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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

1481. 15 Aug 2009 07:57


I can join your "one of us" crowd in regards to blinds! Identical slant is most important! However, the "correct" slant of blinds is a problem when one person is 6'4" and the onther 5'2" .

(Hm - you are worried about your shorthand and I'm worried where the period goes - is it 5'2." or as I did it?

Anyway, we solved the slant issue with the blinds: we change it as we desire, so one of us is always blind! We take turns. There IS a midway point - but that makes it too dark for both.

1482. 15 Aug 2009 08:01


And now - off to see relatives, the "easy ones." Yippee. speaking of which, did you and Robert have a nice visit with family? Or at least, did you have a nice drive there and back? I learned to combine visits with "iffy" persons with fun things - stopping at favorite shops, driving scenic routes, wearing my most comfy of all clothes, etc. That made everything better no matter what happened with family. : )

1483. 15 Aug 2009 08:08


Places such as closets, cupboards and under the bed have a sort of portal system that goats and such creatures may use at will.
I suspect one of their main purposes is to embarass their victims.
Certainly if you ever insisted that your parent check for the goat he would have been completely absent, only to return seconds after your parents left the room.
Baldur once had a lamp that was alive and I felt at the time malevolent.
It was a small rectangle of black marble with an alabaster globe that was illuminated from within. Seated on this plinth as if to read from her ivorine book was a nymph. Her body was cast metal, enamaled to resemble a leotard with Art Deco detailing. She wore an odd assymetrical hat that resembled an unfurling scroll. Not only her open book but her face and hands were also faux ivory.
Baldur was forever seeing this nymph dart across my apartment, but only out of the corner of my eye. She was quite adept at resuming her seated position before I could dash to the lamp to check on her.
My cat at the time, Aja, was aware of these events and would sit watching her for hours.
Eventually my friend Frank offered to buy the lamp from me. He had been entranced by it from the beginning. Frank has never seen her dart down the hall, but I know he is not very observant.
Baldur now does regret selling the lamp, but it is in a huge rambling Victorian home now, no doubt happier.

1484. 15 Aug 2009 08:11


I believe marius that you were correct with 5'2".
the 5'2" is meant as a complete entity, the sentence ends after that is expressed.

1485. 15 Aug 2009 09:51


There's always something of interest on Channel Baldur ...

#1441 - Qsilv, gone are the days of aisles and aisles of sweets and desserts in the English supermarkets ... that space is now given over to 'housewares' ... everything from kitchen equipment, duvets and pillows to televisions, doormats and clothing. The supermarkets are slowly but surely putting the small shops out of business, because they stock almost everything you could want, in addition to groceries.

#1442 - Baldur's query about british currency ... well I've already said my two pen'orth there ... but the wealth of input was very interesting, for several reasons.

#1450 - The return of Puzzler to TD ... oh, how I welcome you back.

#1459 - OCD ... no I'm not affected by it. Anyone who wants to take over the cooking and cleaning in my home is welcome ... but I will continue to be the only one to stack the dishwasher and to put the weekly shopping away ... there's only one way to do it and it's my way!! My cd's and dvd's are chaos but I do insist on cupboards and drawers being closed. Blinds ... I'm with the general consensus there. Crooked pictures ... mine are all straight, but crooked pictures in other peoples homes drive me nuts.

Nymphs darting about the place - no I don't have any of those. As for the goat under the bed ... wel, as a child I would leap from the door of my room to the bed, because there was a 'bogey man' under there. Once in bed, my illigical mind told me I was safe.

I'm a Channel Baldur fan because you all make me feel normal ... (slopes away with her head tucked underneath her arm).

1486. 15 Aug 2009 09:57


I will eventually get to tell you all my adventurous visit to my sister's rental beachhouse.

1487. 15 Aug 2009 10:06


I'm already sitting in the front row.

1488. 15 Aug 2009 10:27


nod... curled up on the floor... waiting... chocolate truffles wrapped in gold foil mounded in a bowl close at hand... stretching it upwards toward login...

(whispering, ehm, it wasn't all THAT long ago! 7 years? but, come to think of it, ASDA *had* suddenly begun offering a few household items -- and I was over the moon about it, too)

1489. 15 Aug 2009 10:33


(the truffles all have their little labels neatly arranged in an outward direction, so the whole thing resembles a blossom... but of course that's just artistic sensitivity... naught to do w' OCDCO ...right?!)


