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Forums - Community - uno land story

21. 24 Nov 2010 01:14


thank you normal .yes it is a folk tale from my country. when I was young my mother was tell me that story .every day I had waited the night came to knew the rest of the story .
I'm glad that you enjoy it & all think draw drawer

22. 24 Nov 2010 06:11


I'm finding it fascinating!

23. 24 Nov 2010 06:19


thank you Qsilv

24. 24 Nov 2010 07:03


part 6
1st Artwork for sell
(37th day) after the mother bought the thread & Silk the princess took 1 week to finish her 1st artwork & it was a real beautiful small tablecloth
the mother was astonished with the beauty of it and knew that this was not an ordinary tablecloth she never saw like it even in the finest shops of uno land
the princess said now mother you have 7 punos go buy some cloth for a dress I'll make you a nice one so you can go sell this tablecloth in the best shops of uno land
sell it for 150 punos only nobles should buy this .
Hasan was improving quick in all lessons.they all started to feel like a real family the mother came back very happy with her new dress and 150 punos that the shop gave her & princess said: mother this
this is the day u stop begging people from today you rest & only go to sell our work we together will make the best art in uno land

Teaching Skills
(68th day) now that the mother goes to sell a tablecloth that the princess makes every week princess is more concern about hasan's skills
she taught him swimming,sword fight,&even diving..
food is as good as it can be even discussions started to take place among them & they enjoy that
hasan started to go downtown from time to time just to watch people & life that he sees with a new perspective ..& he enjoy that the best..
but he respect the princess promise not to talk to people before the fourth month.. he can't wait for that & he feels like he is a different person everyday & with everything new that he learns

25. 27 Nov 2010 13:12


part 7
History & Geography.
(111th Day) the princess now is teaching hasan history & Geography..He insisted that he learn all what she know before the 6th month end
deep in his mind started to realize that a man should be fully educated to earn people's respect..History of the oldest civilization on earth taught him that clearly
Egypt,Babylon,Finnish,Rome He started to feel like he is leaking knowledge.......A Man Worth what he achieve in his life for Others...A man who lives for himself worth nothing
Mother is just marketing the princess artwork only to finest shops in uno land and they just keep asking for is no more an issue.

under the tree
150th day) the princess is almost done with hasan's education..she is concentrating now on how to talk & make conversations with others, to be generous & helpful
hasan started to walk talk & behave like a prince..she have done a perfect it's up to hasan to use the education & wisdom that he learned and start to make his new life
he goes downtown every day to meet the new friends that he made in the last month..& they all respect him and like his generosity, kindness..
one day hasan came back home sad so he sat down by a tree & kept thinking about his new friends..some of them are merchants..others are fishermen..& the last part of them they just disappeared for a week & he found out today that they are sailors
they all go out working to support families..different jobs but they all have 1 purpose..can he do that..can he give instead of taking...
he went home very late and the princess was worried so she questioned him until he told her about his thoughts & that he would like to work. the princess smiled & told him that this is the day that he finish learning from her..& start learning from real l

26. 30 Nov 2010 11:40


part 8
full of hope
180th day after hasan had many discussions with his friends and the princess back &forth hasan found himself like the idea of commerce & traveling
specially that he has this friend that goes on river trips that takes 5 months to many places along the river to the far south of uno land
So he told the princess about that & that he want to get back from this trip as a man that she deserve..the princess agreed & gave him the money they saved & told him about cheap goods that are rare & Precious in the south perfumes,incense & of course some of the tablecloths she the river band the princess and the mother fair well hasan wishing him the best of luck hasan rode the ship.. his heart is full of hope

the first port along the river
(190th day) the first port along the river different faces different view different dialect celebrations everywhere dancing horses was anew thing to hasan he was surprised by this view
walking around the village & trading his goods it was a good day for him and the crew of the ship...but suddenly he noticed a strange situation
an angel face girl crying surrounded by some servants serving her like a she a Bride or a Princess hasan curiosity made him stand there watching until an old lady grabbed him and looked at his face, stranger ,what d u want?I'm just curios..
she is the most beautiful girl in our village,& she is to be sacrificed to the river beast tomorrow..or it will drown & destroy the whole village this is our rituals every year.
can i talk to her??hasan asked,,so the old lady introduced him to the girl hoping that he calms her down but hasan just said.I'm can i talk to her? hasan asked,,so the old lady introduced him to the girl hoping that he calms her down but hasan just said.I'm a stranger u don't know me but i promise tomorrow u won't be alone..

