Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge 56 (LVI) - Fun-House!

21. 7 Nov 2010 08:37


ooooh yes, this works.....

I can just see the Blues Bros as a whole theme for one!

(Have any of you folks seen the Simpson's "Krustyland" at Universal Studios in Hollywood and/or Orlando?)

22. 7 Nov 2010 18:16


Fun-House Entrance

23. 8 Nov 2010 08:46


Ok... can't wait for that dragon... tho I hope she'll swoop by and drop one in here later on anyway!

This was a short challenge but it produced 10 interesting images from 7 darn good artists... (plus teased a sneaky one out of me too).

Clor's classic distortion mirror and the wonderful wind-blown woman's face...

Hanging's other-worldly tree-house, a swirl of roller-coasters in a crazy interior... and then that hot colored candy-clown-face entrance...

Pumkingirl's dangerous looking fun house --all eyes and sharp teeth! ;>

56rosie's psychedelic staircase and Mdawrcn's cleverly executed Escher-ish one... (I'd been wondering which viewpoints might work on those!)

Geetha brought us one of the most charming little houses I've seen herin TD... thatch-roofed and tucked into a stone wall berm with trees atop and autumn grasses all around (ok ok... I'm waxing way too eloquent here and she may not even be seeing it quite this way! just happens to touch a part of me that yearns to be in such a setting right now... lol) ...and then followed that up with a sweet one made of -----------chocolate!

I snuck in a glowing tunnel-of-love with a rather ephemeral swan-boat

Marg heated it all up by doing something mysterious that wound up being (we're all convinced!) the Blues Brothers! Can't beat that! ...and that means...

............................marg..... (reaching out... yelling "TAG YOU'RE IT!" and running away reeeeeal fast!)

(Thanks folks!) ;>

24. 8 Nov 2010 08:53


Marg... I agree with Q: your blue brothers are unbeatable! congrats!

25. 8 Nov 2010 11:15


wwhhhaa ?

.. please bear with me until a bit later...

26. 8 Nov 2010 13:39


Congratulations, Marg!
And that's okay, take your time. We can wait.

27. 9 Nov 2010 02:07


well.. hey.... um, howdy folks and may I just say that

a) I'm enormously proud of being chosen to win Qsilv's challenge

b) er, yes, it WAS the Blues Brothers I was trying to depict, so thanX very much to you all for identifying them (it was the rest of the 'fun house' that I was fretting over !)

c) I would like to express my respect, admiration and appreciation of our wonderful sponsor, Qsilv

.. and I would like to dedicate my forthcoming challenge to her, in a very personal way..

[bugger.. how does one do the 'sticking out the tongue' thing ?]

28. 9 Nov 2010 02:16


[debugger: Marg, the sign is : P . Just eliminate the space.]
Congrats on winning this challenge, I'm very intrigued now about the next one .

29. 9 Nov 2010 06:30


................(chokes laughing now wiping up tea from keyboard....)