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181. 5 Feb 2010 15:11


OOPS--missed the word Muse.-Sorry

182. 5 Feb 2010 15:34


Missed the word Extravagant in both my letters. I'm upset at myself now.

183. 5 Feb 2010 15:36


considering rewriting both letters now with extravagant in it.....
We'll see.

184. 6 Feb 2010 02:32


This is my last one on this list, too. These words are gruesome. 321 w/o title


I was working at my kiosk at the state fair. I didn't sell anything extravagant - just cheap items like horse-shaped candles, salt and pepper shakers of two cows mating, the usual garland of dirty jokes on toilet paper. You know. All the other vendors on my row had this high class stuff and they were ostensibly arrogant about it.

My own muse told me different. I sold the cheesiest, touristy stuff you could find. I swear. I couldn't keep enough shellac cow pies in stock! They was kind of jealous because I made more sales. Maybe it was wrong of me to treat them with such apathy.

Well, I was about to close shop at ten o'clock when this guy walks up. He had malice in his eyes. Thinking back, I should have run or called for help. I don't know how I could tell, but he was up to no good. I was right.

When he put the gun in my face and demanded all the cash, I could barely breathe. I handed him all I had. When he said that wasn't enough, I gave him my watch and the cash in my pockets. When he said to lie down on the floor, I did. When he strangled me, I started feeling weak. When it hurt, I struggled. When I finally gave in, it was easier to slip away.

So there I was looking down on my dead body and this creepy guy. My thoughts synchronized somehow with some bigger picture. Creepy Guy was actually my brother in Egypt. I had reported him to the Pharoh for blaspheming Ra and he was put to death. Who knew it would culminate in this?

I saw the other vendors on my row and realized they were all townspeople in my village when the execution happened. I guess I had paid for my dreadful deed through their disdain and now my own death.

Brother, please forgive me. Let's stop this game of Tag.

185. 6 Feb 2010 04:47


ladyhwin. Loved the format of two letters. one shorter. The text flows very well. I'd like to read the book.

Mouse. I think 'Call to Arms' is one of the best uses of the list yet. Everything fits naturally and it's emotionally stirring. Good, good work. There are a couple of grammar errors, but those are easily fixed.

How about (temporarily) inserting this: "They enlisted but they worried who would plant & harvest the crops - the war muse? The women had enough to do............" Just leave it like it is.

186. 6 Feb 2010 05:05


ladyhwin. In the 1st letter to Ithon, you could easily say "our extravagant trip must be postponed" and in the response from Siella. "However the people seem to have no interest in protecting their extravagant homes, they think the peace will last forever." Details, details. It's a good read.

187. 6 Feb 2010 05:27


Sorry, all, just a really quick (flying) visit.. but I just read giraffe's 'tag, you're it ' .. and I'm totally stunned.

I think I need to make time to read through all these contributions, but waaah.. it's gonna have to be next weekend.. but how good are you guys ?!

188. 6 Feb 2010 05:28


sorry.. that was rhetorical - you're all absolutely amazing !

189. 6 Feb 2010 05:29


thanks giraffe, that helps. I enjoyed writing them, it got me into the feel for those two characters.

190. 6 Feb 2010 06:44


ladyhwin, I'm with giraffe. Loved the two letters format and yes, maybe you could do a wee bit of tweaking, but that's merely arranging the icing on the cake ... the cake (the story) made me want to keep reading (as in what comes next)!

Mouse, I love 'Call to Arms' too. It pulled right me in and I wanted to read more for this one too ... what comes next? (Tee hee - so much for needing to pull from life's experiences!)

giraffe, very much enjoyed "Tag." Tee hee, read a book a long time ago that told about two people who kept getting reincarnated and killing each other, for something like twenty lifetimes! Believe it or not, the idea of that was actually a motivation to work things out in this lifetime, just in case, (wink). And for the record, I don't care what motivates a person to work things out, but what they say about forgiveness, that you do it for yourself and it feels divine. Yes to that! (giggle)

To answer your question, changed major to Elementary Ed. Taught two years and ugh! Introverts should not be full time teachers, however that degree helped in next career as naturalist (i.e. outdoor ed.) ... which funny thing, is what I wanted to do when I switched to Elem Ed. Guess we end up where we're going even when we take detours. ; )

191. 6 Feb 2010 07:23


Gotta say I think this word list was valuable BECAUSE it forced new thinking...
learning and experimenting -- for those to whom certain words were foreign...
figuring out how to explain them well -- for those who already were comfortable using them.

Sure it was unusually difficult to work with, and I wouldn't want it to be that way every single time, but I hope it happens again now and then.

192. 6 Feb 2010 07:23


Yes!!! I did it. Edited and with all ten words in this time and still on the exact word counts.

