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1741. 23 Aug 2009 15:02


And are the spaces on purpose?

1742. 23 Aug 2009 15:21



1743. 23 Aug 2009 15:37


Not that I'm usually very good at cryptograms to start with but I'm not sure I get the premise. I understand that the strings of 24 letters put in the right order will make a word search, but I don't get how the words in front give us a clue how to order them. Perhaps I am just not a word puzzler or did I miss some instructions?
I'm sure Robin and Sheftali will get it right away and say 'Jeez, how did Dragon miss that?'

1744. 23 Aug 2009 15:41


Also, is the word 6th from the bottom supposed to be PEAECABLE (which I've never actually heard of) or perhaps PEACEABLE?

1745. 23 Aug 2009 15:56


There are both words and phrases hidden in the puzzle.
If the word is used in a phrase you cannot also count it separately.

Now Dragon.....
There is no cryptogram portion to this puzzle, so you can breathe easier.

I'll draw up a mini example
If you are given these 5 sets of letters:

You can re-arrange then this way:


The word 'THONG' appears if you read down the first column.
If you poke around you will also find 'MARG'.

You need to do this with the 24 series of letters that Baldur has provided.
There is no scrambling of letters here at all.
The clue words that I start each line with are a logic puzzle on their own. You need to determine how to re-order them (and thus the letters that follow them) to form the correct block to use for your word search.

You can certainly help each other along

1746. 23 Aug 2009 15:59


It should be 'PEACEABLE'

The odd spaces kept re-appearing when I copied the letters onto this page, rather than risk making more errors I left them. There should be no spaces between letters in your game board.
The important thing is that there should be 24 letters per line, if I screwed that up even after recounting them over and over please let me know

1747. 23 Aug 2009 16:04


Baldur is hoping that he did not make any serious errors.
Proofreading this is quite impossible.

My suggestion about transcribing everything onto graph paper is to allign everything well so you can see diagonal words. When using 'typed' words the 'I' for example, takes up less room than letters such as 'W' or 'M'. This prevents letters from lining up nicely in columns.

1748. 23 Aug 2009 17:50


Is anyone mking any headway here? I'm starting to feel stupid, I've not ever had this much trouble with a word search.

1749. 23 Aug 2009 18:13


I know the answer!
Oh wait, Baldur wrote it

Who is working on the puzzle? What have you figured out about the words I gave you to help sort the lines?

1750. 23 Aug 2009 18:18


I've only noticed that they are inalphabetical order, I tried that but had no joy.

1751. 23 Aug 2009 18:25


but I told you that you needed to change the order, and indeed you do.

1752. 23 Aug 2009 18:29


I did change the order, I alphabetized the rows by the first letter in the row not by the clue word...

Making sense?

1753. 23 Aug 2009 18:32


I have found ten words and phrases in the original rows forward and back but none after I re-ordered them. I did find several almost but not quite words.

1754. 23 Aug 2009 18:35


Maybe you should take a break and enjoy the Gallery for a while, to refresh your mind.
Sometimes when Baldur tries too hard to solve something he developes a mental block.

1755. 23 Aug 2009 18:40


We are re-ordering just the rows yes, and not the columns?

1756. 23 Aug 2009 18:42


Only reorder the rows, otherwise you'll just be scrambling the letters all up.

1757. 23 Aug 2009 18:44


That's what I thought; I am apparently on the wrong track...

The clue words are a logic puzzle not a word puzzle?

1758. 23 Aug 2009 18:47


Yes, the clue words are a logic puzzle.

I can hear a tub of peach ice cream calling me from the freezer. It's muffled because of the door being shut but I can still hear it.
I'm going to try to ignore it.

1759. 23 Aug 2009 18:56


I gave in to the chocolate Haagen-Dazs last night, probably will again tonight.

I love me some icecream!

I'm all about the fat too, I pour heavy cream over the top and leave it in the freezer for 10 -15 minutes to crust, OMG!

Yep I'll definitely be having some tonight...

1760. 23 Aug 2009 18:58


Maybe they're a logical word puzzle... how does one tell?
As in all things, once you know how to solve it, the whole darn thing is quite simple and obvious.