27. 1 Dec 2010 08:53


part 9
Mission impossible
191st day..hasan couldn't sleep he just asked half of the natives about that beast ,some just never saw it but few answered.& finally he built an idea about that beast..huge,barricaded,comes out once a year,just to take his sacrifice
hasan gathered some herbs & some steel with the help of some friends and stayed all night mixing them heating ,extracting..until he made a large spear with a very sharp blade full of the strongest poison that spreads out only when he twist the blade into the hunt.hasan went to top of the bridge with the sacrifice and jumped into the river to surprise the beast before it wakes up hasan found its den and dove into the water many times to find the weakest spot to hit the beast
(following 1st advice of the princess:_if u want to defeat an enemy find its weakest creature doesn't have one_)
the chest..that was its spot..hasan took a deep breath this time and dived fast to that spot and hit that spear with all the force he got then twisted the spear to push the poison inside that huge body and just swam as fast as he can to the river bank
through the black blooded water it was a matter of minutes before the huge body floated in front of the surprised natives's a miracle ..the stranger did it

A sense of pride
a lot of crowd..everybody wants to salute & invite hasan they can't reach him they carry him on shoulders like a prince hasan just shouted to stop them & ask them to bury that body floating on the could poison the water he shouted
the mayor invited hasan & treated him like a king..he slept the best night of his life ..this is happiness ..he saved life ..he made all this people happy
the next day the girl came to hasan with her father he was one of the richest people in town..he offered hasan half of his wealth & to marry his daughter ..hasan just said thanks I'm married & i didn't do it for a reward.
the father gave hasan the best horse he had & the people insisted to fill half the boat with the best golden artwork they have..hasan couldn't stop any of that the whole crew of the boat were happy that they have this hero with them
the boat left the harbor with all that crowd cheering and singing for hasan wishing him the best luck in his next trip...wishing him to visit them again one day
one of the crew shouted..this horse is a genuine Arabian's more valuable than the ship that carry him..everybody laughed while the ship moves to the next stop..Nuno Village

28. 7 Dec 2010 06:56


part 10
Stay away from Scorpio
221st day.the ship went to shore on Nuno harbor,hasan took his big share of the gifts after he split some with the crew and went down to the village selling his goods
the crew just told the hero story to almost everyone in that village people were looking for hasan & buying all his goods just to meet the hero & talk to him
hasan is happier day by day..but suddenly crying ,sadness & shouting all over the village made the people gather at the village center wondering what's the cause
a crew member asked hasan in a hurry can u cure a scorpion byte?a kid is dying.hasan answered take me to him the boy house hasan calmed him down: don't worry now we'll deal with that it's really rare when someone dies because of that just don't panic.
hasan shouted every body find me a herb called Commiphora myrrha..the whole crew went asking spice dealers until one knew it & helped them to get the herb
meanwhile hasan being bitten so many times in his old hut sucked the spoiled blood out of the wound & treated the boy perfectly till the boy went to sleep..feed him a lot of honey hasan said leaving the boy's house ..I'll visit him tomorrow

A royal curtain
:back to the princess where she used to make a nice tablecloth that worth 150punos every week and that made them live ok at the hut witting for hasan to comeback
she missed his loving look,his passion & his care even at the short time they spent together created this unique & pure feelings between them she felt that the moment the ship moved away & now she's waiting for her knight to be back wishing he comes back soon safe & wining out of his first trip not only to impress her and the village but hoping to impress the king himself.suddenly the mother came to wake her up from her daydreaming to surprise her that one prince came from Naso land
he's willing to pay 10000 punos for a royal curtain..I'll buy the tools..she shouted I'll build a workshop I'll even hire two girls to help me'll be ready in two weeks

29. 8 Dec 2010 10:48


part 11

underwater view

270th day..the princess hired a carpenter that build her a nice workshop & hired two girls to help her & in 1 week the curtain was a real piece of art of an underwater view that she use to watch near the palace when she was diving there & it's made of silk & silver
the mother came from the market very happy with a servant of the prince of Naso land carrying the money for the curtain..he told the princess that the prince is willing to take another 100 curtain to have 101 different view..a view for each balcony of his huge palace.the princess took the money & asked the servant to comeback next week with a down payment & will then tell him when exactly she will deliver the 100 curtain
the princess sent for the carpenter again and showed him a big design that she made before and asked him to continue part 2 until 6 of the design to complete the large the 270th day the large work shop was the best and largest one in uno land
meanwhile a group of workers were working near the the hut putting the bases of a huge building that only the princess knows about..even the workers don't know exactly what is this going to be

101 curtain

the Princess worked through the day and night and with help of the2 girls and her new tools finished the 100curtain And delivered to the Prince as planned even took the time to await the return of her husband at the same time honor Constructors to end the building, which looked like a miniature palace
the princess order the workers to put coverings on the walls of the building so no one will see or knows anything about that building
At the date of the return of the ship, the Princess and the mother awaiting the return of Hassn. Waited all day until night came and began to worry ,suddenly

30. 10 Dec 2010 19:03


This is a wonderful tale!

