so that Nicholas would know that there was a little boy in the house? He looked everywhere for a bag without success.

On Christmas Eve he tried to interest his mother in the problem. "Mother." he began slowly , do you suppose we have a bag in the house?
A bag! what sort of bag? my child , she inquired.
Well, it should be embroidered really, but I guess any sort of bag would do. We have to hang it outside the door on Christmas Eve and when Wilhelm wakes up tomorrow there will be a beautiful toy in it for him. Nicholas the wood carver does it for all the children of the village and I thought if there was only some kind of bag around here..

His mother sighed, Things like flour and potatoes come in bags and those we haven't seen for ages, my child. Goodness knows , with all my other worries, I have no time to embroider a bag or even make one. Anyway I'm sure Nicholas person wouldn't come to poor little children like you. Now go and get Wilhelm ready for be. That might take your mind off your silly ideas.

so sadly Frederick was forced to abandon the idea of putting a bag outside the door for his little brother's Christmas gift. but he couldn't forget about Nicholas. He thought about how he looked, such a kind jolly man, he felt sure Nicholas wouldn't pass a child's house just because they were poor. He thought and thought and while sitting by the fireplace helping his little brother undress, he pulled of his warm, bright and woolly stocking. As wilhelm held it up he said jokingly, "Now that would hold some kind of gift just as well as any embroidered bag. And why not? he murmured to himself. " why not indeed?"and with one leap he flung open the door and soon had the stocking tied to the door.

Once again this Christmas Eve, everything in the village was blanketed with white snow, sparkling under the bright winter moon. No light were showing in the village and everyone was asleep..expect one good soul, guess who? Nicholas of course, who was busy going from house to house leaving bulging bags filled with gifts. At Frederik's doorway he paused. In the bright moonlight he saw a funny object dangling on the door. a child's woollen stocking!

Nicholas laughed silently to himself, a kind tender laugh , then reached down into his bag and filled the lonely little stocking up to the top.and then with a snap of his whip and the jingle of sleighbells he was off to the next house.

when Frederick opened the door on Christmas morning, he and his little brother found not one, not two but three toys each, Right down in the toe of the stocking he found five large coins, enough to keep the whole family all through the winter, The boys shouted with joy, while their father almost sat up in his bed with the excitement. Their mother's eyes although always bright, were filled with happy tears as she watched Frederick and his brother hugging the Stocking full of toys close to their hearts.

22. 22 Dec 2010 10:15


Chapter six


Squire Kenson, the riches man in the village, came driving up to Nicholas' cottage one day with an order for a new chest of drawers. Nicholas was attracted by the sound of silver bells and reindeer hooves o the snow. He looked out of his window and was impressed by the way the squire had arrived in his shiny red sleigh drawn by two beautiful reindeer. Donner and Blitzen were their names because they travelled so swiftly. like thunder and lightning. Nicholas looked at the two beautiful animals and thought how much quicker they would pull him around the village on Christmas eve than his old horse Lufka, who was now getting older and so slower.

All the time the squire was talking, the woodcarver was gazing admiringly at the fine suit of red deerskin he was wearing. the coat was rather long and belted at the waist, the trousers loose and tucked into shiny black leather leggings. Soft white ermine fur was around the coat at the collar, cuffs and the bottom, with the same beautiful fur around the close-fitting hat. After the squire had left, Nicholas carried on with his work but his mind was on the beautiful red suit.
"There no reason why I can't have one too." he said to himself, I've been going around dressed like an orphan instead of a wood carver for far too long."

The very next day Nicholas paid a visit to Widow Arpen, the best dressmaker in the village .

I want a fine red suit, Mrs, Arpen. " he started. You know the one the squire wears?
The woman nodded. Well unfortunately I can't afford such fine soft deerskin and of course I know I can't have mine trimmed with real ermine, so what do you suggest?
The widow thought for a moment, then said, " we could get a bolt of strong homespun from the weaver which I could dye a rich red with rowan berries. As for the collar and cuffs, well pure white rabbit skin would look just perfect."

