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1881. 24 Aug 2009 19:15


OMG!!! That was abso-frickin-lutly diabolical. Spent all night on that thing. I was supposed to be making cat-toys for the farmers market but no, I had to go get hooked into some crazed egotist's idea of fun (or possibly torture). You are a cruel and unusual man Baldur!
I did actually get 41 on my own before I gave in and checked in on the forum only to find out that the list had skyrocketed into the 60's.
Good challenge, and yes, that was the hardest wordsearch I've ever done.
Thanks Baldur (I think)

1882. 25 Aug 2009 03:53


Glad that you enjoyed it Dragon, marius has no doubt been cursing me.

1883. 25 Aug 2009 03:56


Robin AND marg have had no time to work on the puzzle yet so the answer will stay off this thread for a few more days. I'm not certain that anyone else is involved.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

1884. 25 Aug 2009 06:25


Aw Baldur ... I rarely curse! Found all kinds of darling 3-letter words like: asp, apt, emu, boo, tit, hee, hum, eel! But, was alerted to fact that such words would not count. (What a shock! Are we SURE they are not TD-related! tee hee hee)

Then little gals who work with spouse arrived for his third "bread-baking 101" class. They are ages 20-21 and what a hoot. Told them they're my favorite people that age. (They are the ONLY people I know those ages!) They ended up staying for dinner. Most enjoyable, and bread turned out quite nice.

After company left, I dragged reluctant eyes back to grid. Letters were still swimming, always do when arranged like that, even with ruler! So, left them swimming and checked to see if anyone had won and they had! What relief!

BRAVO TO SOLOSATER, and congrats to 2nd place Matthew! ... and ... ten points to me for knowing I can not defeat swimming letters in blocks! : )

Still, was a fun puzzle! Thank you oh torturous one!

PS: brain is stuck spelling your name as Buldar. Will probably never get that straightened out!

1885. 25 Aug 2009 06:43


All Byldur... Buldar... Rayodg... ummm... nevermind...

1886. 25 Aug 2009 06:54


and don't forget solosatre!
Poor Raydog, I really tried to jam his name in there
other could have beens include:

I also wanted to add 1020, possibly spelled 'tentwenty'

1887. 25 Aug 2009 08:27


I was surprised not to see Rasslebear, Liz, The letter J, Karbs or Kugusch... Oh I know there were others that I said "How are they not in there"...

As long as my tiny thong was not forgotten...

1888. 25 Aug 2009 18:32


That would be quite difficult to forget.
I do hope you all realize that Baldur needs a long vacation from puzzlecraft.

1889. 25 Aug 2009 18:38


So does Dragon.

1890. 26 Aug 2009 17:35


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Has everyone recovered from the puzzlethon?

Baldur spent the day weeding the gardens and carting a truckful of horse manure across the yard to the new area I am terracing.
I am building a stone retaining wall at the bottom of an unusable slope and backfilling behind it.
The newly reclaimed area will be approximately 20' by 40'.
Next spring it will be a vegetable garden

1891. 26 Aug 2009 17:40


Baldur had this project in mind for several years. With my lack of employment I now have time to do all the manual labor.

Potentially the current vegetable garden can get converted back to lawn. I do hate to lose that space though.
Baldur finds lawns to be wasted space, I'd rather have everything converted back to meadow, at least then it would be useful to the wildlife.

1892. 26 Aug 2009 18:13


Sheftali regrets that she did not have the time to work Baldur's latest gem of a puzzle. What a magnificent effort that one was (as are all of the puzzlemeister's efforts!). And congrats to all who solved the puzzle--it was challenging, I'm sure. Alas, Sheftali's attention is shifted to visiting hubby's family in Kansas for the next two weeks, but she looks forward to browsing TD as time permits.

1893. 26 Aug 2009 19:08


Sheftali, enjoy your trip...your witticism will be missed here.

These past two weeks allow little time for TD for robin. School starts monday, and my boy and I are trying to enjoy every last minute of the summer before the nag-fest starts. By next week, I will be forced to nag about homework, showers, getting to bed on time, getting out of bed on time, etc. Our summer is filled with peace and harmony, so it's a difficult adjustment.

