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1501. 15 Aug 2009 16:26


+about (in #1486)

1502. 15 Aug 2009 17:57


re: #1486
...sitting on the floor with Qsilv and Login and I assume solosater, Robin, Sheftali and all the others... and BTW, sounds like Qsilv is bringing special chocolates. I'm brining grand marnier, assorted cheeses and a soft pillow to lie on the floor. (Best listening is from the floor.) Can Baldur provide a chilly evening with a fire in the fireplace? Also hanging beads sparkling in candlelight? If you don't have cats, can someone provide at least one? (Mine refuse to travel.) So ... what else is needed to gather and proceed? : )

1503. 15 Aug 2009 18:01


Baldur has 2 very antisocial cats who will be happy tp hiss at anyone.

1504. 15 Aug 2009 18:03


I'm sorry, lately the anti-matthew campaign has been keeping my attention elsewhere. There is only so much Baldur to go around......

Has anyone brought any of those Austrian truffles called Mozart-Kugeln?
Those are a personal favorite, Baldur had those first in Salzburg 20 something years ago.

1505. 15 Aug 2009 18:14


Well gather around everyone so Baldur can tell this little tale.

I have 2 younger sisters who are both well into adulthood.
They are also both married, the oldest has 2 children.
Her name here will be Prunella.
The younger will be referred to as Ovadora.

My experiences with both sisters have been both positive and negative but it can be boiled down into Prunella being impossibly difficult, Ovadora is charming on her own but difficult in the company of Prunella.
Since these 2 women are not only sisters but also the best of friends makes my relationship with them that more challenging.

Ovadora called Chez Baldur on Satyrday. This was momentous as Baldur never hears from either except in the case of death, illness or impending family gatherings.

1506. 15 Aug 2009 18:15


#1503 -tp +to

1507. 15 Aug 2009 18:20


***Thank you my friend***

1508. 15 Aug 2009 18:23


It might be important to mention to my listeners that my family unanimously views me as impossible. Perhaps this is due to bad public relations or the fact that I will not tell them of several key factors that have influenced my attitude towards the family as a whole.
They regard our parents as saints, sadly Baldur views them in a much more human capacity. Baldur and his children were badly mistreated and though I can perhaps forgive my parents I no longer trust them.
This is admittingly rather sad, but my children are going to take precedent over the rest of my family.
But enough on that.

1509. 15 Aug 2009 18:24


(matthew you realize it won't actually help)

1510. 15 Aug 2009 18:32


It seems that Ovadora called to tell me that she and her husband had rented a beach cottage for a week, and would love for me to visit.
She told me that our parents would be there all day Sunday and if I could possibly make it we could all spend the day together.
As she is telling me this Baldur scrawls a big black 'X' over Sunday on his calendar.
I convey to her that I am quite busy Sunday, which wasn't even a lie.
Robert and I were attending our club's monthly meeting and dinner.
Baldur promises to get back to her later in the week.

Certainly Ovadora does not believe I will ever get back to her, but she has done her part by inviting her wayward brother.
Oddly enough I decided to go.
All I needed to do was to ascertain when Prunella and her entourage would be there, and then not go that day.

1511. 15 Aug 2009 18:36


Oh I know it wont... but you make me smile... What more could I ask for...

1512. 15 Aug 2009 18:41


Baldur also realizes after the conversation that it is not clear if Robert is also invited. That needs to be addressed.
If they expect me without him they will get neither.
Robert and I are not the type that cannot go to social functions alone, we do it often enough. But my family has made a point of excluding him and that really must stop.

After some quiet snooping it becomes clear that Prunella and clan will be there all day Tuesday, so there is a second big 'X' on my calendar.
Monday Baldur had a Doctor's appointment.
Wednesday is the day that I am expected to pick up a truckful of horse manure.
Friday Robert and I always go out to dinner together.
A big red bullseye lands on Thursday.

I call Ovadora.

1513. 15 Aug 2009 18:43


matthew (a sable lined thong with laser-cut sequins?)

1514. 15 Aug 2009 18:48


In a very practiced phrase I say to her: 'Robert and I can drop in on Thursday if you aren't busy.'
She informs me that Thursday would be a perfect day for us to come down.
Ovadora is no doubt shocked, Baldur however knows that by accepting this invitation I can dodge several others later in the year with little difficulty.

My call to her was made during the local news broadcast. I watched as a huge bank of black stormclouds appeared on the weather map.

1515. 15 Aug 2009 18:48


You make a good point... I will update my wish list...

1516. 15 Aug 2009 18:53


Baldur is truly not interested in summering at the beach. The few times I have gone to the ocean as an adult has been in the off season.
This was good because it started raining here at Primrose by 11pm on Wednesday. By the time we left here at noon on Thursday the rain had not let up a bit.

We arrive at the cottage in the early afternoon, Ovadora looked surprised that we actually showed up.
Her husband had to work that day but she expected him by suppertime.
We all sat on the glassed-in porch facing the water and nibbled on extra sharp Cheddar and very ripe grape tomatoes.
We had brought a couple 6 packs of Bacardi Silver Mango Mojitos with us.

1517. 15 Aug 2009 18:58


We stayed quite a while, and chatted amiably all afternoon.
Robert kept expecting me to cut the visit short but I intended to take advantage of Prunella's absence by being as charming as humanly possible.
When my brother in law arrived we were still there.
He insisted we stay for dinner and produced a menu from a local restaurant.
We chose meals and he ran off to get them.

1518. 15 Aug 2009 19:04


Here is a good place to add another 'aside'.
Baldur is crazy about both of his brothers-in -law. In fact Ovadora's husband, Carmine was a good friend of mine in grade school. We ended up at different high schools and didn't see each other for some time. It was a pleasant surprise when he began dating Ovadora, even more pleasant when they wed.
Prunella's intended was an unknown quantity, I did not know him prior to their dating but I must say he is a good guy. My sister has no doubt put him through hell. Baldur makes a point of introducing him to people as 'Saint' Rocco ; Rocco understood the humor behind that immediately.

1519. 15 Aug 2009 19:07


Carmine returned with the dinner and we sat at the table and watched as the sun finally broke through the clouds; At sunset of course. Robert and I finally left after spending a record-breaking 8 hours with Prunella.
That should get the family talking.

My mother was no doubt scandalized that Robert was with me when she got the report that evening.
The other shoe hasn't dropped yet.

1520. 15 Aug 2009 19:12


#1519 -Prunella +Ovadora
silly of me to confuse my sister's names