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Forums - Community - the anti-matthew Club

141. 23 Aug 2009 08:49


There was a guy who worked at Grady's
He liked to entertain the ladies!!
He grew his hair long,
To cover his thong.
By then he was in his eighties!!

142. 23 Aug 2009 09:35


Good one lilalee!

143. 23 Aug 2009 09:41


Lol lilalee!! And EWWWWW!!! The image and 80 year old in a THONG!!!!

144. 23 Aug 2009 09:48


lol.....I just blocked out the visual before it was burned into my retina.

145. 23 Aug 2009 09:51


Hand over eyes... Fingers in ears... LALALALALAAAAA Noooooooooooo Bad picture get out of my head.... LAAA LAAA LAAA LAAAAAAAAA...

146. 23 Aug 2009 09:53


lilalee wins!

147. 23 Aug 2009 10:43


Yes, I'm not naive up to that point. And you may know that genitalia and other "dirty" words are the ones in maybe all the languages that have more synonims. Since people consider them taboo, they invent hundreds of words. We would need a psychologist to interpret this. Is there anyone available?

148. 23 Aug 2009 15:21


I'm sure doctors and nurses get to hear those synonyms all the time since a lot of people just can't seem to come right out and use the proper names. Even working in a vet clinic we hear it all the time. I think my favorite is 'She's licking a lot at her Hoo-haw'
I just can't see how someone thinks that sounds less dirty than using the proper anatomical term.

149. 23 Aug 2009 16:04


I'm with Dragon on this, unless you are in fact writing a limerick, there’s no excuse to not use the proper terms for our body parts.

anotherronism made the point that we teach our children the proper names of their nose to their toes but for some reason get all squeamish when it comes to our genitalia.

I cannot believe how even people in their 20s and 30s get all weird if you say penis or vulva. I know that in generations past people were shy to use their proper names and many didn’t even KNOW the proper names but that is no longer true.

To feel the need to or to teach our children to feel the need to avoid using the proper names of our parts even with our family and doctors is just sad.

I am perhaps more outspoken than some but I cannot think that anyone wants to feel embarrassed about their bodies or that it is healthy for people to feel that way. To make something so wonderfully made as our own bodies a dirty word is wrong and in fact dangerous.

When a pedophile abuses a child one of the ways they get away with it is by causing that child to feel shame and guilt. Why would we reinforce that by starting out teaching them to feel shame and guilt about their bodies?

150. 23 Aug 2009 16:57


I once had a friend, whom when I met her was 92. She attended Radcliffe with Helen Keller, was a friend of Eleanor Roosevelt, and lived a posh lifestyle in New York city. She was so interesting to listen to, as she was a young woman during the Victorian Age. She told me a lady did not go out without a hat and gloves. Hands were covered. Sex was never discussed openly. If you look back in history, religion had alot to do with the sexual lifestyle and conversations. It's always been here, but since the 1960's has slowly progressed to be in the open.

151. 23 Aug 2009 17:01


OMG... She said ... S... E... X... She MUST be another Matthew...

152. 23 Aug 2009 17:13


Ok Matthew exactly how many personalities are we dealing with?

153. 23 Aug 2009 17:17


My parents didn't use certain terms, about the body, as it was still a private matter, in our home. By the time I was 19, everything was spoken. Since then, well all is out. We raised our son using correct terms of body parts and functions, and have to say he is 23, and not embarrassed to talk to me or his dad about sex, or drugs.
But I have to say if a parent chooses to avoid talking about sex, it's their right, and kids learn plenty from friends, school, TV, and music. It will be a long time before people use proper words for body parts, as there are some who remain shy, and thats fine with me. My husband worked juvenille detention for 33 years, and had kids as young as 5 years old, who new the language well, in only the "dirty" words, that their parents taught them by show and tell!! So hearing hoo haw, teassy, and pee pee, is not so bad. Even though most know proper words for body parts, how many actually use them?? Youth would much rather be cool using fowl words, that look smart using correct words!!

154. 23 Aug 2009 17:38


I knew an old lady who is now dead, whose grandmother was Dutch. She told me her granny even washed men's and women's clothes separately. Unbelievable!!
Taboo words will always exist. Maybe they will not be the ones we have now, but there will be others. Some people even lower their voice when they say the word cancer. Maybe it's fear, only fear.

155. 23 Aug 2009 17:45


Certainly it is the right of every parent to teach their child in the way they see fit, and certainly children do pick up a lot of information from friends, school, TV and music but perhaps we can agree that those are not the best teachers when it come to sex and really quite a few other subjects else why would your husband have been needed for 33 years in the juvenile detention system?

Children may want to be “cool" but as parents, teachers and mentors shouldn't we try to make them understand that it's “cool” to know the truth and to sound like an educated person and not a hoodlum?

It’s one thing to be polite and reserved but to be ignorant is a whole other matter. I really worry about children these days. I’m not a parent but I’m not an idiot either, I’ve been a child and I’ve been a nanny and seen how some people have raised their kids, it’s really very sad.

156. 30 Aug 2009 17:38


Well it's the end of the month, will we get an influx of new members here at the Anti-matthew-Club?
It's gotten far too quiet

157. 31 Aug 2009 06:28


Well matthew is back from New Hampshire where I burried my mother beside my father... I think I needed that closure... even if it was 55 degrees and raining...

Think Draw members may find it interesting to know that Matthew sang a cappella at the grave side service...

158. 31 Aug 2009 08:14


I don't know the words to that, they'd have to do it as an a cappella instrumental.

When Baldur sings 'Amazing Grace' people weep.

159. 31 Aug 2009 08:58


When I sing, people weep on their bended knees, asking me to stop.

160. 31 Aug 2009 09:58


Oh Login to funny!!! Its a good thing we only see your words then, and dont have to hear them!!!!!