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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

181. 14 Nov 2009 01:49


It feels so good to know that there are people out there, that I haven't even met, that are praying for my family!

Hazer, I hope you grandfather gets better, its esy to forget others needs when you have them yourself, I'll be praying for you

182. 14 Nov 2009 01:55


That didn't come out quite right Hazer, I ment that I forgot that others were suffering.

183. 18 Nov 2009 10:08


My father-in-law is out of the hospital...all signs pointing to congestive heart failure. He is not in pain for which we are very grateful. He is happy to be home although we are concerned about Mom's ability to care for him as she suffers from arthritis and finds it hard to get around herself. She also doesn't drive which is a big concern...Dad really shouldn't be driving anymore either! Thanks for you prayers! Nylecoj...I am praying for your family...for wisdom for the doctors.

184. 18 Nov 2009 13:45


That's great Hazer! glad he is doing better I'll keep praying though and thanks.

185. 22 Nov 2009 14:39


Grandma goes in for surgery to have an access removed on Tuesday.

186. 22 Nov 2009 17:59


My prayers and best wishes are with your Grandma, you and all your family! Please keep us posted.

187. 29 Nov 2009 16:20


The surgery went well! So far so good! Hopefully she doesn't catch the cold that is floating around my family.

188. 29 Nov 2009 16:37


Great news! Thanks for letting us know! Prayers will continue.

189. 30 Nov 2009 06:21


Glad to hear your Grandma's surgery went well Jocelyn.
My father-in-law is back in the hospital. He's having an MRI done today to look for blockages in his abdomen. He is very ill but is in good spirits and still not in pain, just very uncomfortable with his feet and legs very swollen.
Thank you for your prayers. Mom is finding it very hard as they have been married over 60 years and this is the first time Dad has had to be in the hospital.

190. 30 Nov 2009 07:30


First of all, thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for my wedding. It was fabulous! The only downside was that I was getting over a rough head cold and ended up having laryngitis that week. I recovered somewhat on Saturday (enough to whisper my vows at least!) and it was an amazing day spent with family and friends.

That being said, I have another medical prayer request to add to the list here. Kevin's younger sister, Carrie, has been in and out of the hospital for a couple of weeks now. Just for a little background info: Carrie has had mental and physical disabilities her whole life. When she was born, she was not breathing and was brain dead for about 10 minutes. The doctors said she would probably never walk, talk, or live a very long life. Miraculously, she can walk (with crutches) and can sign and speak a few words. She is now 23 and though she has had medical issues in the past, she recently began having violent seizures within the past couple of weeks. They put her on a strong dose of anti-seizure medication which began throwing her into liver failure. She has been very unresponsive (not Carrie-like at all). She is currently in Greenville, NC and her parents are working with a neurologist there for her CT scans, EEGs, etc. What Kevin's parents told us yesterday is that they believe she has some kind of brain infection and swelling. They are pumping antibiotics and other medications into her brain through a catheter. This whole thing is very traumatic and trying for everyone involved. Please pray that Carrie recovers quickly from this fatal infection, that her doctors can work to find the best treatments, and her parents can remain strong, supportive, and prayerful during this time. We aren't sure if she is going to make it through the treatments or not.

191. 30 Nov 2009 08:28


this is not for myself but for a4e4ka,

"Sorry, I did not check on the challenge...
Had a very sick dog on my hands, lost her Saturday...
I am very grateful for the honor, but, please, pass the baton to someone else - I can't concentrate on anything but the loss of the dearest friend...Please, excuse me..."

it's obvious that she is hurting and i think she could use some prayers.

