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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1981. 1 Sep 2009 19:41


I dropped a v did you see it? Where'd it go?

1982. 1 Sep 2009 19:43


I think matthew mistook the 'v' for a thong and ran off with it.
Can you imagine he was in New Hampshire but didn't pop in at Chez Baldur on the way back home?
I would have sliced a vintage fruitcake and made a pot of tea.

1983. 1 Sep 2009 19:45


I'd 'ave stopped by! I'd 'ave brought my own cream of course.

1984. 1 Sep 2009 19:46


Well maybe "involed" should be a new word! When I lived in the country we had a charming "colony?" of voles. They lived under the bird feeding station which was inches from the window. In the winter you could see the voles coming and going, mostly you saw the leaves moving as they crawled around underneathe. I LOVE voles.

If involed were a word, I could say our bird-feeding station was "involed."

1985. 1 Sep 2009 19:47


Well it's just about bedtime here at Chez Baldur.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable evening.
Until the next broadcast.
'All Baldur, All the Time'

1986. 1 Sep 2009 19:47


Marius, that's sad about that family, and generous of you to be so kind. Some kids have no hope from the get-go, you know? My son has a kid on his football team. He's got an extremely high IQ, and is VERY athletic. Imagine all the good he could do with his gifts!? But his home life is so terrible, and he has already been getting in trouble with schools and police from about the age of 9. He's 12 now and I feel bad for him, but doubt he'll ever use his gifts for anything other than becoming as successful a criminal as possible. It is very sad to me, and a lesson I try to teach my boy.

1987. 1 Sep 2009 19:48


I used to know what voles were but I don't anymore. Can you help?

1988. 1 Sep 2009 19:48


Well I would have the Spode ready and the sterling polished,
Baldur does have 3 fruitcakes left from October of 2008. They only improve with age.

1989. 1 Sep 2009 19:50


I'd stop by too, but what kind of tea and what else besides fruitcake? Yes, some of us are quite picky. To this day, no peas are allowed in my house. When we have pot-lucks, everyone knows and honors this rule. Thank goodness.

On our honeymoon in the white mtns in NH, we ate at a kind of posh place. Although while dining little chipmonks came in from outside and dashed around. Anyway, waiter arrives with my dinner and there is a GIGANTIC mound of green peas. Waiter turned to leave and I said, "Sorry - you must take this plate back, put my seafood on a new plate and I don't need the veggies ... I just can't have a thing to do with peas." The surprised young man did as asked, spouse smiled and when new plate returned ... I had a very nice dinner.

1990. 1 Sep 2009 19:51


LOL @ involed, marius! I am not so fond of voles as you, but my cats happen to LOVE them.

Solo, they are about the size of a gerbil. Little mouse-like rodents, not as ugly as moles

1991. 1 Sep 2009 19:54


I had a feeling they were rodents. So long as there are no ROUSs there I guess I wouldn’t complain.

1992. 1 Sep 2009 19:56


here's a pic of one. Almost looks cute here, but a rodent is a rodent to me. Don't even like squirrels...they're rats with bushy tails!

1993. 1 Sep 2009 19:57


Going to bed now. Wish me luck with my sleeping endeavors! G'night all!

1994. 1 Sep 2009 19:58


Goodnight Robin, I hope you get some decent sleep.

1995. 1 Sep 2009 19:58


Actually, the prairie and meadow voles are quite pretty with reddish brown and golden colors. They are MUCH cuter then mice and I do not think they ever dare to live in your house. Our cat never had an interest in the voles but short-tailed shrews were another matter. She loved them even though they musked her each and every time she caught one.

1996. 1 Sep 2009 20:00


Oh - ROUSs - just got that. One of my favorite movies of all time.

1997. 1 Sep 2009 20:01


Goodnight Baldur, goodnight Robin. We just might make it to 2000 while you dream.

1998. 1 Sep 2009 20:01


I'd probably take a vole over a cat. I don't hate cats but the fur sticking to me drives me bananas! Some of my clients have their cats clipped real short and that seems to help but then I'd have to do the grooming, I bet voles don't need grooming.

1999. 1 Sep 2009 20:03


I hoped that wasn't to obscure. It is one of the best movies ever! Cary Elwes and Columbo in the same movie is like hitting the jackpot!

2000. 1 Sep 2009 20:07


Peter Falk