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1601. 18 Aug 2009 14:11


I did follow the directions...

1602. 18 Aug 2009 14:12


Baldur had this memorized once, and could probably get it back if I tried.

Now as to questioning my sanity I have my oven on in this infernal weather to roast a chicken for Robert's dinner.
To quote Ms. Fitzgerald, 'It's too darn hot'.

1603. 18 Aug 2009 14:14


Tonight's dinner is roasted chicken, or veggie burgers with cranberry sauce, baked potatoes, and the encore of the marinated cucumbers.

1604. 18 Aug 2009 14:15


It is actually 116 out today and there is some humidity, also I have a sunburn from being out fixing the irrigation yesterday so I'm on fire anyway.

I don't want to hear your mewling!

1605. 18 Aug 2009 14:21


Baldur can gladly say he has never experienced 116 degrees.
The best I can claim is 104. However I was meant to live near glaciers not anywhere near the temperatures we get here in August.

Baldur also does not believe in air-conditioning. Once moved in here at the Chez we gave our unit away. I do however utilize my ceiling fans.

1606. 18 Aug 2009 14:22


I'm working on getting back to a decent diet with actual fruits and veggies but I've been so sick for the last year and a half (literally) that I haven't been able to cook and prepare food on a regular basis.

I'm hoping that I've got it under control now and will be feeling better soon and can get back to it. I had been doing really well eating healthy and really good food that I enjoyed but that stuff doesn't come from the microwave and it doesn't come from McD's so I've been eating like a recovering alcoholic (all sugar and simple carbs and anything for a quick fix).

I'm gonna die if I don't start taking care of myself!

1607. 18 Aug 2009 14:26


When Baldur became a vegetarian in 1995 I felt certain that I would become very thin, that was not the case.
It's quite easy to follow vegetarian precepts and still eat lots of empty calories

1608. 18 Aug 2009 14:27


This is the first year we've had air-conditioning in our home and we've been there for 32 years. I know why you would prefer the fans and even the swamp coolers if you have them but with the Fibromyalgia and migraines and my mom's allergies we had to do it.

With all the dry air you feel like someone is trying to mummify you in air-conditioning but it's better than the pain from the moisture and the heat.

1609. 18 Aug 2009 14:29


I would never willingly give up meat, however, I do like to eat healthier than I have been, not to loose weight but to feel better. When I eat right I feel almost human but it only takes a couple of bad days and my will power is gone!

1610. 18 Aug 2009 14:35


Baldur cooked professionally for many years, even got my degree from Johnson & Wales Universtity. The day in day out handling of meat started to bother me; turkey is what finally pushed me over the edge.
Each week I need to roast and pull apart several large turkeys. The smell of that grease would never go away.

1611. 18 Aug 2009 14:39


My family in Indiana owns a small slaughter house, I can tell you that when I'm there I don't eat meat. They are very professional and very clean and I don't doubt for a second that the meat is good but the smell is to much for me, and as for turkey, I've never been able to tolerate the smell or even the taste, it is absolutely FOWL;-)

1612. 18 Aug 2009 14:41


I have so got to go! I was supposed to start my laundry this morning and it's 3:30 now.

I will check back later.

Nice chatting with you.

1613. 18 Aug 2009 14:44


Have a great evening.

1614. 18 Aug 2009 17:08


Robin is diligently working on the cryptogram, but believes some of the words are made up Dr.Seuss style, so it's challenging. Not to mention after 3 twelve-hour night shifts and only 4 hours sleep today, my IQ is not at it's acme! (5 pts) From now on, I will post my whining wish list on Wednesdays (5 more points for alliteration) (10 points for the word alliteration) when my brain power is at least a little recovered. I put it down for a minute, but I'll lose sleep if I don't finish it tonight. Thanks for my cryptogram wish come true, Baldur!

1615. 18 Aug 2009 18:20


Sheftali has solved the cryptogram and thanks Baldur for the challenging effort.

1616. 18 Aug 2009 18:25


#1610 +ed

1617. 18 Aug 2009 18:29


Another success story!

1618. 18 Aug 2009 18:32


Of course there was no definition for 'I' in my cryptogram, several letters were not represented. You did well to create it.

1619. 18 Aug 2009 18:43


Baldur spent some time this afternoon sitting under a Canadian Hemlock tree, working on his tapestry. It was just too warm in the house.
There's really only a couple hours left to work on it and I can attach the espresso brown velvet backing and assemble it.
This is the second needlepoint pillow kit that I've done myself, the pattern is rather Gustav Klimt-like, if Gustav Klimt was delusional from imbibing (+10 points) absinthe.

1620. 18 Aug 2009 18:47


It will actuallybe the third Klimtesque pillow here at Chez Baldur. The first was stitched by an old friend.
Baldur loves it (and the old friend) to pieces.
I decided however to tackle the work myself.
These were made from English needlepoint kits. The first two were rather straightforward and done as printed. By the time the third one arrived Baldur started tweaking the design. Fifty percent of this pillow is either a Baldur-fantasy pattern or a color variation from the original.