192. 30 Nov 2009 19:13


Heavenly Father, I lift Carrie and her family up to You and ask that You would place Your hand of healing upon her. I pray that You would strengthen her body to fight the infection and give those that are caring for her wisdom and discernment. Lord I hold up her family to You and ask that You strengthen them as well and encourage them with the knowledge that they are not alone. Lord I pray that You would bring people along side them that can share their burden, so that they will not only be comforted but also be able to get their rest. Lord I ask that they will be able to find time to enjoy their new daughter-in-law and thank you that the wedding went well! Thank you that we can bring our requests to You and that You hear our prayers. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

193. 30 Nov 2009 19:19


Heavenly Father I pray that You would comfort a4e4ka as she has lost her pet. Thank you for the joy that her little dog brought to her. It is so hard to see them suffer. So Lord be with her now and wrap her in Your arms of love and bring her peace I pray. Amen.

194. 1 Dec 2009 11:00



195. 12 Dec 2009 09:05


I have a prayer request. It starts with a picture:

The title is what makes the picture make sense.

I recently started 7th grade- my first year of middle school. This summer, my best friend Kayla died of cancer. I sat with her every weekend, my mom willing to make the two hour drive to seattle. When i was there, she was happy, and for some reason, they say that her health was better when i was around. She died though. Just a day after i left. I had come home and my mom was crying. For some reason, i just knew. Kayla was dead. But she had known she wouldn't make it from an early time. She had left me a note with her mom. Her mom was told to give it to me when she died. I got it. I am not going to say what it said, but basically, she told of how she was now an angel and would be watching over me.

I have a friend named Allie. Her and Kayla were also good friends. Sometimes i remember this time in the third grade when we went to the ice cream parlor. We all shared an ice-cream. My grandpa was the owner, so we get ice cream free once a week. We ordered the HUGEST ice cream there was, It took the three of us to eat it. Our moms just smiled at us like we were crazy and it was the cutest thing ever. It was.

Allie had cancer in elementary school. She got over it, and made me go on a 6 HOUR wig shopping extravaganza with her. It was really fun, she put on a guys wig and we took about 400 pictures.

Allie's cancer recently came back. Every weekend my mom makes the two hour trip to see my aunt in seattle. Now she takes me and drops me off at children's hospital to see Allie. We sit there and go over pictures and hang around. She is dying, please pray for her.

No one should have to deal with this twice.
Please help me.

196. 12 Dec 2009 10:56


I am so sorry Tater. I cant imagine someone so young going through so much. Ash and I will certainly send out prayers for you and your friend.

197. 12 Dec 2009 12:54


Tater, I am so sorry you are going through this with another friend. Sometime life is not fair, to you or your friend. I have two friends going through treatment too, right now, and I do feel helpless. But, both of these friends kepp asking for prayers. When I am with my friend Marti, she is so positive, so happy and she needs her friends near her. She has recieved good news so far, and feels prayer has helped her the most. Love and laugh with your friend, as it means so much to her and what she needs right now. Stay strong for her, and talk about the love Jesus has for all of us. You and your friend are in all our prayers.

198. 12 Dec 2009 15:12


Thanks, her birthday was last week. Her mom couldn't afford anything big, because she has to pay the big hospital bill. I told our school, and students pooled in money. We raised $623. I took the money to buy her a laptop.

Since i can't be there all the time with her, and my phone bill went ridiculously high with me calling her ALL THE TIME, we could IM.

You should have seen her face! I am trying to get her on TD. she is gonna make one this weekend when i can be with her. She knows i have talked about her on here, so when she gets an account, i can't tell you guys who she is. She is kinda self-conscious about it.


199. 12 Dec 2009 15:24


Taters, so sorry to hear about your friend. I have a friend who is dying too. She's already been clinically dead two times and it's very difficult. While I am so sad for you to lose yet another friend, and sad for your friend and her family ... I smiled when I read things about you and your friend.

I smiled because your friend has YOU! It's easy to see that you are very good "medicine" for her. It sounds like you know how to be with her. Can't think of anything better than that. And what a great idea to get her a laptop. Hope the two of you have a lot of fun with IM and that she gets to enjoy TD too.

I'm praying! Please keep us posted.

200. 12 Dec 2009 20:07


She is getting better. Will keep you posted.