As for the puzzle, I had planned to have a go at it by today, but, alas, no time in the end, and frankly, I have no self-control once any answers are posted anyway. LOL I do the crossword every day except Sunday because they don't print the answers til the next day. But on Sunday, the answers are a couple of pages later in the newspaper. I just can't control myself from cheating. I think, "I'll just look up this one word, and it will help me get the rest." But ultimately I will look up so many that I just figure what's the point at all! So of course I was looking in that other thread immediately once I noticed it there! It's a character flaw I have. I have this other quirk where I have to read the end of a book before I read the book itself. I just don't really like surprises. (even peeked in my mom's hiding place before Christmas as a kid!) So I will read maybe one or two chapters to get to know the characters, etc. Then I skip right to the end to see if I feel like the book is worthy of my time. If the ending sucks, the book goes unread. Sometimes I'll read it anyway, but actually, it's only happened a handful of times that I found the ending so distasteful that I didn't read the book. Regardless, I am the only person I have ever met who has this strange habit.

Today I am cleaning and going through piles of crap that seem to accumulate over the months. Company coming on Friday, and don't really want to expose them to all my clutter. I sure wish I had a Baldur around the house to cook and play handyman, and complete projects that I only seem to ponder....

1894. 26 Aug 2009 20:27


Robincr, you've made a perfect end to my day! THANK YOU!

Here's how my day started: All of my life I have wondered why NO ONE ELSE is ever bothered by that wicked fluorescent lighting that rules our lives. So, this morning, sipping tea, I find out those lights bother Solosater too! And in much the same way they bother me! Hooray, I am NOT alone!

Fast forward to end of day and I discover I am NOT the only one who reads the end of a book to find out if if I want to read the whole thing!!!

I also read a few chapters first, then read the ending and if I like it, I read it all. Have been doing this forever! Spouse says this is cheating and I tell him it beats the suffering he goes through when he's not sure if he likes a book or not. : )

Should I admit that I also cheat on Sunday crossword puzzles? No, will save that one for another day!

Sweet dreams to all!

PS Buldar, have not recovred form puzzel yte but ready for anohter whenever yuo rea! : )

1895. 27 Aug 2009 05:15


Baldur absolutely cannot stand fluorescent lighting, when going shopping I try to remember to bring my sunglasses into the store with me, even if there weren't needed outside.
All goes fairly well until the inevitable flickering gets noticed (It's best never to look up at these devices). Once you pick out the flickering one you cannot remove the pulsing from your vision, even aisles and aisle away this faint 'disco' effect if stll there.
Then I end up noticing other discordant light fluctuations that are not synchronized with the first one. It's maddening. Plus you can actually still notice this effect through closed eyelids.
This cannot be healthy.
It is no wonder that sales help in stores are often very irritable

1896. 27 Aug 2009 05:22


I cannot read the ending of a book first.
If indeed the story is horrible the book is gone by the end of the first chapter.
Baldur donates a LOT of books to charitable causes, as well as giving them to Matthew of Shrewsbury.

Currently I'm reading 'Jitterbug Perfume' by Tom Robbins and enjoying it immensely.
The story bounces between 4 sets of characters, one of whom is living 1500 years ago. They are all rather eccentric, so Baldur relates to them fairly well.

1897. 27 Aug 2009 05:28


Next on the Docket is 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' by Jane Austen and Grahame Smith.
I had intended to read that one a few weeks back but instead got lured into 'Affinity Bridge' by George Mann. This was a novel in the Steampunk genre and oddly was also full of zombies.
Baldur has not encountered any so far in 'Jitterbug Perfume'

1898. 27 Aug 2009 06:11


Robin is disappointed to see no planned trips to Boise by Baldur, to help a sister out. Guess I'll have to trudge along myself through all this mess, then eat some crappy concoction of leftovers. Woe is me.

1899. 27 Aug 2009 08:23


Blame Baldur but breezing by Boise breaks banks (Baldur's been broke).

Cooking crappy concoctions can cause creative cooks ceaseless consternation. Combine cream,cornstarch, curry, chopped chipotles, chickpeas, carefully cook causing cream's custardlike consistency. Cook cavatelli. Coat cooked cavatelli completely, creating a creamy curried casserole. Chopped chives cover the caserole.

1900. 27 Aug 2009 08:24