1490. 15 Aug 2009 10:42


Login, I did the same thing. Leaping both on and off the bed to a point as far from it as possible because I had a scary witch under my bed. I continued doing this long past the age of it being ridiculous to believe in scary witches under the bed. I'm not sure if I still believed or if I simply loved leaping off the bed and seeing how far I could get.

As for the OCD, absolutly blinds in a row MUST be at the same level and pictures MUST hang straight. I've gone so far as to use poster putty (we always called it Blue Tack) to ensure that the pictures stay straight. I think it might throw off my equilibrium if these things aren't straight.

1491. 15 Aug 2009 12:33


Ooops! I meant to say " illogical mind..."

1492. 15 Aug 2009 12:36


I do the same with poster putty (Blue Tack) ... the pictures stay put for eons.

1493. 15 Aug 2009 12:39


What a lovely pattern you've made with the chocolate truffle wrappers, Qsilv.

1494. 15 Aug 2009 13:02


I was speaking to a friend about the whole security while sleeping thing yesterday, she was saying that she sleeps on her stomach as a defense as she feels exposed if she sleeps on her back and that she sleeps with a night light, she's in her early forties. I know other adults who sleep like this and I suppose if you need it to feel comfortable then there is no harm.

I however like pitch black night while I'm sleeping and though I'm no longer able to sleep on my back as it causes me pain during the day if I do I've never felt any fear while in bed, not even as a child. I don't remember ever feeling like there was a monster under the bed (except when I was very small and my brother and I had bunk beds, he slept on the bottom so I guess you could say there was a monster under MY bed but not under his;-) or in the closet.

I only close my closet doors if I have company and even then sometimes I don’t as my entertainment center is in my closet. I’m like Baldur in that I don’t want to see my TV unless I’m watching it but with the stereo in there too I do leave it open, I hope to soon have it set up where I can control the stereo with the doors closed but as yet I have not.

I live in a studio apartment that is completely open (except the bathroom) so I’ve little choice about the TV in the closet thing as I don’t have a separate room for it.

My dog barks at any cabinet door or drawer left open, she’s a little OCD too, it keeps me on the straight and narrow.

I never make my bed either as I don’t like sleeping in a made up bed but if I have company I set it up like a sofa, it’s not a daybed but I treat it like one. We are going to be building a Murphy bed soon (I hope), we have all the hardware it’s just a matter having the time and finding a sale on good wood. The only wall in my little place that will work for the Murphy bed is in the dining area, I hate to think of sleeping in the dining area but really 450 square feet doesn’t really leave a lot of options.

I’ve been drawing up plans for a sort of gate leg table that could be built into the Murphy bed’s cabinet so I can have a dining area and a bedroom too.

I don’t think there will be any room at all for monsters or goats in my dining/bedroom.

1495. 15 Aug 2009 13:41


solosater, that Murphy bed/dining room table reminds me of a book in the library here at Chez Baldur called 'Rolling homes'. This chronicles how some people live a very mobile lifestyle by converting old buses and small trucks into portable houses.
These homes are a far cry from a purchased motor home, they often resemble gypsy wagons and are filled with wonderful crafts and repurposed antiques.
In such a home a Murphy bed may conceal a secondary use as a dining table, an awning may pull out from the side of the structure to become an outdoor dining room or a booth at a craft fair.

1496. 15 Aug 2009 13:43


Baldur can sleep in broad daylight or in the pitch black night.
I do tend to end up on my right side by the time I wake up even though I usually start sleeping on my left side.

1497. 15 Aug 2009 14:14


Baldur, my father converted an old school bus into a home with a bathroom and a kitchen. It was decorated like a bordello but otherwise it was way cool.

He didn't have it finished when he died and I would have loved to redo it but it was in Indiana and not road worthy and I was here in Arizona so we sold it.

I of course would have done away with all the red crushed velvet and gold fringe but what I really wanted to do was have it repainted in "School Bus Yellow" and stencil the name "The Hard Knock Academy" in black on the sides, front and back.

He would have absolutely loved that! Apparently it was a dream he'd had for some time, my mother told me he used to talk about it all the time when they were married (they divorced when I was three).

1498. 15 Aug 2009 14:34


Google 'Rolling Homes' , there's a whole society of them out there

1499. 15 Aug 2009 14:44


I like the fact that they recycle heavily to build these little masterpieces, much of the construction is salvage from old buildings.
Baldur wonders if he could pare down his lifestyle enough to ever live like that; It might even mean getting down to only 3 patterns of Spode.
What of my art pottery?

1500. 15 Aug 2009 14:45


Here we are at yet another milestone at Channel Baldur, 1500 comments on this thread!

'All Baldur, All the Time'