Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge 57 (LVII) - Monster !

21. 15 Nov 2010 16:18

Cranberry monster that lives at my house, lol

22. 17 Nov 2010 16:10

Fiction is the bird mentioned in the stories of The Adventures of Sinbad and the story of the Thousand and One Nights, as well as in the old Arabic legends.

The advantage of this bird of beauty and strength, and in most of the stories that burn when they die and become ashes and emerge from the ashes a new phoenix bird.

23. 20 Nov 2010 04:36


I spent a couple of hours yesterday, working on an Avatars pic., only to blow it away with a careless click [groan.. not again].

Undeterred, I had another go, just to show willing !

I'm so sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I will definitely be picking a 'top monster' very shortly !

24. 20 Nov 2010 06:06


Here are some cute monster.

25. 20 Nov 2010 15:38


a nargle and a wrackspurt, two imaginary little monsters of Harry Potter's saga

26. 20 Nov 2010 18:16


The perfect place to put my Dracula.

27. 21 Nov 2010 03:10


Well.. what a great collection of monsters - although they mostly seem to be pretty cute !

Thanks to indigo, zum, clorophilla, stevedover and anyone else I've missed, for the brilliant 'old' pictures - 'Full Moon' '191th day' and 'Frankenstein in love', etc. - they're all brilliant !

As for the best 'monster' pic.. well, stevedover's 'Wyvern' makes me remember why I like cats :
Arw.. what's the dog-thing in the dragon riders series ?

lynnspotter's 'She looks just like you, dear' almost made me cry..

Qsilv's 'I think I'm an Emu! (and you?)' is unfortunately out of contention, and I don't have the nerve to say more..
the '...and in the sky, The larks' has been in my head for the last week, but I guess it's good that I remember the endless waves of small, white crosses

Clorophilla's excellent 'Dr Jeckill and Mr Hyde', is just beautiful - hold your hand up to hide the 'Mr Hyde' side, and see what the nice doctor looks like !
the 'a Nargle and a Wrackspurt' just shows, I think, that you don't take gardening seriously..

Arw's 'Illithid' is truly monstrous.. the eye, the gaping .. er.. gaping something.. is quite nightmare-ish.
'Durin's Bane' is just magnificent -
.. I still want to try my own vision, but just haven't got time, right now !

hanging - LOL, sorry but your 'footprints of..' is much too pretty to count in a monster challenge - maybe just a couple of those hand-prints, but much enlarged, would be significantly nastier ?
.. your 'bat... I can fly though...' is actually one that I can't 'see', but obviously everyone else can !
I sort of see a lady with two children in her arms - one about 2 or 3, and the other a baby - but I'm obviously missing the 'real' pic, so my apologies !

indigo's 'Awakened' came as a nasty shock when I inadvertently saw it out of context - half dragon, half irate centipede (one of those BIG ones you get in the country !)..

Brunnhilde's excellent 'Monster from Brunnhilde' was wickedly entrancing - whatever you do, keep watching those hands !

Suzze.. LOL.. I'm sorry, but I think you should be banned from ThinkDraw - every time I look at this, I just crack up (start laughing), so that I've never actually managed to comment on it yet !

zum's beautiful 'Phoenix' deserves to be admired - alas, I've never seen this mythical bird as a monster, but this would shine in a 'mythical animals' showcase:

now, Geetha.. how can you draw such lovely monsters ? your 'I know I am hairy!still cute, right?' is a study in blue furriness

Finally, Hazer's 'An old draft...' just hit an eerie spot with me :

28. 21 Nov 2010 03:16


oh dear.. I'm sorry, but I have to announce lynnspotter the winner of this challenge -
there is very little quite as monstrous as a fond parent / grandparent / family member / friend / casual bystander saying 'She looks just like you, dear' ..
.. about some small, red-faced, squalling infant !

29. 21 Nov 2010 03:17


.. and here's the winning pic for you again :

30. 21 Nov 2010 06:35


When I have challenged the tourism & when choosing a winner . I think that each participant must know the reason of his exclusionary . But I thank God I did not do.
marg..... you have been very harsh with us

31. 21 Nov 2010 19:35


lol... I, on the other hand, am entranced at marg's "eye" AND unique logic!

32. 22 Nov 2010 12:06


Well, surprise, surprise! Glad you got a kick out of it Marg! Thanks!

33. 22 Nov 2010 18:41


Nothing remotely harsh about Marg's comments. Each "sponsor" of a challenge gets to decide the "winner" on purely subjective reasoning, or even a whim. Marg chose to share with us her highly subjective process and we appreciate that! I enjoyed watching the whole thing from the sidelines. It is NOT necessarily about the "Best Art."

34. 23 Nov 2010 01:50


To be honest, all of the pictures were just so good - in their own way - and my knowledge of art is so limited - in its own way - that 'subjective' really is the ONLY way for me !

Thanks, everyone, for contributing - and, like zum, bothering to comment .... and over to Lynn for the next, great challenge !

35. 23 Nov 2010 04:50


you are wright marg it was a nice challenge .

36. 23 Nov 2010 04:54


sorry (right)