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1521. 15 Aug 2009 19:15


ok storytime is over, you can all wake up.
Robin, give Qsilv her dish of chocolate truffles back!

1522. 15 Aug 2009 19:18


Did I get here in time for a truffle?

1523. 15 Aug 2009 19:22


Baldur has some hot chocolate on the stove, if you'd like a mug of that help yourself. That bottle on the counter is Frangelico hazelnut liqueur if you'd like to add a splash of that.

1524. 15 Aug 2009 19:23


I can actually add more details to this story over time, the conversations were odd and might be enjoyable in parts.

1525. 16 Aug 2009 05:13


"All Baldur, All the Time'

My story sent them all into comas.

1526. 16 Aug 2009 05:40


Ahhh - refreshing sleep! Always best to hear story, or at least think of one, before sleep. Ovadora and Prunella? You get 10 points for each name, love them.

1527. 16 Aug 2009 05:53


EIGHT HOURS! Have had similar experiences and when the EIGHT hour visit arrives and ends ... it's a bit of a shock, yes? Were there pleasantries and surprises as well as the bits of odd converstaion?

These are ALL best if shared. It helps for proper savoring. (do I get points for "proper savoring?")

Perhaps another party is in order!

1528. 16 Aug 2009 06:07



I enjoyed your tale... I can not put myself in anyones elses shoes & can not imagine the shoes that you walk in... How odd & difficult it must have been for you & your family to come to terms with your lifestyle durring an era where ignorance surrounded it much more that it is today...

History shows us that at one time, your life was quite the norm... Then suddenly (over a couple hundred years) it became taboo... We are still living in a time where it is still frowned upon & misunderstood, but you grew up in a time when it was surely the work of the devil...

The bible teaches (see JOB) that the devil can do nothing without 1st getting God's approval... So those that still believe that it is the work of Satan might want to remember that to blame the devil is to blame the Almighty...

I personally prefer to blame the AlBaldur...

1529. 16 Aug 2009 06:16


Glad you made it Luna! Think we ate all Qsilv's chocolates but we took up a collection for more ... we'll need them at the next story-telling!

And, Baldur ... read in the early forum about neglect shown to your children by your parents. Familiar dynamic. I was the family scapegoat.

After not seeing many of them for 16 years, I began a slow return about five years ago. Imagine having lunch with one sibling you'd already made some headway with, and another you'd not seen for 16 years and the two tell this "joke." They said, "If anything goes wrong in our family, we just blame marius," and then they laughed their heads off.

1530. 16 Aug 2009 06:22


My initial reaction was normal: hurt and anger. BUT, I let it sit and laughed with them. Yes, I did. Five years later and guess what! They no longer tell that joke or find humor in it! That is a progress I never thought to see in my family. One person has made amends. Several others have made semi-amends. So, the impossible can and does happen. : )

1531. 16 Aug 2009 06:24


Marius, I would respond to that by asking them if everything goes right, do they give Marius all the credit? Doesn't seem fair to place undo blame without also giving undo credit.

My dad died when I was 12, and my mom 10 years later. I lost touch willingly with my brothers, but reconnected with one of them after I had my son. I got nostagic, and thought my boy should know his uncle and his cousins, and I should know my nephews. I got an address and mailed him a letter. He called me immediately upon receiving it. I told him of my son, and he asked my boys name. I said, "Jacob" and he said, "That means 'Deceptive One' ". I said, "Well not in my baby name book!" And he proceeded to tell me how Jacob stole his brother's birthright in the bible. I thought right then and there..."Oh yeah, NOW i remember why I so willingly lost touch with you!" We do the annual Christmas card, and I have visited him twice in 10 years, but basically he's a depressed alcoholic who spends the visit blubbering about what a rough childhood we had. He's 47...GET OVER IT, you know?

Anyway, point is, sometimes there's a perfectly good reason to distance oneself from family. It makes my friends that much more dear to me.

1532. 16 Aug 2009 07:00


Robin - you are so right about perfectly good reasons! I have three siblings like your brother. There is no communication with them at all!

Sorry to hear you lost your parents so close, and then have this troubled brother ... but you are right about friends. My friends, spouse and his family, are the best. (As are the two siblings who've finally understood why that joke was hurtful to ALL of us.)

And Jacob means "he who supplants." If you look at ALL the meanings of the word supplants ... it seems be what you've done, replaced the unhappy parts/people of life with happy ones! Yippee for you!

1533. 16 Aug 2009 07:12


And ... this line of thought came up yesterday. Eleven year old grandkid asked his mom, "What's the most important thing in life." Big question. His mom said, "Relationships!" Then she explained that how we relate with every one and every thing is critical. She told great stories to back up her idea. It was sublime.

I was sitting on the couch giving foot massage to 11 year old while this was going on. After a while, 13 yr old comes over and says, "It's MY turn for a foot massage." We all had to try real hard not to go into shock as this kid does not let ANYONE touch him - not ever! When the other kids wanted to go off to buy CD's, 13 yr old say no, he wants to "finish his massge."

I'm still glowing. There are so many good ways to relate! So many blessings in life! Tee hee hee - so many ways to supplant what needs to be supplanted. tee hee hee.

1534. 16 Aug 2009 07:26


What is the foot massage order??? Do I need to take a number, make an appointment or just show up???

1535. 16 Aug 2009 07:34


Well - I like all the practice I can get. Appointments are a good idea, but not required. Only requirement is freshly washed feet and nice smelling socks if you prefer massage with socks on. Some do. : )

1536. 16 Aug 2009 12:42


pff..... (startled laugh) of COURSE the gold foil wrapped jobs are MozartKugeln.. from the red tin!

1537. 16 Aug 2009 12:52


(Slide those under the sofa cushion when no one is looking Qsilv)

1538. 16 Aug 2009 12:56


Yeah ... and I fell asleep before the story started. I had to read it this morning and ... guess what ... the only sign of the MozartKugeln was a pile of gold foil wrappers! Bahhh!

1539. 16 Aug 2009 13:08


I didn't get any either Login. Maybe they will send us a tin for Christmas.

1540. 16 Aug 2009 13:09


Maybe if we're here early today we can hear more of the story in real time.