"Done! cried Nicholas, and he poured a handful of gold coins onto the table, "That should cover the materials and your work.

"But that's far too much. "exclaimed the widow, why half of this would keep my whole family right through the winter."

"Keep it woman," smiled Nicholas. "You've had a hard time and i will not be the man to die with a chest full of gold burried under the fire place.

The window stood at her door and watched Nicholas drive away through the snow. Now there's a fine man, she murmured, the gold coins jingling through her fingers. And so she bought the home spun which she died a beautiful bright red, but a strange thing happened. she had no patter go go by as Nicholas was wearing the only tunic he owned, S o the widow cut a sewed the suit with image of a fine big man constantly in front of her . Nicholas was not a short man by any means but he was rather thin, and yet as Mrs. Arpen cut out and sewed the suit together, she knew she was sewing for a fine generous man and she made the suit to fit his heart instead of his body.

On the day the suit was finished and the last loving stitch placed in the soft rabbit trimming, Nicholas arrived to try it on. He went into the widow's little changing room and came out a few minutes later- and what a picture he made,

I can't see myself Mrs. Arpen. said Nicholas doubtfully,, because the little mirror in your room only shows part of me at a time, but it did seem to go on rather loosely, "he finished tactfully, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
The widow gave one look at him and burst into tears, "Oh Nicholas, I've spoilt your suit, I've ruined it, I thought you were bigger , Oh, what shall I do?

"There, there, don't worry about it, Look at the length, that's all right . It's only that I'm not as fat as I should be , Why if I ate all the food the villagers sent me why, I guarantee in a few months time you wouldn't notice it. The trousers will be fine as soon as I buy a pair of boots to tuck them into, and what a nice cap this is! See how closely it fits and how warm looking the fur band is!"

So Nicholas kept his over sized red suit and soon the villagers became used to the tall figure in the bright red trousers and tunic, the close fitting stocking cap trimmed with fur and the shiny black leather belt and boots. And what do you think happened after Nicholas ate more porridge, vegetables and milk, week after week? Yes his face became full, his chest filled out and he even began to acquire - whisper it - A BELLY!

this was his red suit and the rabbit fur hat

meet you in next chapter

23. 22 Dec 2010 10:24


The above picture of Santa is done by Stevedover1965,
Hope you don't mind Steve.

24. 22 Dec 2010 17:51


Very nice story, Geetha

25. 22 Dec 2010 20:40


Geetha, I'm enjoying this story so much! Thank you...!

26. 22 Dec 2010 21:30


Chapter Seven
The Reindeer

Next Christmas Eve Nicholas did not have an easy time making his rounds of the village. He was amused and rather dismayed to see that instead of one embroidered bag for each house, the children followed little Frederick and put out a woollen stocking. So with the families having five or six children , there was quite a row of stockings nailed to the door.Of course Nicholas couldn't very well just put one toy in each stocking as it made the rest of it look so flat and empty, Since he had not stocked his sleigh with enough toys so that there would be several for each child, he found himself with an empty sleigh, and only half way through his list!

Quite a lot of children's name were there in the list, who had not had their gifts.

Luckily I have an extra supply of toys at home in the chest, he said to his horse Lufka as they returned to the the cottage, the horse was quite tired as well. Nicholas wanted Lufka to rest for a while. He loaded the toys onto the truck, and went to the sleigh with lufka and loaded the toys on to the sleigh again," come on old boy." encouraged Nicholas, but Lufka was getting too old to spend all night struggling around the village.

This night he made two trips. As he plodded through a deep snow bank Lufka stumbled and the sleigh slid into a ditch.Crack! went one on the runners. Nicholas climbed down and after making sure that his horse was alright, shook his head at the sight of the disabled sleigh.

Nicholas had to finish his rounds on foot that Christmas and the first pink streaks of dawn were brightening up the sky when he and Lufka returned to the cottage. Nicholas , fat and rosy, puffing heavily, while poor lufka dragged his tired oldbones straight to the stable door. Nicholas took rest for some time and then went to the stabe to see how Lufka doing,

In the stable poor Lufka was fast asleep,Nicholas stood there looking at Lufka and thought, before the next Christmas he should arrange for something better and not give more trouble to Lufka.

