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161. 11 Nov 2009 12:11


Gasp! Poor grandma! What did she need it for, Miss Jocelyn?

162. 11 Nov 2009 12:23


A few years ago she had double pneumonia which resulted in kidney failure.

163. 11 Nov 2009 12:24


My little sister has had kidney issues her whole life... As of yet, she hasn't had kidney failure issues... That said, I am sure the time will come when she is in need... We already know that I am a match & I will be there for her when needed...

I can not imagine relying on strangers for such a great need... Trust in God... He WILL do the right thing... (it is okay to not to understand why God does what he does... We are pretty ignorant to the knowledge of God)... Find comfort & strength in family & friends, but also find it in God... for there is no greater comfort & no greater strength...

164. 11 Nov 2009 12:27


Thank you Matthew, it isn't so much as not having a match, both Mom and my aunt are willing to donate (if they are a match) but the doctors don't think she would do well through the surgery, which makes me mad, because through the last 3 months of tests they have done, they kept saying she was doing great and that she would get it.

165. 11 Nov 2009 12:34


Doctors often make me scratch my head...

Let me see if I have this correct...

1) If she receives a transplant she may not do well...

2) If she does not replace her failed kidneys she will...?

***********ROCKET SCIENCE***********

166. 11 Nov 2009 12:38


that is correct (sigh). She has been on dialisis (don't know if I spelled that right...) for several years, and she is slowly fading...

167. 11 Nov 2009 14:26


I'm sure that is a difficult thing for you and your family to hear about your grandma, Jocelyn. I can see why it would be confusing to hear how well she is doing, but then be told she's not a candidate for the transplant. I would trust that the doctors know what they are talking about here. What they are probably saying is that her quality of life now is better than what it would be if she were forced to go through such a major surgery. Doing fine on dialysis is much different than being able to tolerate a major surgery, recovery, and all the lifelong meds that are required to prevent rejection. There are so many factors that go into a doctor making this type of recommendation, and unless you have knowledge in the medical field, it would be very hard to understand.

Just spend this time being grateful you can enjoy her and helping to make her laugh whenever you can. Laughter is good for EVERYONE's health! Just think, before dialysis, your grandma probably wouldn't have been around to see you grow up. Look at the gift dialysis has given your whole family! Good luck to all of you.

168. 11 Nov 2009 15:33


Thanks Robin, that made me feel a little better

169. 12 Nov 2009 03:12


I hope your grandma can have the best medicine could give her.

170. 12 Nov 2009 09:06


Can you believe that I didn't know this thread existed until about 5 min. ago! I am so excited because I see many familiar names. Can't spend too much time because I'm writing an exam this afternoon, but once that's done I will have a bit more time to chat.
I'll leave you with this prayer request father in law, who is in his mid eighties, was taken into emergency this morning. He has been sick for a few weeks. Big worry for hubby as we don't live close by.

171. 12 Nov 2009 09:27


Goodness... What for...?

172. 12 Nov 2009 09:44


His feet are very swollen. He's on medication for that as of last Wed. but it hasn't seemed to help. Mom says he's had a bad cold for a few weeks and has been very tired and has no appetite. He has a few issues that are a result of not telling the doctors how he really feels. He hates being in the hospital! So now when he asked to be taken into emergency himself, we know he's really sick! Don't know if he has H1N1 or not. May be exhausted from the new meds. We are waiting to hear... But I should be studying!!

173. 12 Nov 2009 12:20


Will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts, with hopes your father-in-law recovers well, Hazer.

174. 12 Nov 2009 17:00


Thanks sheftali....all I've heard so far is that they may keep him overnight. They are running some tests and he's had an MRI. So far that's all I know.

175. 12 Nov 2009 17:04


Thinking of you, Hazer. Hope you got your studying done in spite of all this worry.

176. 12 Nov 2009 17:17


Thanks sheftali....I wrote my exam and got one question wrong. I should have gone with my first instinct ( it was a true or false) but the wording was a bit 96%. That bugs me but I can't change it now! The exam was on legislation in regards to people with disabilities. I'll have 14 more exams to go, three weeks apart. I'll be glad when I'm done!

177. 12 Nov 2009 17:25


Hazer, nylecoj, ... have been praying and sending best wishes. Keep us posted please.

178. 12 Nov 2009 18:14


Thanks marius...much appreciated. It sounds like he'll be in the hospital overnight, so he may not get any test results back till tomorrow.

179. 13 Nov 2009 17:07


Little spark of good news!!!!
They got Grandma on physical therapy! She is doing better already, and they think that she will be able to walk again by Christmas!

180. 13 Nov 2009 17:16


Nylecoj, that is great news....