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1681. 20 Aug 2009 14:05


I beg to differ, Baldrrrr. You were lovelier in that pic of you walking out to get your paper in the morning, monkey tattoo and all! And those are SPATULAS, not fig newtons! And that is a CHEF'S hat, not a cupcake. Good thing I'm not one of those oversensitive types who would cry herself to sleep over the misinterpretation (and I use that term in place of CRITICISM) of her art! LOL

1682. 20 Aug 2009 14:10


And furthermore, I think the cupcake hat and the fig newtons are much less disturbing than your obviously atrophied right arm! I hate asymmetry, and you should probably see a doctor about that's not normal!

1683. 20 Aug 2009 14:11


Tee Hee... that's not his arm...

1684. 20 Aug 2009 14:24


Robin, I know that was a chef's hat. Even back in chef school though we referred to it as a cupcake

1685. 20 Aug 2009 14:30


See, I always end up learning something new on Channel Baldur. However, my cupcakes are in a completely different place than on my head.

I feel like my culinary art here was about as impressive as most of my culinary masterpieces at home! LOL (You might not want to eat here, unless I'm making chicken salad or bread pudding!)

1686. 20 Aug 2009 18:12


I also find that removing homemade fig newtons from a pan it is always best to use 2 spatuli.

1687. 20 Aug 2009 18:16


I also remember a nurse who worked in a facility with me many years ago who referred to her nursing cap as a cupcake. Indeed her cap was much cupcakelier than mine.

1688. 20 Aug 2009 18:45


I've been a nurse for 18 years now, and fortunately, have never been forced to wear a cupcake, or a cap of any kind. Seems they did some microbiology testing on the things some years back and found them to be fantastic breeders of all types of bacteria. I'm just grateful to not have hat head all the time. Ironically, when I graduated, they gave us all the stripe for our caps, although we didn't get the cap and wouldn't have been able to wear it anywhere even if we'd had one. What the heck was I supposed to do with that stripe? I'm still baffled by that.

1689. 20 Aug 2009 18:45


'All Baldur, All the Time'

The latest weather maps show hurricane Bill going far to the east of Primrose, this is a relief, though we will still get a bit of the rain. I imagine it won't really effect us before Sunday

1690. 20 Aug 2009 18:50


Baldur in the shower / Huricane... Full of wind & wet... Same or different???

1691. 20 Aug 2009 19:01


Hurricane Baldur.... I like the sound of that!

1692. 20 Aug 2009 19:01


There's a lot more wind if Baldur eats some homemade fig newtons before entering the shower.
Oddly the same thing happens with butterbeans, turnip greens, cabbage,

1693. 20 Aug 2009 19:13


& dandelion leaves...

1694. 20 Aug 2009 19:20


Baked beans...

1695. 20 Aug 2009 19:50


I believe we've hit a new low here on channel Baldrrrrr.

1696. 20 Aug 2009 19:57


A bit of hot air floating around here?

1697. 20 Aug 2009 20:06


LOL, sheftali! Hey, you must go back to my post earlier today. I made a new cryptogram, and included your name in it! I know you like to solve them, too!

1698. 20 Aug 2009 21:06


Very, very clever, Robin--I loved the cryptogram. Forgive me for asking, though, if the ASP in the first line might be A8P I really loved the way you wove sheftali into the cryptogram. All I can say is WOW

1699. 20 Aug 2009 21:12


Robin, Sheftali needs to get to bed, so to comply with your cryptogram, she plagiarizes your pic with "vegan meal" in it. :0) Thanks for the challenge tonight!

1700. 21 Aug 2009 10:37


'down with matthew, down with matthew, dow- dow- dow- dow-down.....'
Oh sorry, you just caught Baldur working on a possible anthem for the 'anti-matthew club'
This is proving to be difficult as the best 2 words that rhyme with 'thong' are really not appropiate for a mixed-age site.
'Song' and 'wrong' don't actually rhyme with it, I suppose 'tongs' might be usable if I pluralize it.