For many days after that disastrous Christmas Eve, the villagers heard sounds of sawing and hammering coming from Nicholas' wood shed. They wondered what was he building and whenever anyone asked him what it was he would jokingly say , "just wait and see."

The villagers forgot their curiosity when an exciting new spread through the village . "what is this I hear about the squire. Otto? Nicholas asked his old friend.
"Ah.' said Otto. puffing away his pipe, things have not gone too well for him over the last few years, so he is going to sell some of his land and furniture to pay back the money he owns to people. The sale is tomorrow, why don't you come up with us?

Now what would I buy from him. I don't need any more land and I can make furniture as well. "What about his animal" asked Otto. he has two fine horses and a team of reindeer.

"That's true. " said Nicholas, finally interested enough to put down his work. Lufka is too old to be of much help to me now. I think I will go up there with you tomorrow and see some of the excitement."

The squire , now a bent old man with a worried look on his face. seemed some what bewildered by all the people talking about his house and possessions.When Nicholas shown his interest in the two reindeer he replied sternly. "Well you can't have Donner and Blitzen alone.The set of reindeer go together or not at all. Why Donner would go raving mad if she was separated from the rest of her family."

"Family"! exclaimed Nicholas, but I only need two reindeer. How many more...? finally Nicholas became the proud owner of not just two but eight prancing reindeer, Donner and Blitzen, the mother and father with their six children, Dasher and Dancer, Comet and Cupid and Prancer and Vixen.

This year Nicholas was planning for a bigger and better Christmas Eve than ever before and worked day and night to finish the toys. Finally the great night arrived. Nicholas finished tying the eight reindeer to each other with a harness bright with jingling silver bells. He was over joyed and felt dancing, there he goes.

He slowly backed them up to the wood shed door.Which he proudly opened , disclosing most beautiful sight. There stood a bright, shining red sleigh, trimmed with silver stripes, the runners curving up in the front to form a swan's head . the back roomy enough to hold toys for children of several villages. Nicholas guided the reindeer into the shafts and climbed onto the high seat. so beautifully padded with cushions made of soft doe skin. He took out of its holder, a long shiny black whip, cracked it in the cold air, and they were off.
The night the villagers were woken from their sleep by a merry jingling of silver bells. the stamp of reindeer's hooves on the hard snow and the sharp crack of a whip. They peeked out from behind their curtains and saw by the white light of the moon, a shining red sleigh drawn by eight prancing reindeer whose flying hooves moved as fast as lighting. Perched high up in the seat, snapping a long whip with one hand and guiding the reindeer with other was a large round man, dressed in a belted red tunic trimmed with white fur, baggy trousers stuffed into high black boots and a close fitting red stocking cap which flew in the wind. Of course they weren't close enough to see his face. but one and all, as they returned to their warm beds murmured kindly, "That's Nicholas on his way to the children. God bless him."

27. 22 Dec 2010 21:32

On his way to deliver the toys to the children of the village, Happy Nocholas.

28. 22 Dec 2010 23:16


It's more and more fascinating... tell us if you need any other pic!

29. 22 Dec 2010 23:41


Thanks Clorophilla, if you don't mind make a pic of gonlin. thanks again.

30. 23 Dec 2010 01:32


Chapter Eight
The First Christmas Chimney

When Nicholas was about fifty years old, and his hair and beard were becoming as white as the snow, ( by inked_gemini )
a strange family came to live in the village. Not much of a family you may think, just one small old man, brown and wrinkled like a nut and a skinny little girl who drew back shyly from the crowd of villagers, who had gathered as they always did when some one new came to live.
by krystenkuhn
"His name is Carl Dinsler." one woman said, "The old squire's housekeeper told me about him. She said that he was very rich, he must be rich to be able to buy the big house up on the hill.
He may be rich but doesn't look it. remarked another. Did you notice that poor little child he had with him? she looks as though she need a good square meal. who is she anyway?

