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1921. 29 Aug 2009 03:26


Buldar, enjoyed account of evening out. Hope C & C have recovered from their shock!

1922. 29 Aug 2009 11:34


Speaking of hot things, not too long ago I was buying veggies at the farmers market and saw they had both green and red jalapenos. I asked if the red were hotter or just a different variety and the girl didn't have a clue. I decided to go ahead and try out the red ones having never had them before. Took them home and decided to make one of our favorite appetizers- stuffed jalapenos. I proceeded to cut off the tops, remove the seeds (we like hot but we're not crazy), piped in cream cheese with cilantro then dipped them in egg and breaded them and popped them in the oven. We sat down to eat them and after one bite both our mouths were on fire. The cream cheese helped a little but I've never had such hot jalapenos before. We looked down at the plate which still held about 10 peppers and both of us were thinking 'OMG how're we gonna get through this'. We did manage to eat them all and in fact after the first one the others didn't seem wuite so bad but I think that's just cause our mouths were in jalapeno overload. My boyfriend looked up some info on the net and found that if you leave the peppers on the vine to ripen to a red color they absorb much more of the capsasian (sp?) oil which is what makes them hot in the first place. So a word to the wise, red jalapenos are much hotter than the relatively tame (in my opinion) green ones.

1923. 29 Aug 2009 20:46


Thx Marius, Kansas has been rather cool since I've been here. Not the hot and humid norm for this time of year--I'm loving it! And Dragon's experience with red and green jalapenos is quite correct, from my humble experience. If you want to really scare yourself, google the naga jolokia (also known as bhut jolokia) pepper. It apparently is THE HOTTEST pepper on earth, and about a zillion scoville units of heat. I can't imagine eating even a teeny, tiny piece of that evil pepper. What would possibly be a good reason to eat something that deadly?????

1924. 29 Aug 2009 21:32


So, on the subject of hot peppers I have a slightly off-color but funny anecdote to tell you. Tonight I am the charge nurse at work here. Part of our responsibilities includes going to a staffing meeting with all of the other charge nurses in the hospital where we staff the next shift (a "nurse auction" of sorts!). Anyway, the E.R. charge told us this story about her husband picking habeneros and jalepenos today. She had warned him to wear gloves when he told her he planned to cut up a few jalepenos for his burger, but apparently he didn't think about wearing them for picking. He had the jalepenos AND the hot, hot habeneros picked all with his bare hands, then sliced jalepenos. Apparently, he called her just before our meeting to tell her that he had an itch in a personal area (if you get my meaning) and scratched it through his pants. Pretty soon his privates were on fire! Even through the pants that capsasian (as Dragon called it and taught me a new term) was toxic! That nurse was laughing so hard she could hardly stand it! She told him he better wash his hands, wash his pants, and wash his privates and if it was still burning, he'd have to soak his "parts" in milk!!! Thought it was ironic to hear this story just tonight when it was a "hot" topic (pun intended) here on Channel Baldur!

1925. 29 Aug 2009 21:45


Great story, Robin. That capsaicin is some deadly stuff.

1926. 30 Aug 2009 05:29


It's good stuff, just watch where you put it.

Baldur had a similar incident in his younger years when he injured his knee.
At the time Baldur still thought he could handle sports, but inevitably this always resulted in the liberal use of 'BenGay' ointment.
Some time later, and after copious handwashing Baldur needed to use the men's room. Apparently the hand washing did not remove whatever the active ingredient was because the pain from that contact down there was instantaneous and rather long lasting.

In handling such stuff also remember never to rub your eyes (for days afterwards).

1927. 30 Aug 2009 05:38


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Rarely a day goes by that I don't eat something infused with capsaicin. The kitchen at Chez Baldur has pepper flakes with various degrees of heat.
A current favorite is the Aleppo pepper, a variety from Turkey. This pepper has a very complex flavor with almost a vinegary aftertaste. It is not extremely hot so I generally mix it with some red Thai pepper flakes when cooking. The Aleppo peppers are wonderful however in my marinara sauce as Robert doesn't care for overly spicy foods. I can add a bit to the sauce for some subtle flavor, and he doesn't notice it .
Given my druthers Baldur's marinara would be more like an Arabiatta.

Another neat thing I've found is ground Chipotle pepper, I love that. Baldur uses it in place of paprika on top of his deviled eggs.

1928. 30 Aug 2009 06:36


Here is a scary number
There are13,612 posts on the Forum Pages (as of the morning of 8/30/2009)
1926 post of these posts are on Channel Baldur.
That is approximately 1/7 of the total.
This is quite frightening.