Dearest Ithon
I write to tell you that our trip must be postponed. A large extravagant caravan has arrived which means there will be kiosks all around the inn for the ostensible and stupid reason of not disturbing us. But I know better. They really wish to sell their wares and steal from us. How I wish I could strangle every one of them. It seems everyone is unknowingly synchronized in keeping us apart. My heart seems full of malice that is fast reaching culmination. I so wish I could show more apathy in these situations.
I am sorry I must close now. I must about you every night, holding the garland of roses you gave me.
With all my love,
Your Siella


Dearest Siella,
Do not worry yourself. I understand your frustrations. After all, I must concern myself with the extravagant princely duties I am burdened with when I would much rather be galloping towards the inn to see you.
I am sure that you are perfectly able to strangle any caravan peddler and if they are a threat to your mother’s business, feel free to vent your malice. That is not very sound advice so perhaps you will be wise and not pay any attention.
As for my own affairs, I have become very involved with Aircer’s political ventures. We have been trying for years to train an army worthy of our country. However the people seem to have no interest in protecting their homes, they think the peace will last forever. What they do not know is that two weeks ago, we received a message from the power-hungry Arostan requesting an alliance. It seems they wish to invade Zaracor.
Father immediately refused and made plans to aid Zaracor. But our people’s apathy is becoming infuriating. If only they would agree, but they ostensibly believe they are completely safe.
Why am I telling you all of this? I ought to be telling you of my progress with Father and Mother. Father has told me many times that choosing a wife is to be my affair, but Mother is set on the fancy women Doraith has to offer. Do not worry, time will prevail.
Remember the clearing we found in the forest? I have built a sort of kiosk there where I often sit and muse. I try to go at least once a week, for there I can speak and write the culmination of my feelings. My thoughts seem synchronized with yours there.
I was pleased to hear you still have that garland. But I must leave you now, sweet Siella, before I am missed.

Your loving friend,
Prince of Aircer
Hope you like it!

193. 6 Feb 2010 07:24


btw... I really liked that letter and reply format! ;>

194. 6 Feb 2010 07:24


Siella and Ithon are two minor characters in my book and since I only recently brought them into the story, I thought of them while trying to come up with something to write about.

195. 6 Feb 2010 07:25


Thanks Q!

196. 6 Feb 2010 10:10


Sorry to say, this piece is 128 words, just a few over the 123 word count. Oh well, I couldn't think of anywhere else to cut words out.

The Robin
The robin cocked his head with interest at the garland of daisies hanging over the nearby bush. He was sure it had not been there the day before. Curiously the robin hopped closer and pecked at it.
Immediately losing interest, the robin flew back to his home in an old kiosk to muse over usual bird thoughts – worms, synchronized flights and such. He began to sing, his sudden happiness causing him to fly out and away.
Why do robins have such carefree lives? They hold no culminating malice, no desires to strangle anyone. People are extravagant, so ostensible, so infuriating. Robins are so apathetic when it comes to many of the things we take so seriously.
Oh look! I wonder if that twig will fit in my nest!

197. 6 Feb 2010 10:29


And again, that makes four posts in a row for me. Wow. Anyway, also about a character in my book, this time a major one, it's 321 words and no title. If anyone wants to add one, go ahead

Marzena fastened the clasp for her cloak and threw her hood up to hide her face before going into the street and mounting her horse. She showed absolute apathy for anyone despite the buzz her appearance caused. As soon as she had passed the West Gate of The City, she spurred her gray mare into a gallop.
It took almost no time at all to reach the small mountain. After tying the horse to a tree, Marzena hurried around to the niche that led into the rock.
The huge cavern she soon entered looked eerie in the lone torch’s light. Marzena quickly took the branch and dipped it into a low trench that ran along the entire wall. Instantly the light began to culminate until flames danced all around.
Satisfied, the woman pulled a package from beneath her cloak and walked over to a small kiosk. Ostensibly it was only a storage area for weapons, but Marzena opened the secret door in the back and stepped into a pitch black chamber. Without going further in, she unwrapped the package and laid a garland of raw bloody meat on the stone floor. Then, before retreating, she listened smilingly to the regular breathing coming from the far end of the chamber. Without even hearing the throaty growl, she knew he was dreaming of the malice he longed to release on his enemies.
Marzena went back into the kiosk and shuffled through her extravagant collection of swords. But as always, she turned back to her favorite. Medea.
As she practiced in the flame-ringed cavern, she mused about days when she could have fought together with others, synchronized with trained masters. Now, she could only go against others, not with them. Years of broken promises had taught her well.
The smell of burning meat caused Marzena to turn and smile. Now he had arisen and his desire to strangle and kill would be strong. Perfect.

198. 6 Feb 2010 10:49


Oh that was wonderful ladyhwin! That was right up my alley.

199. 6 Feb 2010 10:52


Thanks Dragon. She is my favorite character in my book, as creepy and mysterious as she is. I'm glad you liked.

Hmmm..... I'm haunting TW today.

200. 6 Feb 2010 12:28


Marius. Just a pit stop here. I just started reading 'Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold about a girl narrating from beyond the grave and thought I'd explore that concept. So far, the book is excellent. Thanks Marg. Thanks, ladyhwin, dragon, and most of all, thank you, scarecrow. Ha. Back later.