She is his grand daughter. Her parents died a little ago and they say the old man bought the house on the hill so that they could be alone.
"Do you know what he has done?" asked one little boy of the crowd. "He has nailed up all the gates and left only the front one to open and that one he keeps locked with a bolt large as this." He spread out his hands to show the size." and that's not all. I don't know how you would get into the house anyway because he's put up boards over the windows and the front and side doors. There's not a sign of life anywhere in the old house now.

"Why, the old man must be crazy." they all said, "He must be afraid of somebody."
"Afraid nothing." one man remarked, "The only thing he's afraid of is that someone will steal his money."

"I am sure Nicholas will be interested in this news."said another, "One more child in the village , and such a lovely one too."

"Nicholas already know about her," said a deep voice and the villagers turned to side, the voice came from, there stood the wood carver, their loving Nicholas.

"Her name is Kathy, I once knew a girl that name,' he went on with a sad faraway look in his usually merry blue eyes as he remembered his little sister. "I'd like to do something special for the poor little girl."

"How did you find out her name, Nicholas?"
" She was wandering around in her yard just like forlorn puppy who had been locked in." Nicholas answered. "I was passing that way and stopped at the gate so that I could talk to her. She says that she's not allowed outside the fence and can only play in the yard for one hour a day. She also told me that her grandfather doesn't want her to play with the other children from the village in case she talks his gold and where he keeps it.

"As if we'd touch his money." the villagers said angrily. "He's a nasty old man. Why I"ll bet he won't even let her put out a stocking on Christmas Eve.

That's a safe bet," laughed Nicholas, "he wouldn't open the front door even to let in something that was free."

Over the following months he often thought of lonely little Kathy, he saw her several times and she told him she wouldn't be allowed to hang out stocking at Christmas. The last time he visited her, old Dinsler shook his stick at him and told him to keep away from his house. After that, Kathy was not seen again but Nicholas still made a few toys for her and packed them away, just in case.

A few days before Christmas, Nicholas visited her house and walked around the big boarded up house.
by kmkagle
he looked up at the covered doors and windows and his eyes brightened as he noticed the huge stone Chimney on the roof, He chuckled to himself, " I'll try it! I might get stuck but it's worth the try."

Christmas Eve was dark and moonless with the wind whistling through the streets and the light snow stung Nicholas's face and covered the sleigh and reindeer with a shining coat of ice.

"Come on," he encouraged the reindeer, "Only the house on the hill top.'

He shivered in his red coat and must have looked like a giant snowman with the snow forming icicles on his white beard, He tied the reindeer to the front gate, took his sack from the sleigh and climbed from his high seat to the top bar of the fence and jumped into the yard. He stopped to listen. But could only hear the banging of shutters in the wind, he crept over to the side of the house where a vine covered one door and this made an ideal ladder to the roof. Being so fat and bulky and with the sack on his back it was hard work. but finally he puffed his way to the roof. This was the dangerous part as it was slippery with the snow an ice, and he had to hack away with his knife to make footholds. Finally a large shape loomed up above him. It was the chimney. Nicholas stopped and rested for a moment, then leaned over the edge and looked down the chimney into the inky blackness.

" Just as I thought," he murmured , "the old miser lets the fire go out at night... even on such a bitter cold one as tonight." He climbed over the edge and bean his dangerous decent, feeling carefully with his feet for the jutting bricks, pressing his hands flat on the sides and bracing his back against the wall. slowly he inched his way down until he felt the solid earth beneath his feet. He stepped out of the fireplace in a room almost as dark as the chimney. Gradually as his eyes became accustomed to the dark, he could make out a table and by groping in the darkness eventually found a stub of a candle, which he soon had lit. He drew out from the sack a bright blue woolen stocking, and filled it up to the brim with toys. Also he left nuts and lollies as he thought the hungry little girl wouldn't have had treats like this for some time. Nicholas then hung the stocking on the mantelpiece, weighed it down with a heavy candlestick and stood back to admire the good job he had done. Just as he was about to blow out the candle Nicholas was startled by the sudden opening of a door and old Dinsler rushing into the room.