1929. 30 Aug 2009 07:04


I would say "very frightening". lol. Just had to get on here. My god its an institution now! I can second the motion on the hot pepper stuff. Used to grow Hungarian Hot Peppers in my garden years ago when I had a garden. I made chili that would make your eyes melt and when you cut the peppers to add them to the chili, you'd better not put those finger anywhere but somewhere to clean them. One little swipe near the eyes or as you mentioned (don't relieve yourself) and its cryin' time in the city. Have a great day Baldur/Matthew or whoever you are. I also like your art!!!!

1930. 30 Aug 2009 07:06


The last part was supposed to be a funny...Oh, let me go draw something. Maybe I can actually create art today that will be sent 10 pages back by kids making alien faces and cat ears hanging off trees. Oh I know, Mel is on more than Channel Baldur. I'll strike up a convo' with him!

1931. 30 Aug 2009 11:09


Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold...
Baldur has a pot of split pea soup simmering on the stove today, vegetarian style of course.

It was supposed to be a very warm day here at Chez Baldur but instead the weather seems like Autumn. Cool and pleasant.

1932. 30 Aug 2009 13:30


Very much like autumn here, too. We are promised slightly warmer weather tomorrow.

1933. 30 Aug 2009 17:50


If this weather remains pleasant I may finally get to bake Eccles Cakes this week. Qsilv posted her recipe for them here on Radio Baldur way back in March. Between the Summer weather and coming down with Lyme disease there has been no serious baking going on here at Chez Baldur.

1934. 30 Aug 2009 20:12


Hmm, we're still having excessive heat warnings here; It's been 110-115 all last week and no end in sight!


Of course I'll be thrilled when we still have no snow all winter long, so I'll get over it;-)

1935. 31 Aug 2009 04:22


I could never live where you live Solo, although I've heard it's very nice.
I also couldn't live without my four seasons! ;D

1936. 31 Aug 2009 05:58


It could snow every day from the 1st of November straight through the end of March and Baldur would be quite happy.

1937. 31 Aug 2009 06:21


Hey Buldar radio (or is it Bludar? tee hee hee), I am sick today. Rats! Have not been sick forever! So, poor me, woe is me, and all of that. Oh my - a tad of self-pity feels kind of good! Think I'll say a few more "woe is me's" and return to couch and Kleenexes. : )

In the meanwhile, would greatly enjoy and appreciate a story today if anyone has one to pull out of the proverbial hat and share. And, yes, went to the doctor - bad case of sinusitis, so regimine for now is antibiotics, home remedies and time.

Thanks, marius.

1938. 31 Aug 2009 09:25


Ok, a 'shaggy-dog story' for marius:

It was on a remote island, where all was quiet and at peace with nature, until the tern populaion explosion. The whole island was overrun with Terns. Other wild creatures were desperately short of food, because the terns were devouring more then their fair share. The islanders eventually all agreed that there should be a cull ... it would take place over a fixed period of time, before the next breeding season began. The islanders were not happy about the cull but it 'had to be done'.

The time came and all of the islanders turned out in force, equipped with the pre-agreed weapons ... stones ... to give the terns a fair chance, it was decided to cull using stones. Any survivors would have earned their right to live ... and so the cull took place.

The breeding season came and went and, within a year, the tern population was overrunning the island once again ... which just goes to show that you should 'never leave a tern unstoned'.

Get well soon, marius.

1939. 31 Aug 2009 09:51


Login, that reminds me of a story (I hope it's not too racey for the listeners;) )

Once upon a time in an Indian village (Native American's not people from India) there was a brave who only had one testicle and everyone called him One Stone. He got so sick of this nickname that he vowed to kill the next person who called him that. So along comes a beautiful Indian girl Named Bluebird and she says "Hi One Stone" So he drags her off into the trees and makes love to her furiously until she dies from exhaustion. No one called him One Stone after that. A few months later Bluebirds sister Redbird comes back to visit her from a far off village. Needless to say she hasn't heard of what happened and when she walks in the village she happily calls out "Hi One Stone" So he drags her off to the trees and makes love to her furiously until he falls off exhausted but Redbird still lives.
So the moral to this story is "You can't kill 2 birds with One Stone"

1940. 31 Aug 2009 13:01


There is nothing like a good story when the whole body aches! I even smiled and it did not hurt. : ) Now ... back to bed. (And, how is it that a sinus infection can make every thing ache? It must be more than the nose wreaking havoc.) Anyway, spouse does not tell good stories to the ill, so thanks and thanks again!!!