31. 11 Dec 2010 09:28


thanks jennifk

32. 12 Dec 2010 08:14


part 12


One of the sailors came to the people that are waiting at the port for hasan's trip & told them that this delay in arrival means that the ship took a different long way through the river & it means that the ship has another 3 weeks to arrive
The princess then decided to go home to complete the surprise she was making for her husband full of hope that with all the knowledge that he learned he will succeed in his first trip & returns as a famous merchant.
So she started to complete the building she was working on secretly & she sends a servant everyday to the port to inform her as soon as the boat appears from the shore. The building is complete everything is ready & all is needed now is patience until has hasan comes home..& one day the servant came from the port early with a big smile on his face: The ship is arriving & the news says that they have a Prince on board. The princess didn't care for the news she just wants her hasan to come back safe
so she ordered the workers to reveal the building that was all covered with sails & a beautiful building was there underneath, just a mini palace that looked like the king's palace. the mini pearl palace. hurry to the port every body she shouted.
..and then
she just disappeared inside the palace & a minute later a guard came out that looks just like the king's guard & stood at the door guarding.

33. 12 Dec 2010 09:28


(laughing happily) zum, I am sooo loving this!

34. 13 Dec 2010 10:29


part 13

a march to the east
hasan came ashore with all that fortune ,precious presents ,horses & servants he gained from the trip & send all that to the House & Store that he managed To rent from one of his friends at the trip ...he planned everything so nothing delays him from meeting his mother & wife & feels home again. Meanwhile at the king's palace news started loud about a prince that came ashore in uno land with rare gifts & merchandise
Everybody was wondering who is he & where did he come from. Also news about a new mini palace that showed up in uno land east that looked just like the king’s palace. So the king ordered for a march to the east to know exactly what’s going on.
Hasan in the other hand took his Arabian horse & headed for the hut to bring his mother & wife to the House he rented. But when he arrived to the hut he stood there shocked what is the palace doing here. It should to be west. Am I lost in my own city.
Going around the palace with his guard Hasan was still wondering where is the hut? Where is my tree? where is the mountain that should be here? Through all this questions a guard from the palace with a fierce armor & helmet appeared in front of him stopping him & the guard questioning them who are you? Why are you wandering around the palace? What do you want? Hasan just stood there whispering I’m looking for my hut, my mother, my wife, my home was here, this is my father’s land but he couldn't

35. 19 Dec 2010 14:58


What? What's happening next? I'm getting so into it and too excited to wait!

36. 21 Dec 2010 04:16


thank you hanging until now i cant find a suitable pic for the next part

37. 21 Dec 2010 04:21


many thank for encourage of Qsilv I'm so happy that you like my story

38. 21 Dec 2010 10:39


May I suggest something?

What if you'd appeal to the TDers for the pics while you go on the story, if you don't mind...?

39. 23 Dec 2010 13:09


PART 14:

sound of an ANGEL:

hasan couldn't answer the guard..people will think he lost his mind..but he was quite sure that this is his father's land & his hut was here..but what happened.. where is his mother ..where is his wife ..his head was full of questions that he doesn't even dare to ask about..turning around to leave with his companion..he heard the most beautiful sound to his ears at the most needed moment he would ever think of...calling ...H..A..S..A..N..
then he turned around thinking that he really lost his senses to see the palace guard taking off his helmet to reveal his face ....long silk hair revealed from under the helmet and an angel face ..his beloved Qamar el zaman ran into his arms..suddenly he started to realize the facts around him and ran to her feeling like a dream..laughing with a thousand and one question in his head...what happened here where is my mother are you..i missed you all..where is the hut..who built that palace..but then again none of this matter now..let's take mother and go to our new home..then you both explain everything to me...qamar stared at him for a while then smiled and said this is our new home hasan..pointing at the palace...and mother went to meet you at the no more questions for now ..i need to know everything about your trip..they both looked at each other for a moment that seemed like dream for both but it didn't last ..a voice came from behind to wake them both from their dream....they looked behind to find be continued

40. 23 Dec 2010 13:17


aahhh.. welcome back! (smiles) We've so missed this.