"Sneaking into my house are you? After my gold I suppose ? I'll show you what I do with my thieves, I'll show you!" The old man picked up a poker and swung it at Nicholas who jumped to one side so that the table was between them.

"Don't be so foolish." he said quickly, realising that Dinsler was in a rage and dangerous. "I haven't come after your gold. Look..."

"Haven't you. Well then what brings you into my house in the middle of the night ."

"Ill tell you what! Look behind you at that stocking. The other children in the village leave their stockings outside their front doors. but you have so frightened your grandchild that she is afraid to ask you for anything. I only wanted to make her feel wanted like any other children. and that she should get gifts the same way as they do on Christmas morning."

"Gifts! exclaimed the old man, bewildered and lowering the poker. "You mean you give things away.?" He looked at Nicholas with a very strange look.

"Yes," replied Nicholas, relieved to see the poker being put away. Even I'll give you a Christmas gift, old man ," and he reached inside his deep pocket and poured a stream of bright gold coins onto the table in front of Dinsler.
"Here, if gold is all you care about take this.. and more.... and more to add to your hoard! And now," Nicholas said with an air of authority as he brushed some soot from one eye, "Will you please show me to your front door. If I have to climb back up the chimney I'll never get this suit clean again."

With that he marched from the room , in some ways a ridiculous stout figure covered in soot, yet he looked very impressive to old Dinsler, as he hurried ahead to open the door for Nicholas to return out into the cold black night. The next week the village buzzued with excitement. Something was happening up on the hill. The old miser had ripped the board off the window and doors. He had bought a horse and cart and had been down to the village to buy huge quantities of food. He had also spoken to the school teacher and within a few days Kathy and her grandfather were seen on the road leading to the school. the little girl's face beaming up at the old man. her feet skipping along to keep up with him and her warm little hand tucked into his fist. All this because Nicholas had climbed down a chimney to fill ONE stocking!

31. 23 Dec 2010 01:35


Thanks a lot to you all for the support and encouragement given to me.
Meet you in the next chapter.

32. 23 Dec 2010 04:03


Chapter Nine
The First Christmas Trees

Very close to Nicholas' cottage was a thick grove of pine trees, tall, beautiful dark trees that lifted their branches high up into the sky and formed a perfect shelter for the ground underneath. Scattered in among the larger trees were a cluster of firs, brave little trees, which kept their strdy branches green all through the cold northern winter and came through each heavy snow storm with their shiny needles still pointed towards the sky.

The children used to play in this grove, because no matter how stormy the weather was outside, here they could find a warmer, ;more sheltered spot away from the bitter winds. Nicholas loved this grove,for in order to get there, the village children had to pass his cottage, and hardly a group went passed his door without one or more of them dashing in to say "Good day" to their old friend and to watch him at work his fascination toys.

One day as Nicholas glanced out of his window, he noticed a group of children running from the grove. As they became closer he could see that they were frightened and as they ran into his cottage for cover, puffing and panting, Nicholas asked " What's happened ? you all look so frightened"

"They've got long black hair,"one boy cried out, "And the men wear rings in their ears," piped in another. "We couldn't understand a word they spoke."

"Slow down slow down, " said Nicholas, "Who are you talking about?"

"Strange people with dark skin and hair."
"Did they have horses and carts with them?" asked Nicholas with a knowing look

"Yes, and big covered wagons," They sound like gypsies to me," replied Nicholas, thought they don't usually come so far north. They must have lost their way, and now they'll camp here until spring, There's no need to be afraid of them. They are people just like you and me."
Reassured, the children ran back into the grove to investigate these new people. They soon made friends with the gypsies and discovered that the children played ;the same games as them, as well as some interesting new ones. As the Christmas drew near, they told the gypsy children about Nicholas, and how he drove up on Christmas Eve on a red sleigh pulled by eight shiny reindeer and filled their stockings with beautiful toys that he had made.

"Once, when he couldn't get into Kathy's house because it was all boarded up, he climbed down the chimney!"
"He can't visit us," joked one gypsy girl, "We don't have any doors, not do we wear stockings. We certainly don't carry any chimneys with us. " she laughed.

Little Sonya, who wanted every body to be happy, reported some of these things to Nicholas, and came away from his cottage with a contented mind, for she knew that the wise smile o his face meant that he had a plan in his kind old head.

On the Christmas eve , the reindeer were surprised to find that when their usual round was over, Nicholas drove them right past his cottage and out towards the forest. stopping on the edge of the pine grove. A dark figure with a wide grin stepped forward. This was Grinka, the leader of the band of gypsies.

"Here you are Grinka," said Nicholas, given him a bundle of small white candles. "You go ahead with these and I'll follow."
Grinka stopped at every small fir tree in the grove and tied candles to their branches. Nicholas followed behind, covering the branches of each tree with nuts, shiny red apples and of course a sample of every one of his toys. It was almost dawn when the pair had finished, but there was a tree for each family with children.
"Now for the light." said Nicholas and they went from tree to tree. touching a taper to each candle, until the whole dark grove was twinkling and glowing like the centre of a warm hearth fire.

"I think that's the prettiest part of it all," said Nicholas "and you must be sure to wake the children before the sun gets through the pine trees and spoils the effect."

"Alright," said Grinka, "I'll go and wake them now, before you go."

"Oh no!" said Nicholas alarmed . they mustn't see me. the children must NEVER see me, It would spoil it all.Now I must go.

Nicholas jumped onto his sleigh and was off, with the familiar jingling of silver bells and the crack of his long silver whip.

A few minutes after his departure, Grinka had aroused all the children in the camp. Nicholas should have stayed just to see the joy on the thin little faces as they scampered among the trees, each one discovering something new to shout about.

"It's the lights on these lovely little trees that makes everything so beautiful," said one child.

"No it is the presents! "said another. Just look at this pretty little doll I have!
"It's the fruit and nuts< added one hungry child stuffing his mouth with goodies.
"I think everything is so beautiful because it's Christmas, " decided on wise little boy.
"Yes, yes because it's Christmas!,' they all shouted, dancing around.

"And these are our Christmas trees.
By Geetha
By Burgandy
By Angela
By 56rosie
By golehto
By five
By HeidiJo
By marg
By mdawrcn

33. 23 Dec 2010 04:48


In the Chapter Eight
The Picture of the Chimney was drawn by mhilton.
I am sorry, I forgot to mention near the picture.

34. 23 Dec 2010 05:53


This is such a wonderful and heartwarming story, Geetha. I have been hanging on to every word since the very first post. And what a lovely gift you have given on the days leading up to Christmas. I come here first thing every morning to eagerly read the next chapter.
Thank you. And thank you for using my picture to illustrate this beautiful story. Many blessings to you and your family this Christmas season.
And now I shall wait patiently for the conclusion...

35. 23 Dec 2010 10:52


I love this story so much! And, you asked me a pic of "gonlin"?? do you meant goblin? I have an old that fits well!

36. 23 Dec 2010 11:09


I have just discovered your story Geetha. It is so beautifully told that I have tears in my eyes. Thank you so very much for bringing so much pleasure to so many of us on TD. I send you warmest good wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.

37. 23 Dec 2010 13:24


May I contribute my trees to the lovely little grove?

38. 23 Dec 2010 13:35


...and this is a type of goblin

(if he doesn't suit, just run him off... he'll laugh and go peacefully enough)

39. 23 Dec 2010 20:41


Thank you all for the lovely comment. I shall continue.
Clorophilla I Shall look for the pic in your gallery.
thank you for adding your trees Qsilv.

40. 23 Dec 2010 20:43


Wooo, I love the goblin Q. Let's hope it fits in this story. ;>

Geetha, this is a beautiful story, which is something an unexpected gift...